import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from contextlib import contextmanager import utilities as ut from hopsflow.util import EnsembleValue from hops.util.utilities import ( relative_entropy, relative_entropy_single, entropy, trace_distance, ) try: import hiro_models.model_auxiliary as aux except: aux = None def cm2inch(*tupl): inch = 2.54 if isinstance(tupl[0], tuple): return tuple(i / inch for i in tupl[0]) else: return tuple(i / inch for i in tupl) ############################################################################### # Plot Porn # ############################################################################### def wrap_plot(f): def wrapped(*args, ax=None, setup_function=plt.subplots, **kwargs): fig = None if not ax: fig, ax = setup_function() ret_val = f(*args, ax=ax, **kwargs) return (fig, ax, ret_val) if ret_val else (fig, ax) return wrapped def get_figsize(width="thesis", fraction=1, subplots=(1, 1)): """Set figure dimensions to avoid scaling in LaTeX. Parameters ---------- width: float or string Document width in points, or string of predined document type fraction: float, optional Fraction of the width which you wish the figure to occupy subplots: array-like, optional The number of rows and columns of subplots. Returns ------- fig_dim: tuple Dimensions of figure in inches """ if width == "thesis": width_pt = 330.62111 elif width == "poster": width_pt = 957.13617 elif width == "beamer": width_pt = 307.28987 else: width_pt = width # Width of figure (in pts) fig_width_pt = width_pt * fraction # Convert from pt to inches inches_per_pt = 1 / 72.27 # Golden ratio to set aesthetic figure height # golden_ratio = (5 ** 0.5 - 1) / 2 # Figure width in inches fig_width_in = fig_width_pt * inches_per_pt # Figure height in inches fig_height_in = fig_width_in * golden_ratio * (subplots[0] / subplots[1]) return (fig_width_in, fig_height_in) # def get_figsize( # columnwidth: float, # wf: float = 0.5, # hf: float = (5.0 ** 0.5 - 1.0) / 2.0, # ) -> tuple[float, float]: # """ # :param wf: Width fraction in columnwidth units. # :param hf: Weight fraction in columnwidth units. # Set by default to golden ratio. # :param columnwidth: width of the column in latex. # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth # :returns: The ``[fig_width,fig_height]`` that should be given to # matplotlib. # """ # fig_width_pt = columnwidth * wf # inches_per_pt = 1.0 / 72.27 # Convert pt to inch # fig_width = fig_width_pt * inches_per_pt # width in inches # fig_height = fig_width * hf # height in inches # return [fig_width, fig_height] @wrap_plot def plot_complex(x, y, *args, ax=None, label="", **kwargs): label = label + ", " if (len(label) > 0) else "" ax.plot(x, y.real, *args, label=f"{label}real part", **kwargs) ax.plot(x, y.imag, *args, label=f"{label}imag part", **kwargs) ax.legend() @wrap_plot def plot_convergence( x, y, reference=None, ax=None, label="", slice=None, linestyle="-", bath=None, ): if bath is not None: y = y.for_bath(bath) label = label + ", " if (len(label) > 0) else "" slice = (0, -1) if not slice else slice y_final = y[-1] for i in range(len(y) - 1 if reference is None else len(y)): current_value = y[i] consistency = current_value.consistency( y_final if reference is None else reference ) line = ax.plot( x, current_value.value, label=f"{label}$N={current_value.N}$ $({consistency:.0f}\%)$", alpha=current_value.N / y.N, linestyle=linestyle if i == (len(y) - 1) else ":", ) if reference is None: plot_with_σ( x, y_final, label=f"{label}$N={y.N}$", linestyle=linestyle, ax=ax, ) else: ax.fill_between( x, y_final.value - y_final.σ, y_final.value + y_final.