update energy shovel

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2022-08-30 13:04:02 +02:00
parent 7930d8c9eb
commit 949b95ca66

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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import scipy
import utilities as ut
import matplotlib
import itertools
import pathlib
import shutil
from hops.util.dynamic_matrix import (
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ def models_table(models, **kwargs):
def make_row(title, accessor):
row = [title]
for model, data in aux.model_data_iterator(models):
row += [f"${accessor(model, data)}$"]
row += [f"${accessor(model, data):.2f}$"]
return [row]
@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ def models_table(models, **kwargs):
table += make_row(r"$T$", lambda m, d: m.T)
table += make_row(r"$N$", lambda m, d: d.samples)
table += make_row(r"$k_{\mathrm{max}}$", lambda m, d: m.k_max)
table += make_row(r"BCF Terms", lambda m, d: m.bcf_terms)
return tabulate(table, **(dict(tablefmt="latex_raw") | kwargs))
@ -146,3 +149,41 @@ def energy_friction_plot(models, strobe_frequency, strobe_indices):
return fig, (ax, ax2)
def optimize_for_interaction_energy(
goal, periods_for_optimization, samples_for_optimization, **model_args
opt_args = model_args | dict(periods=periods_for_optimization)
proto, _, _ = energy_shovel(**opt_args)
def cost(δ):
proto.δ = δ
aux.integrate(proto, samples_for_optimization)
with aux.get_data(proto) as data:
inter = proto.interaction_energy(data)
return (abs(inter.value).max() - goal) ** 2
old_cache_path = pathlib.Path(f"./.cache/{proto.hexhash}_delta_{goal}.npy")
cache_path = pathlib.Path(
if old_cache_path.exists():
shutil.copy(old_cache_path, cache_path)
if cache_path.exists():
with cache_path.open("rb") as cache:
δ = np.load(cache, allow_pickle=True)
δ = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(
cost, bounds=(0.1, 3), method="bounded", options=dict(xatol=1e-2, disp=3)
cache_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with cache_path.open("wb") as cache:
np.save(cache, δ)
model_args["δ"] = δ
return energy_shovel(**model_args)