import numpy as np from scipy.special import gamma as gamma_func # from scipy.special import zeta as zeta_func from scipy.integrate import quad from collections import namedtuple from functools import partial # import mpmath import warnings import traceback import mpmath # import mypath # import convenientMath as cm # import persistentdata as pd # import binfootprint as bf # import fcSpline import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ############################################################# # # parameter types # ############################################################# def zeta_func(x, q): return np.complex128(mpmath.zeta(x, q)) obcf_param_type = namedtuple( typename="obcf_param_type", field_names=["s", "eta", "gamma"] ) obcf_param_KAST_ANKERHOLD_type = namedtuple( typename="obcf_param_KAST_ANKERHOLD_type", field_names=["s", "alpha", "omega_c"] ) ############################################################# # # class definitiona # ############################################################# class OSD(object): r"""ohmic spectral density J(w) = eta w^s exp(-w / gamma) """ def __init__(self, s, eta, gamma, normed=False, mp=False): """ represents an super / sub Ohmic spectral density function normed: if set True, scaled eta, such that int_0^infty J(w) = 1 mp: if set True, use mpmath for evaluation this class implements set_state and get_state and is suitable for binfootprint make sure, that s, eta, and gamma are regular float objects """ # the "args" attributes are use for get_state and set_state self.s_arg = s self.gamma_arg = gamma self.normed_arg = normed self.mp_arg = mp if normed: self.eta_arg = None else: self.eta_arg = eta # non non math version if not mp: self._exp = np.exp self._gamma_func = gamma_func self.s = s self.gamma = gamma self.eta = eta # mpmath version else: self._exp = mpmath.exp self._gamma_func = mpmath.gamma self.s = mpmath.mpf(s) self.gamma = mpmath.mpf(gamma) self.eta = mpmath.mpf(eta) if normed: self.eta = self.eta / self.integral() self.c = self.eta * self._gamma_func(self.s) def __call__(self, w): if isinstance(w, np.ndarray): res = np.empty_like(w) idx_l0 = np.where(w < 0) res[idx_l0] = 0 idx_ge0 = np.where(w >= 0) res[idx_ge0] = ( self.eta * w[idx_ge0] ** self.s * self._exp(-w[idx_ge0] / self.gamma) ) return res else: if w < 0: return 0 else: return self.eta * w ** self.s * self._exp(-w / self.gamma) def maximum_at(self): return self.s * self.gamma def maximum_val(self): return self(self.maximum_at()) def integral(self): return self.eta * self.gamma ** (self.s + 1) * self._gamma_func(self.s + 1) def reorganization_energy(self): """ int_0^infity J(w) / w """ return self.eta * self.gamma ** self.s * self._gamma_func(self.s) def shifted_bath_influence(self, t): """ int_0^infity J(w) / w exp(-i w t) = eta [ gamma/(1+i gamma t) ]**s * Gamma(s) """ return self.c * (self.gamma / (1 + 1j * self.gamma * t)) ** self.s def __str__(self): return ( "J(w) = eta w^s exp(-w / w_c)\n" + "eta = {}\n".format(self.eta) + "s = {}\n".format(self.s) + "w_c = {}\n".format(self.gamma) ) def __getstate__(self): return self.s_arg, self.eta_arg, self.gamma_arg, self.normed_arg, self.mp_arg def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(*state) class