#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Progression module ------------------ This module provides the (so far) four variants to display progress information: * :py:class:`.ProgressBar` This class monitors one or multiple processes showing the total elapsed time (TET), the current speed estimated from the most recent updated, a colored bar showing the progress and an estimate for the remaining time, also called time to go (TTG). .. raw:: html
  5.83s [7.2c/s] [=====================>                               ] TTG 8.05s
* :py:class:`.ProgressBarCounter` If a single process is intended to do several sequential task, the :py:class:`.ProgressBarCounter` class can keep track of the number of accomplished tasks on top of monitoring the individual task just like :py:class:`.ProgressBar` does. .. raw:: html
  [TET-5.83s-----[7.2c/s]-TTG-8.05s-> 42.0%    ETA 20161011_16:52:52 ORT 00:00:13]
* :py:class:`.ProgressBarFancy` This class intends to be a replacement for :py:class:`.ProgressBar` with slightly more information and better handling of small terminal widths. .. raw:: html
  00:00:35 [1.4c/min] #3 - 5.83s [7.2c/s] [===========>                ] TTG 8.05s
* :py:class:`.ProgressBarCounterFancy` Just as :py:class:`.ProgressBarFancy` this replaces :py:class:`.ProgressBarCounter`. .. raw:: html
  00:00:35 [1.4c/min] #3 - [E-5.83s-----[7.2c/s]-G-8.05s     42.0%     O 00:00:13]
.. autoclass:: Progress :members: :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: ProgressBar :members: .. autoclass:: ProgressBarCounter :members: .. autoclass:: ProgressBarFancy :members: .. autoclass:: ProgressBarCounterFancy :members: .. autofunction:: UnsignedIntValue .. autofunction:: FloatValue .. autofunction:: StringValue """ from __future__ import division, print_function import datetime import io import logging from logging.handlers import QueueHandler, QueueListener import math import multiprocessing as mp from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Synchronized import os import sys import signal import subprocess as sp import threading import time import traceback import warnings from . import terminal import platform _IPYTHON = True try: import ipywidgets except ImportError: _IPYTHON = False warnings.warn("could not load ipywidgets (IPython HTML output will not work)", category=ImportWarning) except DeprecationWarning: pass try: from IPython.display import display except ImportError: _IPYTHON = False warnings.warn("could not load IPython (IPython HTML output will not work)", category=ImportWarning) # Magic conversion from 3 to 2 if sys.version_info[0] == 2: ProcessLookupError = OSError inMemoryBuffer = io.BytesIO old_math_ceil = math.ceil def my_int_ceil(f): return int(old_math_ceil(f)) math.ceil = my_int_ceil _jm_compatible_bytearray = lambda x: x class TimeoutError(Exception): pass elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: inMemoryBuffer = io.StringIO _jm_compatible_bytearray = bytearray class MultiLineFormatter(logging.Formatter): """pads a multiline log message with spaces such that msg_line1 msg_line2 ... """ def format(self, record): _str = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) header = _str.split(record.message)[0] _str = _str.replace('\n', '\n' + ' '*len(header)) return _str # def_handl = logging.StreamHandler(stream = sys.stderr) # the default handler simply uses stderr # def_handl.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # ... listens to all messaged fmt = MultiLineFormatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s : %(message)s') # def_handl.setFormatter(fmt) # ... and pads multiline messaged log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # creates the default log for this module # log.addHandler(def_handl) class LoopExceptionError(RuntimeError): pass class LoopInterruptError(Exception): pass class StdoutPipe(object): """replacement for stream objects such as stdout which forwards all incoming data using the send method of a connection example usage: >>> import sys >>> from multiprocessing import Pipe >>> from progression import StdoutPipe >>> conn_recv, conn_send = Pipe(False) >>> sys.stdout = StdoutPipe(conn_send) >>> print("hallo welt", end='') # this is no going through the pipe >>> msg = conn_recv.recv() >>> sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ >>> print(msg) hallo welt >>> assert msg == "hallo welt" """ def __init__(self, conn): self.conn = conn def flush(self): pass def write(self, b): self.conn.send(b) class PipeToPrint(object): def __call__(self, b): print(b, end='') def close(self): pass class PipeFromProgressToIPythonHTMLWidget(object): def __init__(self): self.htmlWidget = ipywidgets.widgets.HTML() display(self.htmlWidget) self._buff = "" def __call__(self, b): self._buff += b if b.endswith(terminal.ESC_MY_MAGIC_ENDING): buff = terminal.ESC_SEQ_to_HTML(self._buff) self.htmlWidget.value = '
