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tex initial slip theory
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@ -419,6 +419,88 @@ This essentially boils down to the replacement
where the quantities involved are as in \fixme{reference} and
\section{Pure Dephasing: The initial Slip}
As seen in \fixme{include plots}, the short time behavior of the bath
energy flow is dominated by characteristic peak at short
times. Because this peak occurs at very short time scales, it may in
part be explained by a simple calculation which neglects the system
dynamics, setting \(H_\sys=0\).
We solve the model with the Hamiltonian (Schr\"odinger picture)
H = L^†(t) B + L(t) B^† + H_\bath
with \(L(t)=L(t)^†\), \([L(t), L(s)] = 0\;\forall t,s\) (so that
Heisenberg Hamiltonian matches \cref{eq:puredeph}) and \(B,H_\bath\)
as in \cref{eq:bop}.
Because \([L,H]=0\) we can immediately solve \(L_H(t)=L_S(t)\), where
the subscript signify the Heisenberg and Schr\"odinger pictures
respectively. The Heisenberg equations for the \(a_λ\) yield
a_λ(t) = a_λ(0) \eu^{-\iu ω_λ t} - \iu g_λ^\ast∫_0^t\dd{s} L(s)
\eu^{-\iu ω_λ (t-s)}.
This allows us to calculate
\dot{H}_\bath = - ∑_λ g_λ L(t) \qty[∂_t a_λ(0) \eu^{\iu ω_λ t} - \iu
g_λ^\ast∫_0^t\dd{s} L(s) ∂_t \eu^{-\iu ω_λ (t-s)}] + \hc,
which gives with a state of the form \(ρ=\ketbra{ψ} \otimes ρ_β\)
(\(ρ_β\) being a thermal state)
\ev{\dot{H}_\bath } = -2 ∫_0^t\dd{s}\ev{L(t)L(s)} \Im[\dot{α}(t-s)].
For time independent \(L\) this becomes
\ev{\dot{H}_\bath } = 2 \ev{L^2} \Im[\dot{α}(t)].
The proportionality to the imaginary BCF \(α\) does explain the
initial peak in the bath energy flow. The imaginary part of the BCF is
zero for \(t=0\) and then usually features a peak at rather short
times (assuming finite correlation times). For the ohmic BCF used
here, this feature is very prominent.
\fixme{insert graph}
Interestingly, \cref{eq:pureflowexpectation} does not contain any
reference to the temperature of the bath. Therefore, the bath energy
can only surpass its initial value in this model, as the dynamics
match the zero temperature case in which the bath has minimal energy
in the initial state. A thermodynamically useful model should
therefore feature an significant system dynamics that do not commute
with the interaction or fast modulation so that the Hamiltonian does
not commute with itself at different times. The latter may induce
deviations from the pure-dephasing behavior at very short time scales
and thus be useful for finite power output. \fixme{here the plot with
energy extraction would be good.} Coupling that is not self-adjoint
\fixme{plot} may also have this effect, but may be harder to
physically motivate. For the spin-boson system it is the result of the
random wave approximation, which however does not imply weak
For completeness, the interaction energy is given by
H_\inter = L(t)\qty[∑_λg_λ\qty(a_λ(0)\eu^{-\i ω_λ t} - \i
g^\ast_λ∫_0^t\dd{s} L(s) \eu^{\i ω_λ (t-s)})] + \hc,
\ev{H_\inter} = 2 ∫_0^t\dd{s}\ev{L(t)L(s)} \Im[α(t-s)].
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