from math import factorial as fac import numpy as np int_type = np.int16 import functools def init_occupation(n, two_dim=False, oc_iter=None): """ create the "k-vector" for the hierarchies basically an n-dimensional vector with non negative integer values if two_dim is set True, set shape to (1,n), allows to vstack several occupations arrays if oc_iter is given, is must be an iterable object who's data is set to the occupation array """ res = np.zeros(shape=n, dtype=int_type) if oc_iter is not None: for i, o in enumerate(oc_iter): res[i] = o if two_dim: return res.reshape((1,n)) else: return res def dist_k_elements_in_n_slots(k, n, k_max_restrictions=None): """ choose k elements from an n element set including repetition not caring about the order. so it is sufficient to name the number occurrences of each element. therefore the number notation (n1, n2, n3, ... ) is chosen, which means the first element occurs n1 times, the second n2 and so on. if 'k_max_restrictions' is given, the restrictions (n_i <= k_max_restrictions[i]) will be fulfilled to generate all possibilities, we can think of the following picture. we have k marbles, and we need to distribute them on n slots. The recursive procedure is as follows: first place all marbles in the same spot, gives one possibility. then we decrease the number of marbles for the first spot one by one, and distribute the remaining marbles on the remaining spots. The last step will be to have zero marbles in the first spot, and all marbled distributed on the remaining n-1 spots. """ if k_max_restrictions is not None: k_max = k_max_restrictions[0] k_max_restrictions = k_max_restrictions[1:] else: k_max = k res = None if k <= k_max: # all in the first, leave none for the rest res = init_occupation(n, two_dim=True) res[0,0] = k # if n > 1 (number of spots) # decrease the number of marbles at this spot (first one) until 0, # and distribute the remaining marbles on the remaining slots if n > 1: # marbles in first spot going down from k-1 to 0 # if a restriction k_max is given and k_max < k, then # go down from k_max to 0 for k_i in range(min(k-1, k_max), -1, -1): # distribute remaining (k-k_i) marbles on the remaining n-1 spots k_remaining = k-k_i # if the remaining marbles fulfill the total # number of marble restriction for the remaining spots ... if (k_max_restrictions is None) or (k_remaining <= sum(k_max_restrictions)): res_k_i = dist_k_elements_in_n_slots(k_remaining, n-1, k_max_restrictions) l = res_k_i.shape[0] # reconstruct the whole marble ensemble with the first spot # [ [k_i, res_k_i_1_0, res_k_i_1_1, .. res_k_i_1_n-1] # [k_i, res_k_i_2_0, res_k_i_2_1, .. res_k_i_2_n-1] # [k_i, res_k_i_3_0, res_k_i_3_1, .. res_k_i_3_n-1] # ... # [k_i, res_k_i_4_0, res_k_i_4_1, .. res_k_i_4_n-1] ] res_k_i = np.hstack( (k_i * np.ones(shape=(l,1), dtype=int_type), res_k_i) ) if res is None: res = res_k_i else: res = np.vstack( (res, res_k_i) ) # if there are to many marbles to meet the restrictions # return what we got so far else: return res return res def all_comb(n, k_max, sum_k_max='simplex'): """ calls dist_k_elements_in_n_slots for fixed n and all integer k up to sum_k_max sum_k_max may be a specific integer value or one of the following 'simplex': all_comb will cover the corner of an n-cube wich the restrictions given by k_max yields: sum_k_max = max(k_max) 'cuboid' : all_comb covers the full n-dim hyper cuboid defined by the restrictions imposed by k_max yields: sum_k_max = sum(k_max) this generates all possible k-vectors needed by the hierarchy up to a maximum value k_max such that sum(k) <= k_max """ res = init_occupation(n, two_dim=True) try: l = len(k_max) if l != n: raise RuntimeError("len(k_max)={} must be n={}".format(l, n)) except TypeError: k_max = [k_max]*n if sum_k_max == 'simplex': sum_k_max = max(k_max) elif sum_k_max == 'cuboid': sum_k_max = sum(k_max) else: sum_k_max = int(sum_k_max) for k in range(1, sum_k_max + 1): res = np.vstack( (res, dist_k_elements_in_n_slots(k, n, k_max)) ) return res def get_k_of_occupation(oc): """ returns the hierarchy depth for a given occupation number (occupation number can be interchanged with k-vector) which is simply the sum(k) """ return sum(oc) def number_of_all_combinations_old(n, k_max): """ analytic expression for number of k-vectors of dimension n and hierarchy depth k_max """ return fac(k_max + n) // fac(n) // fac(k_max) def number_of_all_combinations(n, k_max, sum_k_max='simplex'): if not hasattr(k_max, '__len__'): k_max = (k_max,)*n else: assert len(k_max) == n k_max = tuple(k_max) if sum_k_max == 'simplex': sum_k_max = max(k_max) elif sum_k_max == 'cuboid': sum_k_max = sum(k_max) r = 0 for k in range(0, sum_k_max+1): r += _comb_with_trunc(n, k, m = k_max) return r @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024, typed=False) def _comb_with_trunc(n, k, m): """ calculates the number of possibilities of how to distribute k marbles on n slots where each slot i may have a maximum of m[i] marbles. """ # if k > sum(m): # return 0 if n == 1: if k > m[0]: return 0 else: return 1 m_ = min(k,m[0]) r = 0 for l in range(0, m_+1): # l = m_ ... k t_ = _comb_with_trunc(n-1, k-l, m[1:]) r += t_ return r def occupation_to_bin(oc): oc = np.asarray(oc, dtype=int_type) if oc.ndim == 1: return else: l = oc.shape[0] res = [0]*l # init a python list with l elements for i in range(l): res[i] = oc[i].data.tobytes() return res def binkey_to_nparray(binkey): return np.fromstring(binkey, dtype=int_type) def idx_dict(n, k_max, sum_k_max='simplex'): """ create a hashtable look up which assigns an index to each k-vector or more precise to the binary data in the numpy array buffer see 'all_comb' for details on n, k_max and sum_k_max """ ac = all_comb(n, k_max, sum_k_max) return dict(zip(occupation_to_bin(ac), range(len(ac)))) def occupation_dec(oc, l): res = init_occupation(n=len(oc), oc_iter=oc) if oc[l] == 0: return None res[l] -= 1 return res def occupation_inc(oc, l): res = init_occupation(n=len(oc), oc_iter=oc) res[l] += 1 return res def occupation_to_set(oc): res = () for i, oci in enumerate(oc): res += (i+1,)*oci return res def set_to_occupation(s, n): res = init_occupation(n) for si in s: res[si-1] += 1 return res