' self._buff = "" def close(self): self.htmlWidget.close() PipeHandler = PipeToPrint def choose_pipe_handler(kind = 'print', color_theme = None): global PipeHandler if kind == 'print': PipeHandler = PipeToPrint if color_theme is None: choose_color_theme('term_default') else: choose_color_theme(color_theme) elif kind == 'ipythonhtml': if _IPYTHON: PipeHandler = PipeFromProgressToIPythonHTMLWidget if color_theme is None: choose_color_theme('ipyt_default') else: choose_color_theme(color_theme) else: warnings.warn("can not choose ipythonHTML (IPython and/or ipywidgets were not loaded)") else: raise ValueError("unknown kind '{}' for pipe_handler, use one out of ('print', 'ipythonhtml')") def get_terminal_width(): if PipeHandler == PipeToPrint: return terminal.get_terminal_width() elif PipeHandler == PipeFromProgressToIPythonHTMLWidget: return 80 else: raise NotImplementedError def get_identifier(name=None, pid=None, bold=True): if pid is None: pid = os.getpid() if bold: esc_bold = terminal.ESC_BOLD esc_no_char_attr = terminal.ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR else: esc_bold = "" esc_no_char_attr = "" if name is None: return "{}PID_{}{}".format(esc_bold, pid, esc_no_char_attr) else: return "{}{}_{}{}".format(esc_bold, name, pid, esc_no_char_attr) def _loop_wrapper_func(func, args, shared_mem_run, shared_mem_pause, interval, sigint, sigterm, name, logging_level, conn_send, func_running, log_queue): """ to be executed as a separate process (that's why this functions is declared static) """ prefix = get_identifier(name) + ' ' global log log = logging.getLogger(__name__+".log_{}".format(get_identifier(name, bold=False))) log.setLevel(logging_level) log.addHandler(QueueHandler(log_queue)) sys.stdout = StdoutPipe(conn_send) log.debug("enter wrapper_func") SIG_handler_Loop(sigint, sigterm, log, prefix) func_running.value = True error = False while shared_mem_run.value: try: # in pause mode, simply sleep if shared_mem_pause.value: quit_loop = False else: # if not pause mode -> call func and see what happens try: quit_loop = func(*args) except LoopInterruptError: raise except Exception as e: log.error("error %s occurred in loop calling 'func(*args)'", type(e)) log.info("show traceback.print_exc()\n%s", traceback.format_exc()) error = True break if quit_loop is True: log.debug("loop stooped because func returned True") break time.sleep(interval) except LoopInterruptError: log.debug("quit wrapper_func due to InterruptedError") break func_running.value = False if error: sys.exit(-1) else: log.debug("wrapper_func terminates gracefully") # gets rid of the following warnings # Exception ignored in: <_io.FileIO name='/dev/null' mode='rb'> # ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'> try: if mp.get_start_method() == "spawn": sys.stdin.close() except AttributeError: pass class LoopTimeoutError(TimeoutError): pass class Loop(object): """ class to run a function periodically an seperate process. In case the called function returns True, the loop will stop. Otherwise a time interval given by interval will be slept before another execution is triggered. The shared memory variable _run (accessible via the class property run) also determines if the function if executed another time. If set to False the execution stops. For safe cleanup (and in order to catch any Errors) it is advisable to instantiate this class using 'with' statement as follows: with Loop(**kwargs) as my_loop: my_loop.start() ... this will guarantee you that the spawned loop process is down when exiting the 'with' scope. The only circumstance where the process is still running is when you set auto_kill_on_last_resort to False and answer the question to send SIGKILL with no. """ def __init__(self, func, args = (), interval = 1, verbose = None, sigint = 'stop', sigterm = 'stop', auto_kill_on_last_resort = False, raise_error = True): """ func [callable] - function to be called periodically args [tuple] - arguments passed to func when calling intervall [pos number] - time to "sleep" between each call verbose - DEPRECATED, only kept for compatibility, use global log.level to specify verbosity sigint [string] - signal handler string to set SIGINT behavior (see below) sigterm [string] - signal handler string to set SIGTERM behavior (see below) auto_kill_on_last_resort [bool] - If set False (default), ask user to send SIGKILL to loop process in case normal stop and SIGTERM failed. If set True, send SIDKILL without asking. the signal handler string may be one of the following ing: ignore the incoming signal stop: raise InterruptedError which is caught silently. """ self._proc = None if verbose is not None: log.warning("verbose is deprecated, only allowed for compatibility") warnings.warn("verbose is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) self.func = func self.args = args self.interval = interval assert self.interval >= 0 self._run = mp.Value('b', False) self._pause = mp.Value('b', False) self._func_running = mp.Value('b', False) self._sigint = sigint self._sigterm = sigterm self._auto_kill_on_last_resort = auto_kill_on_last_resort log.debug("auto_kill_on_last_resort = %s", self._auto_kill_on_last_resort) self._monitor_thread = None self.pipe_handler = PipeHandler() self.raise_error = raise_error def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_args): if self.is_alive(): log.debug("loop is still running on context exit") else: log.debug("loop has stopped on context exit") self.stop() def __cleanup(self): """ Wait at most twice as long as the