mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 10:01:43 -05:00
add energy shovel motor
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 211 additions and 0 deletions
@ -503,3 +503,5 @@ results/**.npy
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#+PROPERTY: header-args :session 09_energy_shovel :kernel python :pandoc no :async yes :tangle no
Herein I'll try to apply the energy shovel from the previous project in a cycle.
* Boilerplate
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
import figsaver as fs
from hiro_models.one_qubit_model import QubitModelMutliBath, StocProcTolerances
import hiro_models.model_auxiliary as aux
import numpy as np
import qutip as qt
Init ray and silence stocproc.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
import ray
: 2022-07-13 14:56:26,440 INFO worker.py:956 -- Connecting to existing Ray cluster at address:
: RayContext(dashboard_url='', python_version='3.9.13', ray_version='1.13.0', ray_commit='e4ce38d001dbbe09cd21c497fedd03d692b2be3e', address_info={'node_ip_address': '', 'raylet_ip_address': '', 'redis_address': None, 'object_store_address': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-07-07_19-11-40_930040_398742/sockets/plasma_store.6', 'raylet_socket_name': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-07-07_19-11-40_930040_398742/sockets/raylet.2', 'webui_url': '', 'session_dir': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-07-07_19-11-40_930040_398742', 'metrics_export_port': 53497, 'gcs_address': '', 'address': '', 'node_id': 'a1b9acc4f221cb88f7c445762b2f1afb56a05388fd4a986377513e20'})
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
from hops.util.logging_setup import logging_setup
import logging
* Cycle
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
from hops.util.dynamic_matrix import SmoothStep, Periodic, ConstantMatrix, ScaleTime, Shift, Piecewise
Now we build a basic otto cycle.
Let's lay down some basic functionality.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
H_op = (1/2 * (qt.sigmaz() + qt.identity(2))).full()
L_op = (1/2 * qt.sigmax()).full()
L_op_2 = (1/2 * qt.sigmay()).full()
print(H_op, L_op, sep="\n")
: [[1.+0.j 0.+0.j]
: [0.+0.j 0.+0.j]]
: [[0. +0.j 0.5+0.j]
: [0.5+0.j 0. +0.j]]
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
comp_ratio = .1
t_exp_end = .1
t_hot_modulation = .1
t_hot_end = .5
t_comp_end = .6
t_cold_modulation = .1
t_cold_end = 1
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
** Expansion
#+begin_src jupyter-python
%matplotlib inline
H_exp = SmoothStep(comp_ratio * H_op, 0, t_exp_end, 3) + H_op * (1 - comp_ratio)
tt = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
plt.plot(tt, H_exp.derivative().operator_norm(tt))
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f92066c9e50> |
** Hot Thermalization
#+begin_src jupyter-python
L_hot = SmoothStep(L_op, t_exp_end, t_exp_end + t_hot_modulation, 3) - SmoothStep(
L_op, t_hot_end - t_hot_modulation, t_hot_end, 3
plt.plot(tt, L_hot.operator_norm(tt))
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f9206382070> |
** Compression
#+begin_src jupyter-python
H_comp = ConstantMatrix(H_op) - SmoothStep(comp_ratio * H_op, t_hot_end, t_comp_end, 3)
plt.plot(tt, H_comp.operator_norm(tt))
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f9205fe38e0> |
** Cold Thermalization
#+begin_src jupyter-python
L_cold = SmoothStep(L_op_2, t_comp_end, t_comp_end + t_cold_modulation, 3) - SmoothStep(
L_op_2, t_cold_end - t_cold_modulation, t_cold_end, 3
plt.plot(tt, L_cold.operator_norm(tt))
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f9205f7c3d0> |
** Full Cycle
Now we turn the system around after each fill-cycle.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
H_cyc = Periodic(Piecewise([H_exp, H_comp], [0, t_exp_end, 1]), 1)
L = [Periodic(L_i, 1) for L_i in (L_cold, L_hot)]
H_cyc, *L = [ScaleTime(op, 2) for op in [H_cyc, *L]]
plt.plot(t, H_cyc.operator_norm(t))
plt.plot(t, L[0].operator_norm(t))
plt.plot(t, L[1].operator_norm(t))
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f9205edbca0> |
* Model
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
model = QubitModelMutliBath(
δ=[1, 1],
ω_c=[1] * 2,
ω_s=[0, 10],
t=np.arange(0, 60, .01),
ψ_0=(qt.basis([2], [0]) + qt.basis([2], [1])*0),
description=f"A simple otto cycle.",
driving_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
thermal_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
T = [0, 2],
L = L,
H = H_cyc * 10,
therm_methods=["tanhsinh", "fft"],
#+begin_src jupyter-python
aux.integrate(model, 100)
: fc74a430-fac5-467e-ab88-1bb8c9da7e74
#+begin_src jupyter-python
%matplotlib inline
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
with aux.get_data(model) as data:
fs.plot_with_σ(model.t, model.total_energy_from_power(data), ax=ax, label=r"$\langle H(t)\rangle$")
fs.plot_with_σ(model.t, model.bath_energy(data).for_bath(0), ax=ax, label=r"$\langle H_{B}^{(1)}\rangle$")
fs.plot_with_σ(model.t, model.bath_energy(data).for_bath(1), ax=ax, label=r"$\langle H_{B}^{(2)}\rangle$")
fs.plot_with_σ(model.t, model.system_energy(data), ax=ax, label=r"$\langle H_{S}\rangle$")
# fs.plot_with_σ(model.t, model.total_power(data), ax=ax, label=r"Power")
# ax.plot(model.t, model.H(model.t)[:,0,0].real, label="$H_{\mathrm{sys}}(t)$")
# ax.plot(model.t, model.L[0](model.t)[:,0,1].real, label="$L_C(t)$")
# ax.plot(model.t, model.L[1](model.t)[:,0,1].real, label="$L_H(t)$")
: 5179bed6-d693-43de-8969-bf0dedacc8f3
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
with aux.get_data(model) as data:
ρ = data.rho_t_accum.mean[:]
σ_ρ = data.rho_t_accum.ensemble_std[:]
xs = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmax().full())
ys = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmay().full())
zs = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmaz().full())
#+begin_src jupyter-python
%matplotlib tk
b = qt.Bloch()
b.add_points([xs, ys, zs])
b.view = [20, 20]
b.point_size = [0.1]
b.sphere_alpha = 0.1
b.size = [20, 20]
Add table
Reference in a new issue