#+PROPERTY: header-args :session gaussian_analytic :kernel python :pandoc yes :async yes In this notebook, we compare the analytic solution with the numeric result. A nicer version with the code outsourced into a proper python module can be found [[file:analytic_calculation_with_gaussflow.org][here]]. #+begin_src jupyter-python :results none import scipy import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import integrate import sys import utilities import quadpy from hops.util import bcf import itertools #+end_src * System Set-Up #+begin_src jupyter-python :results none Ω = 1.5 A = np.array([[0, Ω], [-Ω, 0]]) η = 2 ω_c = 1 t_max = 25 def α(t): return η / np.pi * (ω_c / (1 + 1j * ω_c * t)) ** 2 def α_0_dot(t): return 2 * η / (1j * np.pi) * (ω_c / (1 + 1j * ω_c * t)) ** 3 #+end_src * Exponential Fit First we need an exponential fit for our BCF. #+begin_src jupyter-python W, G_raw = utilities.fit_α(α, 3, 80, 10_000) L, P = utilities.fit_α(α_0_dot, 5, 80, 10_000) #+end_src #+RESULTS: Looks quite good. #+begin_src jupyter-python τ = np.linspace(0, t_max, 1000) with utilities.hiro_style(): fig, ax = utilities.plot_complex(τ, α(τ), label="exact") utilities.plot_complex( τ, utilities.α_apprx(τ, G_raw, W), ax=ax, label="fit", linestyle="--" ) #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:./.ob-jupyter/9c454eedaf97fa770850f6d4948856df8948b8df.svg]] #+begin_src jupyter-python τ = np.linspace(0, -t_max, 1000) with utilities.hiro_style(): fig, ax = utilities.plot_complex(τ, α(τ), label="exact") utilities.plot_complex( τ, utilities.α_apprx(-τ, G_raw.conj(), W.conj()), ax=ax, label="fit", linestyle="--" ) #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:./.ob-jupyter/37cc788143d55668dd7087df2e59b1e330223895.svg]] #+begin_src jupyter-python fig, ax = utilities.plot_complex(τ, α_0_dot(τ), label="exact") utilities.plot_complex( τ, utilities.α_apprx(τ, P, L), ax=ax, label="fit", linestyle="--" ) #+end_src #+RESULTS: :RESULTS: | hline | <AxesSubplot:> | [[file:./.ob-jupyter/666257d29aba72e31b8e20527e5cf43a8c475808.svg]] :END: * Analytical Solution ** Calculate the Magic Numbers We begin with the $\varphi_n$ and $G_n$ from the original ~G~. #+begin_src jupyter-python φ = -np.angle(G_raw) φ #+end_src #+RESULTS: : array([-1.18710245, 0.64368323, 2.11154332]) #+begin_src jupyter-python G = np.abs(G_raw) G #+end_src #+RESULTS: : array([0.51238635, 0.62180167, 0.10107935]) Now we calculate the real and imag parts of the ~W~ parameters and call them $\gamma_n$ and $\delta_n$. #+begin_src jupyter-python γ, δ = W.real, W.imag #+end_src #+RESULTS: Now the \(s_n, c_n\). #+begin_src jupyter-python s, c = np.sin(φ), np.cos(φ) #+end_src #+RESULTS: Now we calculate the roots of $f_n(z)=-G_n ((z+\gamma_n) s_n + \delta_n c_n)$. Normally we should be vary of one of the \(\deltas\) being zero, but this is not the case. #+begin_src jupyter-python roots_f = -(γ + δ * c/s) roots_f #+end_src #+RESULTS: : array([-1.19725058, -2.0384181 , -0.23027627]) Now the \(z_k\) the roots of \(\delta_k^2 + (\gamma_k + z)^2\). *We don't include the conjugates.* #+begin_src jupyter-python roots_z = -W roots_z #+end_src #+RESULTS: : array([-2.29230292-2.71252483j, -1.07996581-0.719112j , : -0.28445344-0.09022829j]) ** Construct the Polynomials #+begin_src jupyter-python from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial #+end_src #+RESULTS: We later need \(f_0(z) = \prod_k (z-z_k) (z-z_k^{\ast})\). #+begin_src jupyter-python f_0 = utilities.poly_real(Polynomial.fromroots(np.concatenate((roots_z, roots_z.conj())))) f_0 #+end_src #+RESULTS: Another polynomial is simply \(p_1 = (z^2 + \Omega^2)\prod_k (z-z_k) (z-z_k^{\ast})\) and we can construct it from its roots. #+begin_src jupyter-python p_1 = Polynomial([Ω**2, 0, 1]) * f_0 p_1 #+end_src #+RESULTS: The next ones are given through \(q_n=\Omega f_n(z) \prod_{k\neq n}(z-z_k) (z-z_k^{\ast})\) #+begin_src jupyter-python q = [ -G_c ,* Ω * s_c ,* utilities.poly_real(Polynomial.fromroots( np.concatenate( ( [root_f], utilities.except_element(roots_z, i), utilities.except_element(roots_z, i).conj(), ) ) )) for root_f, G_c, γ_c, δ_c, s_c, c_c, i in zip(roots_f, G, γ, δ, s, c, range(len(c))) ] #+end_src #+RESULTS: With this we construct our master polynomial \(p = p_1 + \sum_n q_n\). #+begin_src jupyter-python p = p_1 + sum(q) p #+end_src #+RESULTS: And find its roots. #+begin_src jupyter-python master_roots = p.roots() master_roots #+end_src #+RESULTS: : array([-2.28139877-2.68284887j, -2.28139877+2.68284887j, : -0.93979297-0.62025112j, -0.93979297+0.62025112j, : -0.24204514-0.10390896j, -0.24204514+0.10390896j, : -0.19348529-1.49063362j, -0.19348529+1.49063362j]) Let's see if they're all unique. This should make things easier. #+begin_src jupyter-python np.unique(master_roots).size == master_roots.size #+end_src #+RESULTS: : True Very nice! ** Calculate the Residuals These are the prefactors for the diagonal. #+begin_src jupyter-python R_l = f_0(master_roots) / p.deriv()(master_roots) R_l #+end_src #+RESULTS: : array([ 0.00251589-0.00080785j, 0.00251589+0.00080785j, : 0.06323421+0.02800137j, 0.06323421-0.02800137j, : 0.02732669-0.00211665j, 0.02732669+0.00211665j, : -0.09307679+0.36145133j, -0.09307679-0.36145133j]) And the laplace transform of \(\alpha\). #+begin_src jupyter-python def α_tilde(z): return ( -G[None, :] ,* ((z[:, None] + γ[None, :]) * s[None, :] + δ[None, :] * c[None, :]) / (δ[None, :] ** 2 + (γ[None, :] + z[:, None]) ** 2) ).sum(axis=1) #+end_src #+RESULTS: And these are for the most compliciated element. #+begin_src jupyter-python R_l_21 = (Ω + α_tilde(master_roots))* f_0(master_roots) / p.deriv()(master_roots) R_l_21 #+end_src #+RESULTS: : array([-0.00325014-0.02160514j, -0.00325014+0.02160514j, : 0.00074814-0.05845205j, 0.00074814+0.05845205j, : -0.00094159-0.00084894j, -0.00094159+0.00084894j, : 0.00344359+0.56219924j, 0.00344359-0.56219924j]) Now we can calculate \(G\). #+begin_src jupyter-python def G_12_ex(t): t = np.asarray(t) t_shape = t.shape if len(t.shape) == 0: t = t.reshape((1,)) return Ω * (R_l[None, :] * np.exp(t[:, None] * master_roots[None, :])).real.sum( axis=1 ).reshape(t_shape) def G_11_ex(t): t = np.asarray(t) t_shape = t.shape if len(t.shape) == 0: t = np.array([t]) return ( R_l[None, :] ,* master_roots[None, :] ,* np.exp(t[:, None] * master_roots[None, :]) ).real.sum(axis=1).reshape(t_shape) def G_21_ex(t): t = np.asarray(t) return -(R_l_21[None, :] * np.exp(t[:, None] * master_roots[None, :])).real.sum( axis=1 ) def G_21_ex_alt(t): t = np.asarray(t) return ( R_l[None, :] ,* master_roots[None, :] ** 2 ,* np.exp(t[:, None] * master_roots[None, :]) ).real.sum(axis=1) / Ω def G_ex(t): t = np.asarray(t) if t.size == 1: t = np.array([t]) diag = G_11_ex(t) return ( np.array([[diag, G_12_ex(t)], [G_21_ex(t), diag]]).swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(1, 2) ) def G_ex_new(t): t = np.asarray(t) if t.size == 1: t = np.array([t]) g_12 = R_l[None, :] * np.exp(t[:, None] * master_roots[None, :]) diag = master_roots[None, :] * g_12 g_21 = master_roots[None, :] * diag / Ω return ( np.array([[diag, g_12 * Ω], [g_21, diag]]) .real.sum(axis=3) .swapaxes(0, 2) .swapaxes(1, 2) ) #+end_src #+RESULTS: #+begin_src jupyter-python with utilities.hiro_style(): plt.plot(τ, G_ex_new(τ).reshape(len(τ), 4)) #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:./.ob-jupyter/43540f787051db4b09fa82a1204956050edca117.svg]] * Energy Flow We adopt the terminology from my notes. #+begin_src jupyter-python :results none A = G_11_ex B = G_12_ex Pk = P Bk = R_l * Ω Gk = G_raw Lk = L Ck = -master_roots # Mind