#+STARTUP: content #+FILETAGS: Uni Master * Literature ** Stochastic Processes - [[id:223952d2-a9fa-4c96-b429-f05fd08644ca][Introduction to stochastic processes-lecture notes]] - [[id:80a1efbe-130e-4236-a5bc-a29dc81ea57a][Stochastic processes for physicists: understanding noisy systems]] - [[id:8559e06e-8681-4fc6-86ff-5732aefacca7][Probability and stochastic processes for physicists ||]] ** Open Systems - [[id:c2e028d9-7ba5-4bbe-8c45-b191c6001f9a][Open Quantum Systems]] by Rivas - [[id:bbcfafbe-685a-4773-9391-119230199e67][Fundamentals of quantum optics benjamin]] by Klauder ** Stochastic Unravelings - [[id:d1b1ff19-6450-48e5-96b7-cf0ba75e33d0][The quantum-state diffusion model applied to open systems]] one of the first applications - [[id:487f7392-2db2-474d-a97d-2392b8801a58][Decoherent histories and quantum state diffusion]] ** NMQSD See also [[id:0c2d1e58-7af7-411a-ace4-b6cc9e16859b][NMQSD]]. - [[id:f621ce90-bf29-4ee7-8972-618d41eb5092][The non-markovian stochastic schr\ifmmodeo\else\"o\fidinger equation for open systems]] - [[id:abb3e07e-ce6f-4ab8-bc88-f00f80196ed6][Non-Markovian Quantum State Diffusion]] - [[id:c3fc86bd-8b17-4015-b12d-b2a345da49c3][Open system dynamics with non-markovian quantum trajectories]] ** HOPS See also [[id:ddb3a3ad-c876-461d-b634-4bb5d330e25a][HOPS]]. - [[id:d98cf8bd-ec91-42a7-bea9-1d196ed42c32][Hierarchy of stochastic pure states for open quantum system dynamics]] - [[id:e5a44f45-2120-44ce-8e74-5ae247fa977e][Exact open quantum system dynamics using the hierarchy of pure states (hops)]] - [[id:66e7eaf1-24a8-4a14-826e-1f132823fa9a][Open quantum system response from the hierarchy of pure states]] ** Numerik See [[id:f8d8a28b-7ae3-425a-921e-8f472b166866][Numerics]] - [[id:f056e38e-d46b-40c5-bc69-5a14d2db2c88][Numerical Recipes]] * Important Basics - [[id:eb435d2d-2625-4219-ae18-224eba0fa8a4][Coherent States]] * Todo ** DONE Where is stochastic unraveling explained in more detail? - maybe in sources 1-7 in the cite:Diosi1997 1. cite:Diosi1995Jan - wait for hab... ** RESOLVED Ito formalism necessary? ** RESOLVED the stochastic calculus... ** DONE understanding NMQSD ** DONE How are gaussian processes described by their autocorellation ** DONE Which mean is meant in the [[id:85fc22ad-ad87-4f6e-a395-00c6fb33f263][Bath Correlation Function]]? - ok mean in initial state ** DONE What is the justification for substitutiong zt for a stochastic process? - actually we do not really substitute -> the sample trajectories /are/ a stoch. process ** DONE Why in the first place? -> sampling -> but why processes ** DONE The langevin eq. for Q in cite:Strunz2001Habil is NO LANGEVIN equation?! - well sort of. the solution is correct ** DONE Mathematical nitpicks in cite:Strunz2001Habil ** DONE IN cite:Strunz2001Habil this is meant as integral over initial conditions? ** ASK [[id:c55b6bac-87e3-4b23-a238-c9135e3c1371][Quantum Fluctuation theorems?]] ** DONE Submit stocproc and ... patches ** ASK Only β dependence in Rivas H from definition, or also through time development? ** ASK Nonlinear woes! - derivative of D operator? - Heisenberg Method can't work. At least it's no linear operator - ahh [[file:calca/nmqsd_doodles/nonlin_heisenberg.xoj][see the end of my notes]] * Tasks ** DONE Implement Basic HOPS :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2021-10-08 Fri 08:51] CLOCK: [2021-10-07 Thu 13:38]--[2021-10-07 Thu 17:50] => 4:12 :END: - see [[file:python/experiments/stochproc/test_stoch.org][my stoch. proc experiments]] - ill use [[https://github.com/cimatosa/stocproc/tree/master/stocproc][richards]] package ** Find the Steady State ** Quantify