import combLib from functools import namedtuple import h5py import hashlib import logging import numpy as np import os import random import signalDelay import signal import subprocess import sqlitedict as sqd import warnings import shutil import binfootprint as bf log = logging.getLogger(__name__) HIMetaKey_type = namedtuple( "HIMetaKey_type", ["HiP", "IntP", "SysP", "Eta", "EtaTherm"] ) RESULT_TYPE_ZEROTH_ORDER_ONLY = "ZEROTH_ORDER_ONLY" RESULT_TYPE_ZEROTH_ORDER_AND_ETA_LAMBDA = "ZEROTH_ORDER_AND_ETA_LAMBDA" RESULT_TYPE_ALL = "ALL" CHAR_SET = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" def projector_psi_t(psi_t, normed=False): """ assume shape (len(t), dim_H_sys) """ psi_t_col = np.expand_dims(psi_t, axis=2) psi_t_row = np.expand_dims(psi_t, axis=1) if normed: N = np.sum(np.conj(psi_t) * psi_t, axis=1).reshape(psi_t.shape[0], 1, 1) return (psi_t_col * np.conj(psi_t_row)) / N else: return psi_t_col * np.conj(psi_t_row) class HiP(object): """ a purely readable (non binary) data object """ __slots__ = [ "k_max", "g_scale", "sample_method", "seed", "nonlinear", "normalized", "terminator", "result_type", "accum_only", "rand_skip", ] def __init__( self, k_max, g_scale=None, sample_method="random", seed=0, nonlinear=True, normalized=False, terminator=False, result_type=RESULT_TYPE_ZEROTH_ORDER_ONLY, accum_only=None, rand_skip=None, ): self.k_max = k_max self.g_scale = g_scale self.sample_method = sample_method self.seed = seed self.nonlinear = nonlinear self.normalized = normalized self.terminator = terminator self.result_type = result_type self.accum_only = accum_only self.rand_skip = rand_skip if accum_only is None: if self.rand_skip is not None: raise ValueError( "if accum_only is 'None' (not set) rand_skip must also be 'None'" ) def __bfkey__(self): if self.accum_only is None: if self.rand_skip is not None: raise ValueError( "if accum_only is 'None' (not set) rand_skip must also be 'None'" ) return [ self.k_max, self.g_scale, self.sample_method, self.seed, self.nonlinear, self.normalized, self.terminator, self.result_type, ] if self.rand_skip is None: return [ self.k_max, self.g_scale, self.sample_method, self.seed, self.nonlinear, self.normalized, self.terminator, self.result_type, self.accum_only, ] return [ self.k_max, self.g_scale, self.sample_method, self.seed, self.nonlinear, self.normalized, self.terminator, self.result_type, self.accum_only, self.rand_skip, ] def __repr__(self): return ( "k_max : {}\n".format(self.k_max) + "g_scale : {}\n".format(self.g_scale) + "sample_method: {}\n".format(self.sample_method) + "seed : {}\n".format(self.seed) + "nonlinear : {}\n".format(self.nonlinear) + "normalized : {}\n".format(self.normalized) + "terminator : {}\n".format(self.terminator) + "result_type : {}\n".format(self.result_type) + "accum_only : {}\n".format(self.accum_only) + "rand_skip : {}\n".format(self.rand_skip) + "" ) class IntP(object): """ a purely readable (non binary) data object """ __slots__ = [ "t_max", "t_steps", "integrator_name", "atol", "rtol", "order", "nsteps", "method", "t_steps_skip", ] def __init__( self, t_max, t_steps, integrator_name="zvode", atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8, order=5, nsteps=5000, method="bdf", t_steps_skip=1, ): self.t_max = t_max self.t_steps = t_steps self.integrator_name = integrator_name self.atol = atol self.rtol = rtol self.order = order self.nsteps = nsteps self.method = method