σ, color=lighten_color(line[0].get_color(), 0.5), ) return None def lighten_color(color, amount=0.5): """ Lightens the given color by multiplying (1-luminosity) by the given amount. Input can be matplotlib color string, hex string, or RGB tuple. Examples: >> lighten_color('g', 0.3) >> lighten_color('#F034A3', 0.6) >> lighten_color((.3,.55,.1), 0.5) """ import matplotlib.colors as mc import colorsys try: c = mc.cnames[color] except: c = color c = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*mc.to_rgb(c)) return colorsys.hls_to_rgb(c[0], 1 - amount * (1 - c[1]), c[2]) def fancy_error(x, y, err, ax, **kwargs): line = ax.plot( x, y, **kwargs, ) err = ax.fill_between( x, y + err, y - err, color=lighten_color(line[0].get_color(), 0.5), alpha=0.5, ) return line, err @wrap_plot def plot_with_σ( x, y, ax=None, transform=lambda y: y, bath=None, strobe_frequency=None, strobe_tolerance=1e-3, **kwargs, ): err = (y.σ[bath] if bath is not None else y.σ).real y_final = transform(y.value[bath] if bath is not None else y.value) strobe_mode = strobe_frequency is not None strobe_indices = None strobe_times = None strobe_style = dict(linestyle="none", marker="o", markersize=2) | kwargs if strobe_mode: strobe_times, strobe_indices = ut.strobe_times( x, strobe_frequency, strobe_tolerance ) return ax.errorbar( strobe_times, y_final[strobe_indices], err[strobe_indices], **strobe_style, ) return fancy_error(x, y_final, err, ax=ax, **kwargs) @wrap_plot def plot_diff_vs_sigma( x, y, reference, ax=None, label="", transform=lambda y: y, ecolor="yellow", ealpha=0.5, ylabel=None, bath=None, ): label = label + ", " if (len(label) > 0) else "" if bath is not None: y = y.for_bath(bath) reference = reference.for_bath(bath) ax.fill_between( x, 0, reference.σ, color=ecolor, alpha=ealpha, label=rf"{label}$\sigma\, (N={reference.N})$", ) for i in range(len(y)): current = y[i] not_last = current.N < y[-1].N consistency = current.consistency(reference) diff = abs(current - reference) ax.plot( x, diff.value, label=rf"{label}$N={current.N}$ $({consistency:.1f}\%)$", alpha=consistency / 100 if not_last else 1, linestyle=":" if not_last else "-", color=None if not_last else "red", ) if ylabel is not None: if ylabel[0] == "$": ylabel = ylabel[1:-1] else: ylabel = rf"\text{{ {ylabel} }}" ax.set_ylabel(rf"$|{{{ylabel}}}_{{\mathrm{{ref}}}}-{{{ylabel}}}_{{N_i}}|$") def plot_interaction_consistency( models, reference=None, label_fn=lambda model: f"$ω_c={model.ω_c:.2f}$", **kwargs ): fig, ax = plt.subplots() if reference: with aux.get_data(reference) as data: reference_energy = reference.interaction_energy(data, **kwargs) for model in models: with aux.get_data(model) as data: energy = model.interaction_energy(data, **kwargs) interaction_ref = model.interaction_energy_from_conservation(data, **kwargs) diff = abs(interaction_ref - energy) self_consistency = (diff.value < diff.σ).sum() / len(diff.value[0]) * 100 if reference: diff = abs(interaction_ref - reference_energy) final_consistency = ( (diff.value < diff.σ).sum() / len(diff.value[0]) * 100 ) _, _, (line, _) = plot_with_σ( data.time[:], energy, ax=ax, label=label_fn(model) + fr", (${self_consistency:.0f}\%$" + (fr", ${final_consistency:.0f}\%$)" if reference else ")"), bath=0, ) plot_with_σ( data.time[:], interaction_ref, ax=ax, linestyle="--", bath=0, color=lighten_color(line[0].get_color(), 0.8), ) ax.set_xlabel("$τ$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\langle H_\mathrm{I}\rangle$") ax.legend() return fig, ax def plot_interaction_consistency_development( models, reference=None, label_fn=lambda model: f"$ω_c={model.