given repetition interval for the _wrapper_function to terminate. If after that time the _wrapper_function has not terminated, send SIGTERM to and the process. Wait at most five times as long as the given repetition interval for the _wrapper_function to terminate. If the process still running send SIGKILL automatically if auto_kill_on_last_resort was set True or ask the user to confirm sending SIGKILL """ # set run to False and wait some time -> see what happens self._run.value = False if check_process_termination(proc = self._proc, timeout = 2*self.interval, prefix = '', auto_kill_on_last_resort = self._auto_kill_on_last_resort): log.debug("cleanup successful") else: raise RuntimeError("cleanup FAILED!") try: self.conn_send.close() self._log_queue_listener.stop() except OSError: pass log.debug("wait for monitor thread to join") self._monitor_thread.join() log.debug("monitor thread to joined") self._func_running.value = False def _monitor_stdout_pipe(self): while True: try: b = self.conn_recv.recv() self.pipe_handler(b) except EOFError: break def start(self, timeout=None): """ uses multiprocess Process to call _wrapper_func in subprocess """ if self.is_alive(): log.warning("a process with pid %s is already running", self._proc.pid) return self._run.value = True self._func_running.value = False name = self.__class__.__name__ self.conn_recv, self.conn_send = mp.Pipe(False) self._monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._monitor_stdout_pipe) self._monitor_thread.daemon=True self._monitor_thread.start() log.debug("started monitor thread") self._log_queue = mp.Queue() self._log_queue_listener = QueueListener(self._log_queue, *log.handlers) self._log_queue_listener.start() args = (self.func, self.args, self._run, self._pause, self.interval, self._sigint, self._sigterm, name, log.level, self.conn_send, self._func_running, self._log_queue) self._proc = mp.Process(target = _loop_wrapper_func, args = args) self._proc.start() log.info("started a new process with pid %s", self._proc.pid) log.debug("wait for loop function to come up") t0 = time.time() while not self._func_running.value: if self._proc.exitcode is not None: exc = self._proc.exitcode self._proc = None if exc == 0: log.warning("wrapper function already terminated with exitcode 0\nloop is not running") return else: raise LoopExceptionError("the loop function return non zero exticode ({})!\n".format(exc)+ "see log (INFO level) for traceback information") time.sleep(0.1) if (timeout is not None) and ((time.time() - t0) > timeout): err_msg = "could not bring up function on time (timeout: {}s)".format(timeout) log.error(err_msg) log.info("either it takes too long to spawn the subprocess (increase the timeout)\n"+ "or an internal error occurred before reaching the function call") raise LoopTimeoutError(err_msg) log.debug("loop function is up ({})".format(humanize_time(time.time()-t0))) def stop(self): """ stops the process triggered by start Setting the shared memory boolean run to false, which should prevent the loop from repeating. Call __cleanup to make sure the process stopped. After that we could trigger start() again. """ if self.is_alive(): self._proc.terminate() if self._proc is not None: self.__cleanup() if self.raise_error: if self._proc.exitcode == 255: raise LoopExceptionError("the loop function return non zero exticode ({})!\n".format(self._proc.exitcode)+ "see log (INFO level) for traceback information") self.pipe_handler.close() self._proc = None def join(self, timeout): """ calls join for the spawned process with given timeout """ if self.is_alive(): self._proc.join(timeout) def is_alive(self): if self._proc is None: return False else: return self._proc.is_alive() def is_running(self): if self.is_alive(): return self._func_running.value else: return False def pause(self): if self._run.value: self._pause.value = True log.debug("process with pid %s paused", self._proc.pid) def resume(self): if self._run.value: self._pause.value = False log.debug("process with pid %s resumed", self._proc.pid) def getpid(self): if self._proc is not None: return self._proc.pid else: return None def show_stat_base(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, **kwargs): """A function that formats the progress information This function will be called periodically for each progress that is monitored. Overwrite this function in a subclass to implement a specific formating of the progress information :param count_value: a number holding the current state :param max_count_value: should be the largest number `count_value` can reach :param prepend: additional text for each progress :param speed: the speed estimation :param tet: the total elapsed time :param ttg: the time to go :param width: the width for the progressbar, when set to `"auto"` this function should try to detect the width available :type width: int or "auto" """ raise NotImplementedError def _show_stat_wrapper_Progress(count, last_count, start_time, max_count, speed_calc_cycles, width, q, last_speed, prepend, show_stat_function, add_args, i, lock): """ calculate """ count_value, max_count_value, speed, tet, ttg, = Progress._calc(count, last_count, start_time, max_count, speed_calc_cycles, q, last_speed, lock) return