self.t_steps_skip = t_steps_skip def __bfkey__(self): if self.t_steps_skip == 1: return [ self.t_max, self.t_steps, self.integrator_name, self.atol, self.rtol, self.order, self.nsteps, self.method, ] else: return [ self.t_max, self.t_steps, self.integrator_name, self.atol, self.rtol, self.order, self.nsteps, self.method, self.t_steps_skip, ] def __repr__(self): return ( "t_max : {}\n".format(self.t_max) + "t_steps : {}\n".format(self.t_steps) + "integrator_name: {}\n".format(self.integrator_name) + "atol : {}\n".format(self.atol) + "rtol : {}\n".format(self.rtol) + "order : {}\n".format(self.order) + "nsteps : {}\n".format(self.nsteps) + "method : {}\n".format(self.method) + "t_steps_skip : {}\n".format(self.t_steps_skip) ) class SysP(object): __slots__ = [ "H_sys", "L", "psi0", "g", "w", "H_dynamic", "bcf_scale", "gw_hash", "len_gw", "gw_info", "T", "T_method", ] def __init__( self, H_sys, L, psi0, g, w, H_dynamic, bcf_scale, gw_hash, len_gw, gw_info=None, # these are only info fields T=None, # which do not enter the key T_method=None, ): # as T is included either in g/w or in EtaTherm self.H_sys = H_sys self.L = L self.psi0 = psi0 self.g = g self.w = w self.H_dynamic = H_dynamic self.bcf_scale = bcf_scale self.gw_hash = gw_hash self.len_gw = len_gw self.gw_info = gw_info self.T = T self.T_method = T_method if (self.gw_hash is None) and ((self.g is None) or (self.w is None)): raise ValueError("specify either g/w or gw_hash") def __bfkey__(self): return [ self.H_sys, self.L, self.psi0, self.g, self.w, self.H_dynamic, self.bcf_scale, self.gw_hash, ] def __repr__(self): return ( "H_sys : {}\n".format(self.H_sys) + "L : {}\n".format(self.L) + "psi0 : {}\n".format(self.psi0) + "g : {}\n".format(self.g) + "w : {}\n".format(self.w) + "H_dynamic: {}\n".format(self.H_dynamic) + "bcf_scale: {}\n".format(self.bcf_scale) + "gw_hash : {}\n".format(self.gw_hash) ) RAND_STR_ASCII_IDX_LIST = ( list(range(48, 58)) + list(range(65, 91)) + list(range(97, 123)) ) def rand_str(l=8): s = "" for i in range(l): s += chr(random.choice(RAND_STR_ASCII_IDX_LIST)) return s HIData_default_size_stoc_traj = 10 HIData_default_size_rho_t_accum_part = 10 def is_int_power(x, b=2): n_float = np.log(x) / np.log(b) n = int(n_float) if b ** n == x: return n else: return None def file_does_not_exists_or_is_empty(fname): if not os.path.exists(fname): return True else: return os.path.getsize(fname) == 0 class HIData(object): def __init__( self, hdf5_name, size_sys, size_t, size_y, size_temp_y, size_aux_state=0, num_bcf_terms=0, accum_only=False, read_only=False, ): self.hdf5_name = hdf5_name self.accum_only = accum_only if file_does_not_exists_or_is_empty(hdf5_name): # print("file_does_not_exists_or_is_empty {} -> call init_file".format(hdf5_name)) self.init_file( size_sys, size_t, size_y, size_temp_y, size_aux_state, num_bcf_terms ) else: if not read_only: try: self._test_file_version(hdf5_name) except Exception as e: print("test_file_version FAILED with exception {}".format(e)) r = input("to ignore the error type y") if r != "y": raise # print("read_only", read_only) if read_only: # print("before h5py.File(self.hdf5_name, 'r', swmr=True, libver='latest')") self.h5File = h5py.File(self.hdf5_name, "r", swmr=True, libver="latest") # print("after") # print(self.h5File) else: # print("before h5py.File(self.hdf5_name, 'r+', libver='latest')") # print("open r+", self.hdf5_name) try: self.h5File = h5py.File(self.hdf5_name, "r+", libver="latest") except OSError: print("FAILED to open h5 file '{}'".format(self.hdf5_name)) raise self.h5File.swmr_mode = True # print("after") # print(self.h5File) try: self.stoc_traj = self.h5File["/stoc_traj"] self.rho_t_accum = self.h5File["/rho_t_accum"] self.rho_t_accum_part = self.h5File["/rho_t_accum_part"] self.rho_t_accum_part_tracker = self.h5File["/rho_t_accum_part_tracker"] self.samples = self.h5File["/samples"] self.largest_idx = self.h5File["/largest_idx"] self.tracker = self.h5File["/tracker"] self.y = self.h5File["/y"] self.temp_y = self.h5File["/temp_y"] if size_aux_state != 0: self.aux_states = self.h5File["/aux_states"] else: self.aux_states = None if "aux_states" in self.h5File: raise TypeError( "HIData with aux_states=0 finds h5 file with /aux_states" ) if num_bcf_terms != 0: self.stoc_proc = self.h5File["/stoc_proc"] else: self.stoc_proc = None if "stoc_proc" in self.h5File: raise TypeError( "HIData init FAILED: num_bcf_terms=0 but h5 file {} has /stoc_proc".format( self.hdf5_name ) ) self.time = self.h5File["/time"] self.time_set = self.h5File["/time_set"] except KeyError: print("KeyError in hdf5 file '{}'".format(hdf5_name)) raise self.size_t = size_t self.size_sys = size_sys self.size_aux_state_plus_sys = size_aux_state + size_sys self.num_bcf_terms = num_bcf_terms self.size_y = size_y self.size_temp_y = size_temp_y self._idx_cnt = len(self.tracker) self._idx_rho_t_accum_part_tracker_cnt = len(self.rho_t_accum_part_tracker) def init_file( self, size_sys, size_t, size_y, size_temp_y, size_aux_state=0, num_bcf_terms=0 ): with h5py.File(self.hdf5_name, "w", libver="latest") as h5File: # mode 'x': Create file, fail if exists if not self.accum_only: size_stoc_traj = HIData_default_size_stoc_traj else: # need at least one stoch traj to show k_max convergence size_stoc_traj = 1 # size_stoc_traj may be overwritten HIData_default_size_stoc_traj to account for accum_only h5File.create_dataset( "stoc_traj", (size_stoc_traj, size_t, size_sys), dtype=np.complex128, maxshape=(None, size_t, size_sys), chunks=(1, size_t, size_sys), ) h5File.create_dataset( "y", (size_stoc_traj, size_y), dtype=np.complex128, maxshape=(None, size_y), chunks=(1, size_y), ) h5File.create_dataset( "temp_y", (size_stoc_traj, size_temp_y), dtype=np.complex128, maxshape=(None, size_temp_y), chunks=(1, size_temp_y), ) h5File.create_dataset( "rho_t_accum", (size_t, size_sys, size_sys), dtype=np.complex128 ) h5File.create_dataset( "rho_t_accum_part", (HIData_default_size_rho_t_accum_part, size_t, size_sys, size_sys), dtype=np.complex128, maxshape=(None, size_t, size_sys, size_sys), chunks=(1, size_t, size_sys, size_sys), ) h5File.create_dataset( "rho_t_accum_part_tracker", data=HIData_default_size_rho_t_accum_part * [False], dtype="bool", maxshape=(None,), ) h5File.create_dataset("samples", (1,), dtype=np.uint32) h5File.create_dataset("largest_idx", (1,), dtype=np.uint32) h5File.create_dataset( "tracker", data=HIData_default_size_stoc_traj * [False], dtype="bool", maxshape=(None,), ) if size_aux_state != 0: # size_stoc_traj may be overwritten HIData_default_size_stoc_traj to account for accum_only print((size_stoc_traj, size_t, size_aux_state)) h5File.create_dataset( "aux_states", (size_stoc_traj, size_t, size_aux_state), dtype=np.complex128, maxshape=(None, size_t, size_aux_state), chunks=(1, size_t, size_aux_state), ) if num_bcf_terms != 0: # size_stoc_traj may be