MakeItReal(object): def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __call__(self, x): return np.real(self.func(x)) def __bfkey__(self): return self.func class OBCF(object): r"""ohmic bath correlation functions (BCF) consider ohmic spectral density J(w) = eta w^s exp(-w / gamma) general BCF alpha(tau) = 1/pi int_0^infty d w J(w) exp(-i w tau) -> ohmic BCF alpha(tau) = eta/pi gamma^(s+1) int_0^infty d x x^s exp(-x) exp(-i x gamma t) = eta/pi gamma^(s+1) (1 + i gamma t)^(-s-1) gamma_func(s+1) """ def __init__(self, s, eta, gamma, normed=False): self.s = float(s) self.gamma = float(gamma) if normed: self.eta = None self._c1 = 1 / np.pi else: self.eta = eta self._c1 = self.eta * gamma_func(s + 1) * gamma ** (s + 1) / np.pi def __call__(self, tau): # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.filterwarnings('error') # try: # a1 = 1 + 1j*self.gamma * tau # a2 = a1**(-(self.s+1)) # return self._c1 * a2 # except: # traceback.print_stack() # print("gamma", self.gamma) # print("tau", tau) # print('a1', a1) # print('a2', a2) # raise return self._c1 * (1 + 1j * self.gamma * tau) ** (-(self.s + 1)) def div1(self, tau): return ( -self._c1 * (self.s + 1) * (1 + 1j * self.gamma * tau) ** (-(self.s + 2)) * 1j * self.gamma ) def __getstate__(self): return self.s, self.eta, self.gamma def __setstate__(self, state): eta = state[1] if eta is None: self.__init__(*state, normed=True) else: self.__init__(*state, normed=False) def __eq__(self, other): return ( (self.s == other.s) and (self.eta == other.eta) and (self.gamma == other.gamma) ) def __repr__(self): s = "\nbcf with J(w) = eta w^s exp(-w / gamma)" s += "\ns :{}".format(self.s) s += "\neta :{}".format(self.eta) s += "\ngamma:{}".format(self.gamma) return s class OBCF_FT(object): def __init__(self, s, eta, gamma, beta): self.s_p1 = s + 1 self.eta = eta self.gamma = gamma self.beta = beta self._c = self.eta / self.beta ** (self.s_p1) * gamma_func(self.s_p1) / np.pi self._beta_gamma = self.beta * self.gamma def __call__(self, tau): if isinstance(tau, np.ndarray): res = np.empty(shape=tau.shape, dtype=np.complex128) res_flat = res.flat tau_flat = tau.flat for i, ti in enumerate(tau_flat): zf = zeta_func( self.s_p1, (1 + self._beta_gamma + 1j * self.gamma * ti) / self._beta_gamma, ) res_flat[i] = self._c * ( (self._beta_gamma / (1 + 1j * self.gamma * ti)) ** self.s_p1 + zf + np.conj(zf) ) return res else: zf = zeta_func( self.s_p1, (1 + self._beta_gamma + 1j * self.gamma * tau) / self._beta_gamma, ) return self._c * ( (self._beta_gamma / (1 + 1j * self.gamma * tau)) ** self.s_p1 + zf + np.conj(zf) ) def __bfkey__(self): return self.s_p1, self.eta, self.gamma, self.beta class OBCF_FT_mp(object): def __init__(self, s, eta, gamma, beta): self.s_p1 = mpmath.mpf(s) + 1 self.eta = mpmath.mpf(eta) self.gamma = mpmath.mpf(gamma) self.beta = mpmath.mpf(beta) self._c = ( self.eta / self.beta ** (self.s_p1) * mpmath.gamma(self.s_p1) / mpmath.pi ) self._beta_gamma = self.beta * self.gamma def __call__(self, tau): zf = mpmath.zeta( self.s_p1, (1 + self._beta_gamma + 1j * self.gamma * tau) / self._beta_gamma ) return self._c * ( (self._beta_gamma / (1 + 1j * self.gamma * tau)) ** self.s_p1 + zf + mpmath.conj(zf) ) class OFTCorr(object): def __init__(self, s, eta, gamma, beta): self.s_p1 = s + 1 self.eta = eta self.gamma = gamma self.beta = beta self._c = self.eta / self.beta ** (self.s_p1) * gamma_func(self.s_p1) / np.pi self._beta_gamma = self.beta * self.gamma def __call__(self, tau): if isinstance(tau, np.ndarray): res = np.empty(shape=tau.shape, dtype=np.complex128) res_flat = res.flat tau_flat = tau.flat for i, ti in enumerate(tau_flat): res_flat[i] = self._c * zeta_func( self.s_p1, (1 + self._beta_gamma + 1j * self.gamma * ti) / self._beta_gamma, ) return res else: return self._c * zeta_func( self.s_p1, (1 + self._beta_gamma + 1j * self.gamma * tau) / self._beta_gamma, ) def __bfkey__(self): return self.s_p1, self.eta, self.gamma, self.beta def BOSE_distribution_single(x): """calc (exp(x)-1)^-1""" if x < 0: raise ValueError("x < 0") elif x > 40: return np.exp(-x) else: return 1 / np.expm1(x) def BOSE_distribution(x): try: return np.asarray([BOSE_distribution_single(xi) for xi in x]) except: return BOSE_distribution_single(x) class OFTDens(object): def __init__(self, s, eta, gamma, beta): self.osd = OSD(s, eta, gamma) self.beta = beta def __call__(self, w): return BOSE_distribution(self.beta * w) * self.osd(w) def __bfkey__(self): return self.osd, self.beta class BCF_aprx(object): r"""approximation of the bath correlation function using exponentials alpha(tau) = sum_i=1^n g_i exp(-omega_i tau) """ def __init__(self, g, omega): g = np.asarray(g) omega = np.asarray(omega) self._n = g.shape assert self._n == omega.shape self.g = g = omega def __call__(self, tau): r"""return alpha(tau) = sum_i=1^n g_i exp(-w_i tau) for arbitrary shape of tau""" try: s_tau = tau.shape dims_tau = len(s_tau) tau_ = tau.reshape((1,) + s_tau) g_ = self.g.reshape(self._n + dims_tau * (1,)) omega_ = + dims_tau * (1,)) res = np.empty(shape=s_tau, dtype=np.complex128) idx_pos = np.where(tau >= 0) res[idx_pos] = np.sum(g_ * np.exp(-omega_ * tau_[(0,) + idx_pos]), axis=0) idx_neg = np.where(tau < 0) res[idx_neg] = np.conj( np.sum(g_ * np.exp(-omega_ * np.abs(tau_[(0,) + idx_neg])), axis=0) ) except Exception as e: if tau >= 0: res = np.sum(self.g * np.exp( * tau)) else: res = np.sum(self.g * np.exp( * tau)).conj() return res def get_SD(self, t_max, n): """ t0, t1, t2 ... ,tn=t_max al(t0), al(t1), al(t2), ... al(t n-1) + al(tn), al(t n+1) = al(t n-1)^ast, ... al(t 2n-1) = al(-1)^ast idx: 0 ... n-1 n .. -1 -> dt = t_max / n-1 """ t, dt = np.linspace(0, t_max, n, retstep=True) alpha_t = self.__call__(t) alpha_t = np.hstack((alpha_t[:-1], np.conj(alpha_t[:0:-1]))) N = 2 * (n - 1) t_, dt_ = np.linspace(0, 2 * t_max, N, endpoint=False, retstep=True) assert dt == dt_ assert len(t_) == len(alpha_t) fft_alpha = np.fft.ifft(alpha_t) * dt * N dw = 2 * np.pi / N / dt freq = np.hstack((np.arange(N // 2), -np.arange(1, N // 2 + 1)[::-1])) * dw return 0.5 * np.fft.ifftshift(np.real(fft_alpha)), np.fft.ifftshift(freq) def get_SD_analyt(self, w): sd = np.asarray( [ np.sum( ( self.g.real * - self.g.imag * (wi - ) / ( ** 2 + (wi - ** 2) ) for wi in w ] ) return sd def ft(self, om): if isinstance(om, np.ndarray): res = np.empty(shape=om.shape, dtype=np.complex128) res_flat_view = res.flat om_flat = om.flatten().reshape(-1, 1) res_flat_view[:] = np.sum( self.g * 2 * / ((om_flat - 1j * * (om_flat + 1j *, axis=1, ) return res else: return ( self.g * 2 * / ((om - 1j * * (om + 1j * ) def n(self): return self._n[0]