show_stat_function(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, i, **add_args) def _show_stat_wrapper_multi_Progress(count, last_count, start_time, max_count, speed_calc_cycles, width, q, last_speed, prepend, show_stat_function, len_, add_args, lock, info_line, no_move_up=False): """ call the static method show_stat_wrapper for each process """ # print(ESC_BOLD, end='') # sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(len_): _show_stat_wrapper_Progress(count[i], last_count[i], start_time[i], max_count[i], speed_calc_cycles, width, q[i], last_speed[i], prepend[i], show_stat_function, add_args, i, lock[i]) n = len_ if info_line is not None: s = info_line.value.decode('utf-8') s = s.split('\n') n += len(s) for si in s: if width == 'auto': width = get_terminal_width() if len(si) > width: si = si[:width] print("{0:<{1}}".format(si, width)) if no_move_up: n = 0 # this is only a hack to find the end # of the message in a stream # so ESC_HIDDEN+ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR is a magic ending print(terminal.ESC_MOVE_LINE_UP(n) + terminal.ESC_MY_MAGIC_ENDING, end='') sys.stdout.flush() class Progress(Loop): """ Abstract Progress Class The :py:class:`Progress` Class uses :py:class:`Loop` to provide a repeating function which calculates progress information from a changing counter value. The formatting of these information is done by overwriting the static member :py:func:`Progress.show_stat`. :py:func:`Progress.show_stat` is intended to format a single progress bar on a single line only. The extension to multiple progresses is done automatically base on the formatting of a single line. """ def __init__(self, count, max_count = None, prepend = None, width = 'auto', speed_calc_cycles = 10, interval = 1, verbose = None, sigint = 'stop', sigterm = 'stop', info_line = None, show_stat = None): """ :param count: shared variable for holding the current state (use :py:func:`UnsignedIntValue` for short hand creation) :type count: list/single value of multiprocessing.Value :param max_count: shared variable for holding the final state :type max_count: None or list/single value of multiprocessing.Value :param prepend: string to put in front of each progress output :type prepend: None, str or list of str :param width: the width to use for the progress line (fixed or automatically determined) :type width: int or "auto" :param speed_calc_cycles: number of updated (cycles) to use for estimating the speed (example: ``speed_calc_sycles = 4`` and ``interval = 1`` means that the speed is estimated from the current state and state 4 updates before where the elapsed time will roughly be 4s) :param interval: seconds to wait before updating the progress :param verbose: DEPRECATED: has no effect, use the global ``log.setLevel()`` to control the output level :param sigint: behavior of the subprocess on signal ``SIGINT`` (``"stop"`` triggers ``SystemExit`` whereas ``"ign"`` ignores the signal) :type sigint: "stop" or "ign" :param sigterm: behavior of the subprocess on signal ``SIGTERM`` (``"stop"`` triggers ``SystemExit`` whereas ``"ign"`` ignores the signal) :type sigterm: "stop" or "ign" :param info_line: additional text to show below the progress (use :py:func:`StringValue` for short hand creation of shared strings) :type info_line: None or multiprocessing.Array of characters .. note:: As `Progress` is derived from :py:class:`Loop` it is highly encurraged to create any instance of Progress with a context manager (``with`` statement). This ensures that the subprocess showing the progress terminats on context exit. Otherwise one has to make sure that at some point the stop() routine is called. abstract example:: with AProgressClass(...) as p: p.start() # do stuff and modify counter """ if verbose is not None: log.warning("verbose is deprecated, only allowed for compatibility") warnings.warn("verbose is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) # converts count to list and do type check try: for c in count: if not isinstance(c, Synchronized): raise ValueError("Each element of 'count' must be if the type multiprocessing.sharedctypes.Synchronized") self.is_multi = True except TypeError: if not isinstance(count, Synchronized): raise ValueError("'count' must be if the type multiprocessing.sharedctypes.Synchronized") self.is_multi = False count = [count] self.len = len(count) # converts max_count to list and do type check if max_count is not None: if self.is_multi: try: for i, m in enumerate(max_count): if not isinstance(m, Synchronized): max_count[i] = UnsignedIntValue(m) except TypeError: raise TypeError("'max_count' must be iterable") else: if not isinstance(max_count, Synchronized): max_count = UnsignedIntValue(max_count) max_count = [max_count] else: max_count = [None] * self.len self.start_time = [] self.speed_calc_cycles = speed_calc_cycles self.width = width self.q = [] self.prepend = [] self.lock = [] self.last_count = [] self.last_speed = [] for i in range(self.len): self.q.append(myQueue()) # queue to save the last speed_calc_cycles # (time, count) information to calculate speed #self.q[-1].cancel_join_thread() self.last_count.append(UnsignedIntValue()) self.last_speed.append(FloatValue()) self.lock.append(mp.Lock()) self.start_time.append(FloatValue(val=time.time())) if prepend is None: # no prepend given self.prepend.append('') else: if isinstance(prepend, str): self.prepend.append(prepend) else: # assume list of prepend, (needs to be a sequence) self.prepend.append(prepend[i]) self.max_count = max_count # list of multiprocessing value type self.count = count # list of multiprocessing value type self.interval = interval self.verbose = verbose self.show_on_exit = False self.add_args = {} self.info_line = info_line self.show_stat = show_stat # setup loop class with func Loop.