ω_c:.2f}$", **kwargs ): fig, (ax, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3) ax2.set_xscale("log") ax2.set_yscale("log") ax3.set_xscale("log") ax3.set_yscale("log") if reference is not None: with aux.get_data(reference) as data: reference_energy = reference.interaction_energy(data, **kwargs) for model in models: with aux.get_data(model) as data: interaction_ref = model.interaction_energy_from_conservation(data, **kwargs) if reference is not None: energy = reference_energy else: energy = model.interaction_energy(data, **kwargs) diff = abs(interaction_ref - energy) ns, values, σs = [], [], [] for N, val, σ in diff.aggregate_iterator: ns.append(N) values.append((val < σ).sum() / len(val[0]) * 100) σs.append(σ.max()) σ_ref, σ_int = [], [] for _, _, σ in interaction_ref.aggregate_iterator: σ_ref.append(σ.max()) for _, _, σ in energy.aggregate_iterator: σ_int.append(σ.max()) ax.plot( ns, values, linestyle="--", marker=".", markersize=2, label=label_fn(model), ) ax2.plot(ns, σs, label=label_fn(model)) ax3.plot( ns, σ_ref, label=label_fn(model) + " (from conservation)", linestyle="--", ) ax3.plot(ns, σ_int, label=label_fn(model) + " (direct)") ax.axhline(68, linestyle="-.", color="grey", alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel("$N$") ax2.set_xlabel("$N$") ax3.set_xlabel("$N$") ax2.set_ylabel("Maximum Allowed Deviation") ax3.set_ylabel("Maximum $σ$") ax.set_ylabel(("" if reference else "Self-") + r"Consistency [$\%$]") ax.legend() ax2.legend() ax3.legend() return fig, [ax, ax2, ax3] def plot_flow_bcf(models, label_fn=lambda model: f"$ω_c={model.ω_c:.2f}$", **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots() for model in models: with aux.get_data(model) as data: flow = model.bath_energy_flow(data, **kwargs) _, _, (line, _) = plot_with_σ( data.time[:], flow, ax=ax, label=label_fn(model), bath=0, transform=lambda y: -y, ) ax.plot( data.time[:], -model.L_expect * model.bcf_scale * model.bcf(data.time[:]).imag, linestyle="--", color=line[0].get_color(), ) return fig, ax def plot_energy_overview( model, ensemble_args=None, # system=True, # bath=True, # total=True, # flow=True, # interaction=True, **kwargs, ): if not ensemble_args: ensemble_args = {} fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_ylabel("Energy") ax.set_xlabel(r"$\tau$") with aux.get_data(model) as data: system_energy = model.system_energy(data, **ensemble_args) bath_energy = model.bath_energy(data, **ensemble_args) interaction_energy = model.interaction_energy(data, **ensemble_args) flow = model.bath_energy_flow(data, **ensemble_args) plot_with_σ(model.t, system_energy, ax=ax, label="System", **kwargs) num_baths = flow.num_baths for bath in range(num_baths): plot_with_σ( model.t, flow, bath=bath, ax=ax, label=f"Flow {bath+1}", **kwargs ) plot_with_σ( model.t, bath_energy, bath=bath, ax=ax, label=f"Bath {bath+1}", **kwargs ) plot_with_σ( model.t, interaction_energy, ax=ax, bath=bath, label=f"Interaction {bath+1}", **kwargs, ) total = model.total_energy(data, **ensemble_args) plot_with_σ( model.t, total, ax=ax, label="Total", linestyle="--", **kwargs, ) return (fig, ax) @wrap_plot def plot_coherences(model, ax=None): with aux.get_data(model) as data: plot_with_σ( model.t, EnsembleValue( ( 0, np.abs(np.array(data.rho_t_accum.mean)[:, 0, 1]), np.array(data.rho_t_accum.ensemble_std)[:, 0, 1], ) ), ax=ax, ) @wrap_plot def plot_distance_measures(model, strobe_indices, ax=None): with aux.get_data(model) as data: plot_with_σ( model.t, EnsembleValue(relative_entropy(data, strobe_indices[-1])), ax=ax ) plot_with_σ( model.t, EnsembleValue(trace_distance(data, strobe_indices[-1])), ax=ax ) @wrap_plot def plot_σ_development(ensemble_value, ax=None, **kwargs): ax.plot( ensemble_value.Ns, [σ.mean() for σ in ensemble_value.σs], marker=".", linestyle="dotted", **kwargs, ) ax.set_ylabel("$σ$") ax.set_xlabel("$N$")