look at consistency

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2021-10-22 18:01:05 +02:00
parent b07f047e10
commit dd37ea5031

View file

@ -9,10 +9,6 @@
: The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
: %reload_ext autoreload
: The jupyter_spaces extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
: %reload_ext jupyter_spaces
** Matplotlib
#+begin_src jupyter-python
@ -105,9 +101,9 @@ Basic parameters.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6be57ecfd0> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6be579f8e0> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6bf5de3430> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32d17675e0> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32d1767880> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32d1767df0> |
@ -273,19 +269,89 @@ Initialize Hierarchy.
Run the integration.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
myHierarchy.integrate_simple(data_name="energy_flow_new.data", overwrite=True)
: samples :0.0%
: integration :0.0%
: samples : 100%
: integration :0.0%
samples :0.0%
integration :0.0%
samples :2.0%
integration :40.4%
samples :5.0%
integration :19.0%
samples :8.0%
integration :4.6%
samples :11.0%
integration :1.8%
samples :14.0%
integration :1.0%
samples :16.0%
integration :99.8%
samples :19.0%
integration :99.8%
samples :23.0%
integration :0.8%
samples :25.0%
integration :87.8%
samples :28.0%
integration :69.0%
samples :31.0%
integration :62.0%
samples :34.0%
integration :55.6%
samples :37.0%
integration :49.8%
samples :40.0%
integration :39.6%
samples :43.0%
integration :39.4%
samples :46.0%
integration :28.2%
samples :49.0%
integration :28.0%
samples :52.0%
integration :20.4%
samples :55.0%
integration :17.2%
samples :58.0%
integration :12.6%
samples :61.0%
integration :18.6%
samples :64.0%
integration :10.2%
samples :66.0%
integration :82.8%
samples :69.0%
integration :55.6%
samples :72.0%
integration :44.8%
samples :75.0%
integration :41.2%
samples :78.0%
integration :33.2%
samples :81.0%
integration :27.8%
samples :84.0%
integration :30.0%
samples :87.0%
integration :20.0%
samples :90.0%
integration :11.2%
samples :93.0%
integration :10.2%
samples :96.0%
integration :7.8%
samples :99.0%
integration :0.8%
samples : 100%
integration :0.0%

Get the samples.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
# to access the data the 'hi_key' is used to find the data in the hdf5 file
with hierarchyData.HIMetaData(hid_name="energy_flow.data", hid_path=".") as metaData:
with hierarchyData.HIMetaData(hid_name="energy_flow_new.data", hid_path=".") as metaData:
with metaData.get_HIData(hi_key, read_only=True) as data:
smp = data.get_samples()
print("{} samples found in database".format(smp))
@ -299,7 +365,7 @@ Get the samples.
: 122 samples found in database
: 200 samples found in database
Calculate energy.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
@ -309,8 +375,8 @@ Calculate energy.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6bf5cdef10> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32e51e6d00> |
#+begin_src jupyter-python
@ -320,8 +386,8 @@ Calculate energy.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6bf5be1700> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32e5154ca0> |
* Energy Flow
@ -342,25 +408,24 @@ Let's look at the norm.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6bf5a5d280> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32e50c4a90> |
And try to calculate the energy flow.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
def flow_for_traj(ψ_0, ψ_1):
a = np.array((L @ ψ_0.T).T)
return np.array(2 * (1j * -W * np.sum(a.conj() * ψ_1, axis=1)).real).flatten()
def flow_for_traj_alt(ψ_0, y):
eta_dot = scipy.misc.derivative(Eta, τ, dx=1e-6)
a = L @ ψ_0.T
eta_dot = scipy.misc.derivative(Eta, τ, dx=1e-8)
a = np.array((L @ ψ_0.T).T)
return (
eta_dot * np.array(2 * (1j * np.sum(ψ_0.conj() * a, axis=1))).flatten()
return -(
2j * eta_dot.conj() * np.array((np.sum(ψ_0.conj() * a, axis=1))).flatten()
@ -428,11 +493,58 @@ With this we can retrieve the energy of the interaction Hamiltonian.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6bcb4ce610> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6bcb4cea60> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f6bcb4ce7f0> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32e501ec40> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32e502d070> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32e502d3a0> |
: Text(0.5, 0, 'τ')
: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f6bcb4da160>
: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f32e50892e0>
* System + Interaction Energy
:ID: cbc95df0-609d-4b1f-a51d-ebca7b680ec7
#+begin_src jupyter-python
def h_si_for_traj(ψ_0, ψ_1):
a = np.array((L @ ψ_0.T).T)
b = np.array((H_s @ ψ_0.T).T)
E_i = np.array(2 * (-1j * np.sum(a.conj() * ψ_1, axis=1)).real).flatten()
E_s = np.array(np.sum(b.conj() * ψ_0, axis=1)).flatten().real
return E_i + E_s
def h_si_for_traj_alt(ψ_0, y):
a = np.array((L.conj().T @ ψ_0.T).T)
b = np.array((H_s @ ψ_0.T).T)
E_i = np.array(2 * (Eta(τ) * 1j * np.sum(a.conj() * ψ_0, axis=1)).real).flatten()
E_s = np.array(np.sum(b.conj() * ψ_0, axis=1)).flatten().real
return E_i + E_s
#+begin_src jupyter-python
e_si = np.zeros_like(τ)
for i in range(0, N):
e_si += h_si_for_traj(ψ_0[i], ψ_1[i])
e_si /= N
Checks out.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
plt.plot(τ, e_si)
plt.plot(τ, E_I + energy)
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f32e4ebbc10> |