__init__(self, func = _show_stat_wrapper_multi_Progress, args = (self.count, self.last_count, self.start_time, self.max_count, self.speed_calc_cycles, self.width, self.q, self.last_speed, self.prepend, show_stat, self.len, self.add_args, self.lock, self.info_line), interval = interval, sigint = sigint, sigterm = sigterm, auto_kill_on_last_resort = True) def __exit__(self, *exc_args): self.stop() @staticmethod def _calc(count, last_count, start_time, max_count, speed_calc_cycles, q, last_speed, lock): """do the pre calculations in order to get TET, speed, TTG :param count: count :param last_count: count at the last call, allows to treat the case of no progress between sequential calls :param start_time: the time when start was triggered :param max_count: the maximal value count :type max_count: :param speed_calc_cycles: :type speed_calc_cycles: :param q: :type q: :param last_speed: :type last_speed: :param lock: :type lock: """ count_value = count.value start_time_value = start_time.value current_time = time.time() if last_count.value != count_value: # some progress happened with lock: # save current state (count, time) to queue q.put((count_value, current_time)) # get older state from queue (or initial state) # to to speed estimation if q.qsize() > speed_calc_cycles: old_count_value, old_time = q.get() else: old_count_value, old_time = 0, start_time_value last_count.value = count_value #last_old_count.value = old_count_value #last_old_time.value = old_time speed = (count_value - old_count_value) / (current_time - old_time) last_speed.value = speed else: # progress has not changed since last call # use also old (cached) data from the queue #old_count_value, old_time = last_old_count.value, last_old_time.value speed = last_speed.value if (max_count is None): max_count_value = None else: max_count_value = max_count.value tet = (current_time - start_time_value) if (speed == 0) or (max_count_value is None) or (max_count_value == 0): ttg = None else: ttg = math.ceil((max_count_value - count_value) / speed) return count_value, max_count_value, speed, tet, ttg def _reset_all(self): """ reset all progress information """ for i in range(self.len): self._reset_i(i) def _reset_i(self, i): """ reset i-th progress information """ self.count[i].value=0 log.debug("reset counter %s", i) self.lock[i].acquire() for x in range(self.q[i].qsize()): self.q[i].get() self.lock[i].release() self.start_time[i].value = time.time() def _show_stat(self): """ convenient functions to call the static show_stat_wrapper_multi with the given class members """ _show_stat_wrapper_multi_Progress(self.count, self.last_count, self.start_time, self.max_count, self.speed_calc_cycles, self.width, self.q, self.last_speed, self.prepend, self.show_stat, self.len, self.add_args, self.lock, self.info_line, no_move_up=True) def reset(self, i = None): """resets the progress informaion :param i: tell which progress to reset, if None reset all :type i: None, int """ if i is None: self._reset_all() else: self._reset_i(i) def start(self): """ start """ # before printing any output to stout, we can now check this # variable to see if any other ProgressBar has reserved that # terminal. if (self.__class__.__name__ in terminal.TERMINAL_PRINT_LOOP_CLASSES): if not terminal.terminal_reserve(progress_obj=self): log.warning("tty already reserved, NOT starting the progress loop!") return super(Progress, self).start() self.show_on_exit = True def stop(self): """ trigger clean up by hand, needs to be done when not using context management via 'with' statement - will terminate loop process - show a last progress -> see the full 100% on exit - releases terminal reservation """ super(Progress, self).stop() terminal.terminal_unreserve(progress_obj=self, verbose=self.verbose) if self.show_on_exit: if not isinstance(self.pipe_handler, PipeToPrint): myout = inMemoryBuffer() stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = myout self._show_stat() self.pipe_handler(myout.getvalue()) sys.stdout = stdout else: self._show_stat() print() self.show_on_exit = False def show_stat_ProgressBar(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, i, **kwargs): if (max_count_value is None) or (max_count_value == 0): # only show current absolute progress as number and estimated speed print("{}{}{} [{}] {}#{} ".format(terminal.ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR, COLTHM['PRE_COL'] + prepend + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT, humanize_time(tet), humanize_speed(speed), terminal.ESC_BOLD + COLTHM['BAR_COL'], count_value)) else: if width == 'auto': width = get_terminal_width() # deduce relative progress and show as bar on screen if ttg is None: s3 = " TTG --" else: s3 = " TTG {}".format(humanize_time(ttg)) s1 = "{}{}{} [{}] ".format(terminal.ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR, COLTHM['PRE_COL'] + prepend + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT, humanize_time(tet), humanize_speed(speed)) l = terminal.len_string_without_ESC(s1 + s3) l2 = width - l - 3 a = int(l2 * count_value / max_count_value) b = l2 - a s2 = COLTHM['BAR_COL'] + terminal.ESC_BOLD + "[" + "=" * a + ">" + " " * b + "]" + terminal.ESC_RESET_BOLD + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT print(s1 + s2 + s3) class ProgressBar(Progress): """ implements a progress bar similar to the one known from 'wget' or 'pv' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ width [int/'auto'] - the number of characters used to show the Progress bar, use 'auto' to determine width from terminal information -> see _set_width """ Progress.__init__(self, *args, show_stat = show_stat_ProgressBar, **kwargs) # self._PRE_PREPEND = terminal.ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR + ESC_RED # self._POST_PREPEND = ESC_BOLD + ESC_GREEN def show_stat_ProgressBarCounter(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, i, **kwargs): counter_count = kwargs['counter_count'][i] counter_speed = kwargs['counter_speed'][i] counter_tet = time.time() - kwargs['init_time'] s_c = "{}{}{} [{}] {}#{} - ".format(terminal.ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR, COLTHM['PRE_COL'] + prepend + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT, humanize_time(counter_tet), humanize_speed(counter_speed.value), COLTHM['BAR_COL'], str(counter_count.value) + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT) if width == 'auto': width = get_terminal_width() if (max_count_value is None) or (max_count_value == 0): s_c = "{}{} [{}] {}#{} ".format(s_c, humanize_time(tet), humanize_speed(speed), COLTHM['BAR_COL'], str(count_value) + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT) else: if ttg is None: s3 = " TTG --" else: s3 = " TTG {}".format(humanize_time(ttg)) s1 = "{} [{}] ".format(humanize_time(tet), humanize_speed(speed)) l = terminal.len_string_without_ESC(s1 + s3 + s_c) l2 = width - l - 3 a = int(l2 * count_value / max_count_value) b = l2 - a s2 = COLTHM['BAR_COL'] + terminal.ESC_BOLD + "[" + "=" * a + ">" + " " * b + "]" + terminal.ESC_RESET_BOLD + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT s_c = s_c + s1 + s2 + s3 print(s_c) class ProgressBarCounter(Progress): """ records also the time of each reset and calculates the speed of the resets. shows the TET since init (not effected by reset) the speed of the resets (number of finished processed per time) and the number of finished processes after that also show a progress of each process max_count > 0 and not None -> bar max_count == None -> absolute count statistic max_count == 0 -> hide process statistic at all """ def __init__(self, speed_calc_cycles_counter=5, **kwargs): Progress.__init__(self, show_stat = show_stat_ProgressBarCounter, **kwargs) self.counter_count = [] self.counter_q = [] self.counter_speed = [] for i in range(self.len): self.counter_count.append(UnsignedIntValue(val=0)) self.counter_q.append(myQueue()) self.counter_speed.append(FloatValue()) self.counter_speed_calc_cycles = speed_calc_cycles_counter self.init_time = time.time() self.add_args['counter_count'] = self.counter_count self.add_args['counter_speed'] = self.counter_speed self.add_args['init_time'] = self.init_time def get_counter_count(self, i=0): return self.counter_count[i].value def _reset_i(self, i): c = self.counter_count[i] with c.get_lock(): c.value += 1 count_value = c.value q = self.counter_q[i] current_time = time.time() q.put((count_value, current_time)) if q.qsize() > self.counter_speed_calc_cycles: old_count_value, old_time = q.get() else: old_count_value, old_time = 0, self.init_time speed = (count_value - old_count_value) / (current_time - old_time) self.counter_speed[i].value = speed Progress._reset_i(self, i) def get_d(s1, s2, width, lp, lps): d = width - len(terminal.remove_ESC_SEQ_from_string(s1)) - len(terminal.remove_ESC_SEQ_from_string(s2)) - 2 - lp - lps if d >= 0: d1 = d // 2 d2 = d - d1 return s1, s2, d1, d2 def full_stat(p, tet, speed, ttg, eta, ort, repl_ch, width, lp, lps): s1 = "TET {} {:>12} TTG {}".format(tet, speed, ttg) s2 = "ETA {} ORT {}".format(eta, ort) return get_d(s1, s2, width, lp, lps) def full_minor_stat(p, tet, speed, ttg, eta, ort, repl_ch, width, lp, lps): s1 = "E {} {:>12} G {}".format(tet, speed, ttg) s2 = "A {} O {}".format(eta, ort) return get_d(s1, s2, width, lp, lps) def reduced_1_stat(p, tet, speed, ttg, eta, ort, repl_ch, width, lp, lps): s1 = "E {} {:>12} G {}".format(tet, speed, ttg) s2 = "O {}".format(ort) return get_d(s1, s2, width, lp, lps) def reduced_2_stat(p, tet, speed, ttg, eta, ort, repl_ch, width, lp, lps): s1 = "E {} G {}".format(tet, ttg) s2 = "O {}".format(ort) return get_d(s1, s2, width, lp, lps) def reduced_3_stat(p, tet, speed, ttg, eta, ort, repl_ch, width, lp, lps): s1 = "E {} G {}".format(tet, ttg) s2 = '' return get_d(s1, s2, width, lp, lps) def