the extra sign! Wk = W Ak = master_roots * R_l n = 1 q_s_0 = 1 + 2 * n p_s_0 = 1 + 2 * n qp_0 = 1j #+end_src First, we calculate the coefficient matrices. #+begin_src jupyter-python :results none Γ1 = (Bk[:, None] * Pk[None, :]) / (Lk[None, :] - Ck[:, None]) Γ2 = (Bk[:, None] * Gk[None, :]) / (Ck[:, None] - Wk[None, :]) Γ3 = (Bk[:, None] * Gk.conj()[None, :]) / (Ck[:, None] + Wk.conj()[None, :]) ΓA = (Ak[:, None] * Pk[None, :]) / (Lk[None, :] - Ck[:, None]) #+end_src The convolution free part is easy to calculate. #+begin_src jupyter-python :results none def A_conv(t): t = np.asarray(t) result = np.zeros_like(t, dtype="complex128") for (n, m) in itertools.product(range(len(Ak)), range(len(Pk))): result += ΓA[n, m] * (np.exp(-Ck[n] * t) - np.exp(-Lk[m] * t)) return result def B_conv(t): t = np.asarray(t) result = np.zeros_like(t, dtype="complex128") for (n, m) in itertools.product(range(len(Bk)), range(len(Pk))): result += Γ1[n, m] * (np.exp(-Ck[n] * t) - np.exp(-Lk[m] * t)) return result def flow_conv_free(t): a, b = A(t), B(t) ac, bc = A_conv(t), B_conv(t) return ( -1 / 2 ,* ( q_s_0 * a * ac + p_s_0 * b * bc + qp_0 * a * bc + qp_0.conjugate() * b * ac ).imag ) #+end_src The part containing the convolution with the BCF is a bit mode involved. The first version originates from my calculations and the second one arose from sagemath. Thank God! They do aggree now. #+begin_src jupyter-python :results none def conv_part(t): t = np.asarray(t) result = np.zeros_like(t, dtype="float") for (m, k, n, l) in itertools.product( range(len(Bk)), range(len(Pk)), range(len(Bk)), range(len(Gk)) ): g_1_2 = ( Γ1[m, k] ,* Γ2[n, l] ,* ( (1 - np.exp(-(Ck[m] + Wk[l]) * t)) / (Ck[m] + Wk[l]) + (np.exp(-(Ck[m] + Ck[n]) * t) - 1) / (Ck[m] + Ck[n]) + (np.exp(-(Lk[k] + Wk[l]) * t) - 1) / (Lk[k] + Wk[l]) + (1 - np.exp(-(Lk[k] + Ck[n]) * t)) / (Lk[k] + Ck[n]) ) ) g_1_3 = ( Γ1[m, k] ,* Γ3[n, l] ,* ( (1 - np.exp(-(Ck[m] + Ck[n]) * t)) / (Ck[m] + Ck[n]) - (1 - np.exp(-(Lk[k] + Ck[n]) * t)) / (Lk[k] + Ck[n]) - (np.exp(-(Ck[n] + Wk[l].conj() * t)) - np.exp(-(Ck[m] + Ck[n]) * t)) / (Ck[m] - Wk[l].conj()) + (np.exp(-(Ck[n] + Wk[l].conj() * t)) - np.exp(-(Lk[k] + Ck[n]) * t)) / (Lk[k] - Wk[l].conj()) ) ) result += -1 / 2 * (g_1_2.imag + g_1_3.imag) return result import monster_formula def conv_part_sage(t): t = np.asarray(t) result = np.zeros_like(t, dtype="float") for (n, k, l, m) in itertools.product( range(len(Bk)), range(len(Pk)), range(len(Gk)), range(len(Bk)) ): result += ( -1 / 2 ,* ( monster_formula.conv_part( t, Pk[k], Lk[k], Bk[n], Ck[n], Bk[m], Ck[m], Gk[l], Wk[l], Gk[l].conj(), Wk[l].conj(), ) ).imag ) return result #+end_src The contribution of the convolution part is pretty minor for zero temperature. #+begin_src jupyter-python τ = np.linspace(0, t_max, 5000) plt.plot(τ, conv_part(τ)) #+end_src #+RESULTS: :RESULTS: | <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f85099ac190> | [[file:./.ob-jupyter/ed8ce474b528ddf7104399b40e018db0180b3ee5.svg]] :END: Now we can define the flow: #+begin_src jupyter-python :results none def flow(t): return flow_conv_free(t) + conv_part(t) #+end_src And plot it against the numerically obtained flow. #+begin_src jupyter-python with open('res.npy', 'rb') as f: old_τ = np.load(f) old_flow_τ = np.load(f) with utilities.hiro_style(): plt.plot(old_τ, flow(old_τ)) plt.plot(old_τ, old_flow_τ) #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:./.ob-jupyter/6c77bc1a9d844fa3e33a14c077310c32a7eec4a8.svg]] They do aggree but I think the accuracy of the numerical integration is getting worse with time. #+begin_src jupyter-python scipy.integrate.quad(flow, 0, 20) #+end_src #+RESULTS: | 1.6004236143630652 | 1.564508138231918e-08 | Integresting... maybe the fact that it does not converge to zero exactly has to do with this...