import hierarchyLib import hierarchyData import numpy as np import pickle from scipy.special import gamma as gamma_func from stocproc.stocproc import StocProc_FFT import bcf t_max = 25 alpha = 0.266 T = 2.09 numExpFit = 5 s = 1 wc = 0.531 with open("good_fit_data_abs_brute_force", "rb") as f: good_fit_data_abs = pickle.load(f) _, g_tilde, w_tilde = good_fit_data_abs[(numExpFit, s)] g = 1 / np.pi * gamma_func(s + 1) * wc ** (s + 1) * np.asarray(g_tilde) w = wc * np.asarray(w_tilde) bcf_scale = np.pi / 2 * alpha * wc ** (1 - s) # setup hierarchy parameters, here use a simple triangular hierarchy up to level 5 # the comments show the default values # NOTE! the normalized version of HOPS is still buggy !!! HierachyParam = hierarchyData.HiP( k_max=5, # g_scale=None, # sample_method='random', # seed=0, # nonlinear=True, # normalized=False, # terminator=False, # result_type= hierarchyData.RESULT_TYPE_ZEROTH_ORDER_ONLY, # accum_only=None, # rand_skip=None ) # setup the integration parameters (see scipy ode) IntegrationParam = hierarchyData.IntP( t_max=t_max, t_steps=500, # integrator_name='zvode', # atol=1e-8, # rtol=1e-8, # order=5, # nsteps=5000, # method='bdf', # t_steps_skip=1 ) # setup the system parameters # here a simple Spin Boson system, single qubit coupled to a sub-ohmic environment # how to get the g, w is a different story SystemParam = hierarchyData.SysP( H_sys=np.asarray([[0, 1], [1, 0]]), # SIGMA X L=np.asarray([[-1, 0], [0, 1]]), # SIGME Z psi0=np.asarray([0, 1]), # excited qubit g=np.asarray(g), w=np.asarray(w), H_dynamic=[], bcf_scale=bcf_scale, # some coupling strength (scaling of the fit parameters 'g_i') gw_hash=None, # this is used to load g,w from some database len_gw=None, ) # setup the stochastic process for the subohmic SD # for each sample, the StocProc_FFT class is seeded differently which results in a different realization. # for the HOPS solver, this looks like a simple callable z(t) returning complex values Eta = StocProc_FFT( spectral_density=bcf.OSD(s=s, eta=1, gamma=wc), t_max=t_max, alpha=bcf.OBCF(s=s, eta=1, gamma=wc), intgr_tol=1e-3, intpl_tol=1e-3, seed=None, negative_frequencies=False, scale=bcf_scale, ) # thermal noise EtaTherm = StocProc_FFT( spectral_density=bcf.OFTDens(s=s, eta=1, gamma=wc, beta=1 / T), t_max=t_max, alpha=bcf.OFTCorr(s=s, eta=1, gamma=wc, beta=1 / T), intgr_tol=1e-3, intpl_tol=1e-3, seed=None, negative_frequencies=False, scale=bcf_scale, ) # this guy must be digestable by the 'binfootprint' class, generating a unique binary representation of hi_key # this allows to generate a hash value of the binary to access the produced data from some hdf5 data (see # NOTE! this requires that the ENTIRE sub-structure of 'hi_key' is digestable by 'binfootprint', therefore the special classes # representing the spectral density and bath correlation function defined in # I developed 'binfootprit' since pickle and co. are not guaranteed to lead to unique binary data, hi_key = hierarchyData.HIMetaKey_type( HiP=HierachyParam, IntP=IntegrationParam, SysP=SystemParam, Eta=Eta, EtaTherm=EtaTherm, ) # here the hierarchy structure it set up ... myHierarchy = hierarchyLib.HI(hi_key, number_of_samples=100, desc="run a test case") # ... which allows to perform the integration, the data is stored in a file called '' # running the script again only crunches samples not done before! myHierarchy.integrate_simple(data_name="") # to access the data the 'hi_key' is used to find the data in the hdf5 file with hierarchyData.HIMetaData(hid_name="", hid_path=".") as metaData: with metaData.get_HIData(hi_key, read_only=True) as data: smp = data.get_samples() print("{} samples found in database".format(smp)) t = data.get_time() rho_t = data.get_rho_t() # to show some dynamics import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(t, rho_t[:, 1, 1].real, label="average ({})".format(smp)) plt.ylabel("rho_(0,0)") plt.xlabel("time") plt.legend()