reduced_4_stat(p, tet, speed, ttg, eta, ort, repl_ch, width, lp, lps): s1 = '' s2 = '' return get_d(s1, s2, width, lp, lps) def kw_bold(s, ch_after): kws = ['TET', 'TTG', 'ETA', 'ORT', 'E', 'G', 'A', 'O'] for kw in kws: for c in ch_after: s = s.replace(kw + c, terminal.ESC_BOLD + kw + terminal.ESC_RESET_BOLD + c) return s def _stat(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, i, **kwargs): if (max_count_value is None) or (max_count_value == 0): # only show current absolute progress as number and estimated speed stat = "{}{} [{}] {}#{} ".format(COLTHM['PRE_COL'] + prepend + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT, humanize_time(tet), humanize_speed(speed), COLTHM['BAR_COL'], str(count_value) + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT) else: if width == 'auto': width = get_terminal_width() # deduce relative progress p = count_value / max_count_value if p < 1: ps = " {:.1%} ".format(p) else: ps = " {:.0%} ".format(p) if ttg is None: eta = '--' ort = None else: eta = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time() + ttg).strftime("%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S") ort = tet + ttg tet = humanize_time(tet) speed = '[' + humanize_speed(speed) + ']' ttg = humanize_time(ttg) ort = humanize_time(ort) repl_ch = '-' lp = len(prepend) args = p, tet, speed, ttg, eta, ort, repl_ch, width, lp, len(ps) res = full_stat(*args) if res is None: res = full_minor_stat(*args) if res is None: res = reduced_1_stat(*args) if res is None: res = reduced_2_stat(*args) if res is None: res = reduced_3_stat(*args) if res is None: res = reduced_4_stat(*args) if res is not None: s1, s2, d1, d2 = res s = s1 + ' ' * d1 + ps + ' ' * d2 + s2 idx_p = math.ceil( (width-lp-2)*p) s_before = s[:idx_p].replace(' ', repl_ch) if (len(s_before) > 0) and (s_before[-1] == repl_ch): s_before = s_before[:-1] + '>' s_after = s[idx_p:] s_before = kw_bold(s_before, ch_after=[repl_ch, '>']) s_after = kw_bold(s_after, ch_after=[' ']) stat = (COLTHM['PRE_COL'] + prepend + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT + COLTHM['BAR_COL'] + terminal.ESC_BOLD + '[' + terminal.ESC_RESET_BOLD + s_before + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT + s_after + terminal.ESC_BOLD + COLTHM['BAR_COL'] + ']' + terminal.ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR) else: ps = ps.strip() if p == 1: ps = ' ' + ps stat = prepend + ps return stat def show_stat_ProgressBarFancy(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, i, **kwargs): stat = _stat(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, i, **kwargs) print(stat) class ProgressBarFancy(Progress): """ implements a progress bar where the color indicates the current status similar to the bars known from 'htop' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ width [int/'auto'] - the number of characters used to show the Progress bar, use 'auto' to determine width from terminal information -> see _set_width """ Progress.__init__(self, *args, show_stat = show_stat_ProgressBarFancy, **kwargs) def show_stat_ProgressBarCounterFancy(count_value, max_count_value, prepend, speed, tet, ttg, width, i, **kwargs): counter_count = kwargs['counter_count'][i] counter_speed = kwargs['counter_speed'][i] counter_tet = time.time() - kwargs['init_time'] s_c = "{}{}{} [{}] {}#{}".format(terminal.ESC_NO_CHAR_ATTR, COLTHM['PRE_COL']+prepend+terminal.ESC_DEFAULT, humanize_time(counter_tet), humanize_speed(counter_speed.value), COLTHM['BAR_COL'], str(counter_count.value) + terminal.ESC_DEFAULT) if max_count_value is not None: if width == 'auto': width = get_terminal_width() s_c += ' - ' if max_count_value == 0: s_c = "{}{} [{}] {}#{} ".format(s_c, humanize_time(tet), humanize_speed(speed), COLTHM['BAR_COL'], str(count_value)+terminal.ESC_DEFAULT) else: _width = width - terminal.len_string_without_ESC(s_c) s_c += _stat(count_value, max_count_value, '', speed, tet, ttg, _width, i) print(s_c) class ProgressBarCounterFancy(ProgressBarCounter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ProgressBarCounter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.show_stat = show_stat_ProgressBarCounterFancy class SIG_handler_Loop(object): """class to setup signal handling for the Loop class Note: each subprocess receives the default signal handling from it's parent. If the signal function from the module signal is evoked within the subprocess this default behavior can be overwritten. The init function receives a shared memory boolean object which will be set false in case of signal detection. Since the Loop class will check the state of this boolean object before each repetition, the loop will stop when a signal was receives. """ def __init__(self, sigint, sigterm, log, prefix): self.set_signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint) self.set_signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm) self.prefix = prefix self.log = log self.log.info("setup signal handler for loop (SIGINT:%s, SIGTERM:%s)", sigint, sigterm) def set_signal(self, sig, handler_str): if handler_str == 'ign': signal.signal(sig, self._ignore_signal) elif handler_str == 'stop': signal.signal(sig, self._stop_on_signal) else: raise TypeError("unknown