overwritten HIData_default_size_stoc_traj to account for accum_only h5File.create_dataset( "stoc_proc", (size_stoc_traj, size_t, num_bcf_terms), dtype=np.complex128, maxshape=(None, size_t, num_bcf_terms), chunks=(1, size_t, num_bcf_terms), ) h5File.create_dataset("time", (size_t,), dtype=np.float64) h5File.create_dataset("time_set", (1,), dtype=np.bool) h5File["/time_set"][0] = False def _test_file_version(self, hdf5_name): p = get_process_accessing_file(hdf5_name) if len(p) > 0: # another process accesses the file, assume that the file has allready the new format, # since that other process has already changed it return with h5py.File(hdf5_name, libver="latest") as h5File: try: h5File.swmr_mode = True except ValueError as e: s = str(e) if s.startswith("File superblock version should be at least 3"): print( "got Value Error with msg 'File superblock version should be at least 3' -> change h5 file to new version" ) h5File.close() change_file_version_to_latest(hdf5_name) except Exception as e: pass def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def close(self): self.h5File.close() def has_sample(self, idx): if idx < self._idx_cnt: return self.tracker[idx] else: return False def _resize(self, size): self.tracker.resize(size=(size,)) if not self.accum_only: self.stoc_traj.resize(size=(size, self.size_t, self.size_sys)) self.y.resize(size=(size, self.size_y)) self.temp_y.resize(size=(size, self.size_temp_y)) if self.aux_states is not None: self.aux_states.resize( size=( size, self.size_t, self.size_aux_state_plus_sys - self.size_sys, ) ) if self.stoc_proc is not None: # TODO: ask richard # self.stoc_proc.resize(size=(size, self.size_t, self.num_bcf_terms)) pass self._idx_cnt = size def _inc_size(self, idx): if self._idx_cnt <= idx: new_idx_cnt = 2 * self._idx_cnt while new_idx_cnt <= idx: new_idx_cnt *= 2 self._resize(new_idx_cnt) def _resize_rho_t_accum_part(self, size): self.rho_t_accum_part_tracker.resize(size=(size,)) self.rho_t_accum_part.resize( size=(size, self.size_t, self.size_sys, self.size_sys) ) self._idx_rho_t_accum_part_tracker_cnt = size def _inc_rho_t_accum_part_tracker_size(self, n): if self._idx_rho_t_accum_part_tracker_cnt <= n: new_idx_cnt = ( self._idx_rho_t_accum_part_tracker_cnt + HIData_default_size_rho_t_accum_part ) while new_idx_cnt <= n: new_idx_cnt += HIData_default_size_rho_t_accum_part self._resize_rho_t_accum_part(new_idx_cnt) def has_rho_t_accum_part(self, n): if n < self._idx_rho_t_accum_part_tracker_cnt: return self.rho_t_accum_part_tracker[n] else: return False def set_time(self, time, force=False): if (self.time_set[0] == False) or force: self.time[:] = time self.time_set[0] = True else: warnings.warn("time has already been set (ignore new time)") def get_time(self): if self.time_set[0] == False: raise RuntimeError("can not get time, time has not been set yet.") return self.time[:] def new_samples(self, idx, psi_all, result_type, normed, y, temp_y): self._inc_size(idx) if (not self.accum_only) or (idx == 0): c = psi_all.shape[1] self.y[idx] = y self.temp_y[idx] = temp_y if result_type == RESULT_TYPE_ZEROTH_ORDER_ONLY: self.stoc_traj[idx] = psi_all elif result_type == RESULT_TYPE_ZEROTH_ORDER_AND_ETA_LAMBDA: self.stoc_traj[idx] = psi_all[:, : self.size_sys] if c > self.size_sys: # the linear HI has no stoc_proc data self.stoc_proc[idx] = psi_all[:, self.size_sys :] elif result_type == RESULT_TYPE_ALL: self.stoc_traj[idx] = psi_all[:, : self.size_sys] self.aux_states[idx] = psi_all[ :, self.size_sys : self.size_aux_state_plus_sys ] if ( c > self.size_aux_state_plus_sys ): # the linear HI has no stoc_proc data self.stoc_proc = psi_all[:, self.size_aux_state_plus_sys :] n = is_int_power(self.samples[0] + 1, b=2) if n is not None: self._inc_rho_t_accum_part_tracker_size(n) with signalDelay.sig_delay([signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]): self.tracker[idx] = True self.largest_idx[0] = max(self.largest_idx[0], idx) self.rho_t_accum[:] += projector_psi_t( psi_all[:, : self.size_sys], normed=normed ) self.samples[0] += 1 if n is not None: self.rho_t_accum_part_tracker[n] = True self.rho_t_accum_part[n] = self.get_rho_t() self.h5File.flush() def get_rho_t(self, res=None): if res is None: res = np.empty( shape=(self.size_t, self.size_sys, self.size_sys), dtype=np.complex128 ) self.rho_t_accum.read_direct(dest=res) return res / self.get_samples() def get_rho_t_part(self, n): if self.has_rho_t_accum_part(n): return self.rho_t_accum_part[n] else: raise RuntimeError( "rho_t_accum_part with index {} has not been chrunched yet".format(n) ) def get_samples(self): return self.samples[0] def clear(self): self._resize(HIData_default_size_stoc_traj) self._resize_rho_t_accum_part(HIData_default_size_rho_t_accum_part) self.time[0] = False self.rho_t_accum[:] = 0j self.samples[0] = 0 self.tracker[:] = False self.rho_t_accum_part_tracker[:] = False self.largest_idx[0] = 0 def get_stoc_traj(self, idx): if self.has_sample(idx): return self.stoc_traj[idx] else: raise RuntimeError( "sample with idx {} has not yet been chrunched".format(idx) ) def get_sub_rho_t(self, idx_low, idx_high, normed, overwrite=False): name = "{}_{}".format(int(idx_low), int(idx_high)) if overwrite and name in self.h5File: del self.h5File[name] if not name in self.h5File: smp = 0 rho_t_accum = np.zeros( shape=(self.size_t, self.size_sys, self.size_sys), dtype=np.complex128 ) for i in range(idx_low, idx_high): if self.has_sample(i): smp += 1 rho_t_accum += projector_psi_t(self.stoc_traj[i], normed=normed) rho_t = rho_t_accum / smp h5_data = self.h5File.create_dataset( name, shape=(self.size_t, self.size_sys, self.size_sys), dtype=np.complex128, ) h5_data[:] = rho_t h5_data.attrs["smp"] = smp else: rho_t = np.empty( shape=(self.size_t, self.size_sys, self.size_sys), dtype=np.complex128 ) self.h5File[name].read_direct(dest=rho_t) smp = self.h5File[name].attrs["smp"] return rho_t, smp def rewrite_rho_t(self, normed): smp = 0 rho_t_accum = np.zeros( shape=(self.size_t, self.size_sys, self.size_sys), dtype=np.complex128 ) for i in range(self.largest_idx[0] + 1): if self.has_sample(i): smp += 1 rho_t_accum += projector_psi_t(self.stoc_traj[i], normed=normed) with signalDelay.sig_delay([signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]): self.samples[0] = smp self.rho_t_accum[:] = rho_t_accum class HIMetaData(object): def __init__(self, hid_name, hid_path): = hid_name self.path = os.path.join(hid_path, "__" + if os.path.exists(self.path): if not os.path.isdir(self.path): raise NotADirectoryError( "the path '{}' exists but is not a directory".format(self.path) ) else: os.mkdir(self.path) self._fname = os.path.join(self.path, + ".sqld") self._l = 8 self.db = sqd.SqliteDict(filename=self._fname, autocommit=False) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.db.close() def close(self): self.db.close() def _new_rand_file_name(self, pre, end): if not os.path.exists(self.path): os.mkdir(self.path) c = 0 while True: fname = pre + rand_str(self._l) + end full_name = os.path.join(self.path, fname) try: open( full_name, "x" ).close() # open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists return fname except FileExistsError: pass c += 1 if c > 10: self._l += 2 c = 0 print("INFO: increase random file name length to", self._l) def get_hashed_key(self, key): binkey = bf.dump(key) return hashlib.sha384(binkey).hexdigest() def get_HIData_fname(self, key): hashed_key = self.get_hashed_key(key) # print("hashed_key", hashed_key) try: hdf5_name = self.db[hashed_key][0] except KeyError: hdf5_name = self._new_rand_file_name( + "_", end=".h5") self.db[hashed_key] = (hdf5_name, key) self.db.commit() return hdf5_name def get_HIData(self, key, read_only=False): hdf5_name = self.get_HIData_fname(key) if key.HiP.result_type == RESULT_TYPE_ZEROTH_ORDER_ONLY: size_aux_state = 0 num_bcf_terms = 0 elif key.HiP.result_type == RESULT_TYPE_ZEROTH_ORDER_AND_ETA_LAMBDA: size_aux_state = 0 num_bcf_terms = key.SysP.len_gw elif key.HiP.result_type == RESULT_TYPE_ALL: num_bcf_terms = key.SysP.len_gw size_aux_state = combLib.number_of_all_combinations_old( n=num_bcf_terms, k_max=key.HiP.k_max ) if not key.HiP.nonlinear: num_bcf_terms = 0 if hasattr(key.HiP, "accum_only"): accum_only = key.HiP.accum_only else: accum_only = False return HIData( os.path.join(self.path, hdf5_name), size_sys=key.SysP.H_sys.shape[0], size_t=key.IntP.t_steps, size_aux_state=size_aux_state, num_bcf_terms=num_bcf_terms, accum_only=accum_only, read_only=read_only, size_y=key.Eta.get_num_y(), size_temp_y=key.EtaTherm.get_num_y() if key.EtaTherm else 1, ) def get_process_accessing_file(fname): cmd = 'lsof "{}"'.format(fname) if not os.path.exists(fname): raise FileNotFoundError(fname) r = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, encoding="utf8", ) if r.stderr != "":"command '{}' stderr:\n{}".format(cmd, r.stderr)) if r.returncode == 0: # success out = r.stdout.split("\n") head = out[0].split() idx_PID = head.index("PID") pid_list = [] for l in out[1:]: l = l.split() if len(l) == 0: continue pid_list.append(int(l[idx_PID])) return pid_list else: # failure, also happens when no process was found if r.stdout == "": "lsof has non-zero return code and empty stdout -> assume not process has access to file" ) return [] def get_rand_file_name(l=12, must_not_exists=True): n = len(CHAR_SET) while True: fname = "" for i in range(l): fname += CHAR_SET[np.random.randint(0, n)] if (not os.path.exists(fname)) or (not must_not_exists): return fname def change_file_version_to_latest(h5fname): pid_list = get_process_accessing_file(h5fname) if len(pid_list) > 0: raise RuntimeError( "can not change file version! the following processes have access to the file: {}".format( pid_list ) ) rand_fname = get_rand_file_name() with h5py.File(rand_fname, "w", libver="latest") as f_new: with h5py.File(h5fname, "r") as f_old: for i in f_old: f_old.copy( i, f_new["/"], shallow=False, expand_soft=False, expand_external=False, expand_refs=False, without_attrs=False, ) for k, v in f_old.attrs.items(): f_new.attrs[k] = v print("updated h5 file {} to latest version".format(os.path.abspath(h5fname))) shutil.move(h5fname, h5fname + rand_fname + ".old") shutil.move(rand_fname, h5fname) os.remove(h5fname + rand_fname + ".old") assert not os.path.exists(rand_fname)