Heat Transfer - not as easy as in the cite:Kato2015Aug paper - maybe heisenberg picture useful - see my notes. just calculate the time derivative of the bath energy expectation - [[file:python/billohops/test_billohops.org][my first experiments]] yield bogus numerics... - richards code makes it work - for derivations see - [[file:calca/heat_flow/nonlinear_hops.xoj][nonlinear]] - [[file:tex/energy_transfer/main.pdf][TeXed notes]] - the energy balance checks out [[id:cbc95df0-609d-4b1f-a51d-ebca7b680ec7][System + Interaction Energy]] and [[file:calca/heat_flow/hsi.xoj][my notes]] - i've generalized to multiple exponential in [[id:9ce93da8-d323-40ec-96a2-42ba184dc963][this document]] *** TODO TeX notes - done with nonlinear *** TODO verify that second hops state vanishes *** DONE Try to get Richards old HOPS working - code downloaded from [[https://cloudstore.zih.tu-dresden.de/index.php/s/9sdcn3FGGbDMDoj][here]] - it works see [[file:python/richard_hops/energy_flow.org][Energy Flow]] - interestingly with this model: only one aux state *** TODO Test Nonlinear hops - see [[file:python/richard_hops/energy_flow_nonlinear.org][here]] *** TODO Generalize to two Baths *** TODO Generalize to Nonzero Temp - in cite:RichardDiss the noise hamiltonian method is described - b.c. only on system -> calculation should go through :) - not that easy, see [[file:calca/heat_flow/thermal.xoj][notes]] - includes time derivative of stoch proc - idea: sample time derivative and integrate - not as bad as thought: no exponential form needed -> process smooth *** TODO Analytic Verification - cummings - and pseudo-mode *** DONE figure out why means involving the stoch. process are so bad - maybe y is wrong -> no - then: not differentiable + too noisy - other term is integral and continous, converges faster? - my test with the gauss process was tupid -> no sum of exponentials - it works with proper smooth process: [[id:2872b2db-5d3d-470d-8c35-94aca6925f14][Energy Flow in the linear case with smooth correlation...]] **** ASK - why do i have to take the conjugate of the process? **** TODO get around that limitation - maybe use integrated form *** TODO VORTRAG - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bRii85RT8s&list=PLJfdTiUFX4cNiK44-ScthZC2SNNrtUGu1&index=33; - where do i find out more about \(C^\ast\) algebras? - power \(\dot{W}(t):=\frac{d}{d t}\langle H(t)\rangle=\operatorname{Tr}\left[\dot{H}_{\mathrm{S}}(t) \rho_{\mathrm{SR}}(t)\right]=\operatorname{Tr}\left[\dot{H}_{\mathrm{S}}(t) \rho_{\mathrm{S}}(t)\right]\) - work is just the change of total energy - Definitions \(H_{\mathrm{S}}^{\circledast}(t, \beta):=-\beta^{-1} \log \left[\Lambda_{t} \mathrm{e}^{-\beta H_{\mathrm{S}}}\right]\left\{\begin{array}{l}E_{\mathrm{int}}(t):=\operatorname{Tr}\left\{\rho_{\mathrm{S}}(t)\left[H_{\mathrm{S}}^{\circledast}(t, \beta)+\beta \partial_{\beta} H_{\mathrm{S}}^{\circledast}(t, \beta)\right]\right\} \\ F(t):=\operatorname{Tr}\left\{\rho_{\mathrm{S}}(t)\left[H_{\mathrm{S}}^{\circledast}(t, \beta)+\beta^{-1} \log \rho_{\mathrm{S}}(t)\right]\right\} \\ S(t):=\operatorname{Tr}\left\{\rho_{\mathrm{S}}(t)\left[-\log \rho_{\mathrm{S}}(t)+\beta^{2} \partial_{\beta} H_{\mathrm{S}}^{\circledast}(t, \beta)\right]\right\}\end{array}\right.\) - Properties - Initial time: \(E_{\text {int }}(0):=\operatorname{Tr}\left[\rho_{\mathrm{S}}(0) H_{\mathrm{S}}\right] \quad\left(H_{\mathrm{S}}^{\circledast}(0, \beta)=H_{\mathrm{S}}\right)\) *** TODO Compare with Rivas Method *** TODO Find Rivas Paper ** Rivas Vortrag ** Matrix Eigenvals - see cite:Pan1999May ** Relation between coerrelation time and hops depth