signal hander string '%s'", handler_str) def _ignore_signal(self, signal, frame): self.log.debug("ignore received sig %s", signal_dict[signal]) pass def _stop_on_signal(self, signal, frame): self.log.info("received sig %s -> raise InterruptedError", signal_dict[signal]) raise LoopInterruptError() def FloatValue(val=0.): """returns a `multiprocessing.Value` of type `float` with initial value `val`""" return mp.Value('d', val, lock=True) def UnsignedIntValue(val=0): """returns a `multiprocessing.Value` of type `unsigned int` with initial value `val`""" return mp.Value('I', val, lock=True) def StringValue(num_of_bytes): """returns a `multiprocessing.Array` of type `character` and length `num_of_bytes`""" return mp.Array('c', _jm_compatible_bytearray(num_of_bytes), lock=True) def check_process_termination(proc, prefix, timeout, auto_kill_on_last_resort = False): proc.join(timeout) if not proc.is_alive(): log.debug("termination of process (pid %s) within timeout of %s SUCCEEDED!", proc.pid, humanize_time(timeout)) return True # process still runs -> send SIGTERM -> see what happens log.warning("termination of process (pid %s) within given timeout of %s FAILED!", proc.pid, humanize_time(timeout)) proc.terminate() new_timeout = 3*timeout log.debug("wait for termination (timeout %s)", humanize_time(new_timeout)) proc.join(new_timeout) if not proc.is_alive(): log.info("termination of process (pid %s) via SIGTERM with timeout of %s SUCCEEDED!", proc.pid, humanize_time(new_timeout)) return True log.warning("termination of process (pid %s) via SIGTERM with timeout of %s FAILED!", proc.pid, humanize_time(new_timeout)) log.debug("auto_kill_on_last_resort is %s", auto_kill_on_last_resort) answer = 'k' if auto_kill_on_last_resort else '_' while True: log.debug("answer string is %s", answer) if answer == 'k': log.warning("send SIGKILL to process with pid %s", proc.pid) os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGKILL) time.sleep(0.1) else: log.info("send SIGTERM to process with pid %s", proc.pid) os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(0.1) if not proc.is_alive(): log.info("process (pid %s) has stopped running!", proc.pid) return True else: log.warning("process (pid %s) is still running!", proc.pid) print("the process (pid {}) seems still running".format(proc.pid)) try: answer = input("press 'enter' to send SIGTERM, enter 'k' to send SIGKILL or enter 'ignore' to not bother about the process anymore") except Exception as e: log.error("could not ask for sending SIGKILL due to {}".format(type(e))) log.info(traceback.format_exc()) log.warning("send SIGKILL now") answer = 'k' if answer == 'ignore': log.warning("ignore process %s", proc.pid) return False elif answer != 'k': answer = '' def getCountKwargs(func): """ Returns a list ["count kwarg", "count_max kwarg"] for a given function. Valid combinations are defined in `progress.validCountKwargs`. Returns None if no keyword arguments are found. """ # Get all arguments of the function if hasattr(func, "__code__"): func_args = func.__code__.co_varnames[:func.__code__.co_argcount] for pair in validCountKwargs: if ( pair[0] in func_args and pair[1] in func_args ): return pair # else return None def humanize_speed(c_per_sec): """convert a speed in counts per second to counts per [s, min, h, d], choosing the smallest value greater zero. """ scales = [60, 60, 24] units = ['c/s', 'c/min', 'c/h', 'c/d'] speed = c_per_sec i = 0 if speed > 0: while (speed < 1) and (i < len(scales)): speed *= scales[i] i += 1 return "{:.1f}{}".format(speed, units[i]) def humanize_time(secs): """convert second in to hh:mm:ss format """ if secs is None: return '--' if secs < 1: return "{:.2f}ms".format(secs*1000) elif secs < 10: return "{:.2f}s".format(secs) else: mins, secs = divmod(secs, 60) hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60) return '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(int(hours), int(mins), int(secs)) def codecov_subprocess_check(): print("this line will be only called from a subprocess") myQueue = mp.Queue # a mapping from the numeric values of the signals to their names used in the # standard python module signals signal_dict = {} for s in dir(signal): if s.startswith('SIG') and s[3] != '_': n = getattr(signal, s) if n in signal_dict: signal_dict[n] += ('/'+s) else: signal_dict[n] = s _colthm_term_default = {'PRE_COL': terminal.ESC_RED, 'BAR_COL': terminal.ESC_LIGHT_GREEN, 'ADD_LNS_UP':0} _colthm_ipyt_default = {'PRE_COL': terminal.ESC_RED, 'BAR_COL': terminal.ESC_LIGHT_BLUE, 'ADD_LNS_UP':0} _colthm_wincmd_default = {'PRE_COL': terminal.ESC_RED, 'BAR_COL': terminal.ESC_GREEN, 'ADD_LNS_UP':1} color_themes = {'term_default': _colthm_term_default, 'ipyt_default': _colthm_ipyt_default, 'wincmd_default': _colthm_wincmd_default} if platform.system() == 'Windows': COLTHM = _colthm_wincmd_default else: COLTHM = _colthm_term_default def choose_color_theme(name): global COLTHM if name in color_themes: COLTHM = color_themes[name] else: warnings.warn("no such color theme {}".format(name)) # keyword arguments that define counting in wrapped functions validCountKwargs = [ [ "count", "count_max"], [ "count", "max_count"], [ "c", "m"], [ "jmc", "jmm"], ]