orientate on the paper

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2022-06-15 15:54:38 +02:00
parent 72d71a8790
commit ccde3cc4a9
2 changed files with 29 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ def anti_zeno_engine(
δ=[2] * 2,
# τ_bath = 1 / ω_c
τ_mod = 2 * np.pi / Δ
@ -97,15 +98,15 @@ def anti_zeno_engine(
therm_methods=["tanhsinh", "fft"],
return model, Δ, (τ_mod, τ_c, τ_bath, cycles, model.ω_s)
return model, Δ, (τ_mod, τ_c, τ_bath, cycles, model.ω_s, ω_0, τ_mod)
model, Δ, params = anti_zeno_engine(ε=1/10, ε_couple=1/2, n=10, detune=4, ω_0 = 10, δ=[2]*2, γ=.05/2, therm_initial_state=True)
model, Δ, (τ_mod, τ_c, τ_bath, cycles, model.ω_s, ω_0, τ_s) = anti_zeno_engine(Δ = 15, ε=1/6, ω_c=1, ε_couple=.7, n=5, detune=-1, ω_0 = 20, δ=[2]*2, γ=.2, therm_initial_state=True)
#model, params = anti_zeno_engine(ε=1/2, ε_couple=1e-4, n=1, detune=.5, δ=[.1,.1])
aux.integrate(model, 5000)
aux.integrate(model, 1000)
_, ax = fs.plot_energy_overview(model, markersize=1)
# with aux.get_data(model) as data:

View file

@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ Init ray and silence stocproc.
δ=[2] * 2,
# τ_bath = 1 / ω_c
τ_mod = 2 * np.pi / Δ
@ -113,13 +114,13 @@ Init ray and silence stocproc.
therm_methods=["tanhsinh", "fft"],
return model, Δ, (τ_mod, τ_c, τ_bath, cycles, model.ω_s)
return model, Δ, (τ_mod, τ_c, τ_bath, cycles, model.ω_s, ω_0, τ_mod)
* Model Definition
#+begin_src jupyter-python
model, Δ, params = anti_zeno_engine(ε=1/10, ε_couple=1/2, n=10, detune=4, ω_0 = 10, δ=[2]*2, γ=.05/2, therm_initial_state=True)
model, Δ, (τ_mod, τ_c, τ_bath, cycles, model.ω_s, ω_0, τ_s) = anti_zeno_engine(Δ = 15, ε=1/6, ω_c=1, ε_couple=.7, n=5, detune=-1, ω_0 = 20, δ=[2]*2, γ=.2, therm_initial_state=True)
#model, params = anti_zeno_engine(ε=1/2, ε_couple=1e-4, n=1, detune=.5, δ=[.1,.1])
@ -129,10 +130,13 @@ Init ray and silence stocproc.
Let's test the assumptions of the paper.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
#+begin_src jupyter-python
: 13
** BCFs and Modulations
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle nil
def thermal_bcf(t):
@ -145,28 +149,31 @@ Let's test the assumptions of the paper.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f5d260e80a0> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f5cd835aa30> |
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle nil
ωs = np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)
plt.plot(ωs, model.spectral_density(0)(ωs))
plt.plot(ωs, model.spectral_density(1)(ωs))
ωs = np.linspace(0, 40, 10000)
mx = model.spectral_density(0)(ωs).max()
plt.plot(ωs, model.spectral_density(0)(ωs)/mx)
plt.plot(ωs, model.spectral_density(1)(ωs)/mx)
plt.axvline(model.H.operator_norm(0) * 2 + Δ)
plt.axvline(model.H.operator_norm(0) * 2 - Δ)
plt.plot(ωs, np.sinc((ωs - ω_0 + Δ) * τ_s * cycles))
plt.plot(ωs, np.sinc((ωs - ω_0 - Δ) * τ_s * cycles))
: <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f5d260d9940>
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f5cd83dcca0> |
** TODO Integration
#+begin_src jupyter-python
aux.integrate(model, 5000)
aux.integrate(model, 1000)
@ -184,7 +191,7 @@ Let's test the assumptions of the paper.
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [69], in <cell line: 1>()
Input In [176], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 _, ax = fs.plot_energy_overview(model, markersize=1)
 2 # with aux.get_data(model) as data:
 3 # fs.plot_with_σ(model.t, model.total_energy(data), ax=ax)
@ -207,9 +214,9 @@ Let's test the assumptions of the paper.
 145 else:
--> 146 raise RuntimeError(f"No data found for model with hash '{hexhash}'.")
RuntimeError: No data found for model with hash 'bd9e2510c88d49b8cb8938ff8510c4dd61a92ce8746d623e126886d9972ba9a0'.
RuntimeError: No data found for model with hash 'da33647fd18c4384c29267fdef75d3a92854ae89e407f1c0e6d97499bf5462f9'.
- **too fast decoupling kills it**