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@ -169,3 +169,9 @@ labelformat=brace, position=top]{subcaption}
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\title{HOPS Tweaks}
\author{Valentin Link, Kai Mueller, Valentin Boettcher}
@ -56,3 +56,190 @@ These choices lead to an altered HOPS equation
\tilde{φ}) + \mqty(F(\tilde{ψ},\tilde{φ}) \\ G(\tilde{ψ},\tilde{φ})).
\section{Multiple Baths}
We generalize the NMQSD and HOPS to \(N\) baths for Hamiltonians of
the form
H = H_\sys + ∑_{n=1}^N \qty[H_\bath\nth + \qty(L_n^†B_n + \hc)],
where \(H_\sys\) is the (possibly time dependent) system Hamiltonian,
\(H_B\nth = ∑_λω_λ\nth a_λ^{(n),†}a_λ\nth\),
\(B_n=∑_{λ}L_n^† g_λ\nth a_λ\nth\) and the \(L_n={(\vb{L})}_n\) are
arbitrary operators in the system Hilbert space. This models a
situation where each bath couples with the system through exactly one
spectral density and is therefore not fully general.
Following the usual derivation of the NMQSD \cite{Diosi1998Mar}, we
switch to an interaction picture with respect to the \(H_\bath\)
leading to
H(t) = H_\sys + ∑_{n=1}^N \qty[L_n^†B_n(t) + \hc],
with \(B_n=∑_{λ}L_n^† g_λ\nth a_λ\nth\eu^{-\iu ω_λ\nth t}\).
We will discuss the zero temperature case. The finite temperature
methods generalize straight forwardly to multiple baths. Projecting
on a Bargmann (unnormalized) coherent state basis
\ket{\underline{\vb{z}}}}\) of the baths
\ket{ψ(t)} = ∫∏_{n=1}^N{\qty(\frac{\dd{\vb{z}\nth}}{π^{N_n}}\eu^{-\abs{\vb{z}}^2})}\ket{ψ(t,\underline{\vb{z}}^\ast)}\ket{\underline{\vb{z}}},
where \(N_n\) are the number of oscillators in each bath.
We define
η^\ast_n(t) = {\qty(\vb{η}^\ast_t)}_n= -\iu ∑_λg_λ^{(n),\ast} z_λ^{(n),\ast}\eu^{\iu ω_λ\nth t}
and using
we arrive at
∂_tψ_t(\vb{η}^\ast_t) = -\iu H ψ_t(\vb{η}^\ast_t) +
\vb{L}\cdot\vb{η}^\ast_tψ_t(\vb{η}^\ast_t) - ∑_{n=1}^N L_n^†∫_0^t\dd{s}α_n(t-s)\fdv{ψ_t(\vb{η}^\ast_t)}{η^\ast_n(s)},
where \(α_n(t-s)= {\qty(\vb{α}(t-s))}_n=∑_λ\abs{g_λ\nth}^2\eu^{-\iu ω_λ\nth(t-s)}\) are the
zero temperature bath correlation functions. The equation
\cref{eq:multinmqsd} becomes the NMQSD by reinterpreting the
\(\vb{z}\nth\) as normal distributed complex random variables by
virtue of monte-carlo integration of \cref{eq:projected}. The
\(η^\ast_n(t)\) become homogeneous gaussian stochastic processes
defined through
\mathcal{M}(η^\ast_n(t)) &=0, & \mathcal{M}(η_n(t)η_m(s)) &= 0,
& \mathcal{M}(η_n(t)η_m(s)^\ast) &= δ_{nm}α_n(t-s).
\subsection{Nonlinear NMQSD}
For the derivation of the lonlinear theory, the characteristic
trajectories of the partial differential equation of motion of
the Husimi-function
Q_t(\underline{\vb{z}}, \underline{\vb{z}}^\ast) =
\frac{\eu^{-\abs{{\underline{\vb{z}}}}^2}}{π^{∑_n N_n}}
\braket{ψ(t, {\underline{\vb{z}}})}{ψ(t, {\underline{\vb{z}}}^\ast)}
have to be determined.
Using \(∂_{\underline{\vb{z}}}\ket{ψ(t, {\underline{\vb{z}}}^\ast)} =
0\) and \(∂_{\underline{\vb{z}}^\ast}\bra{ψ(t, {\underline{\vb{z}}})} =
0\) because \(\ket{ψ(t, {\underline{\vb{z}}}^\ast)}\) is holomorphic
we derive
∂_tQ_t(\underline{\vb{z}}, \underline{\vb{z}}^\ast) = -i
∑_{n=1}^N\qty[∂_{z_λ^{(n), \ast}}\eu^{-\iu ω_λ\nth
t}\ev{L^†_n}_tQ_t(\underline{\vb{z}}, \underline{\vb{z}}^\ast) - \cc],
where \(\ev{L^†_n}_t = \mel{ψ(t, {\underline{\vb{z}}})}{L^†_n}{ψ(t,
{\underline{\vb{z}}}^\ast)} / \braket{ψ(t, {\underline{\vb{z}}})}{ψ(t, {\underline{\vb{z}}}^\ast)}\).
The characteristics of \cref{eq:husimimotion} obey the equations of
\dot{z}^{(n),\ast}_λ = \iu g_λ\nth \eu^{-\iu ω_λ\nth t} \ev{L^†_n}_t
for the stochastic state labels.
The microscopic dynamics can in-turn be gathered into a shift of the
stochastic processes
\tilde{η}_n^\ast(t) = η_n^\ast(t) + ∫_0^t\dd{s}α_n^\ast(t-s)\ev{L^†_n}_s
and we obtain the nonlinear NMQSD equation
∂_tψ_t(\tilde{\vb{η}}^\ast_t) = -\iu H ψ_t(\tilde{\vb{η}}^\ast_t) +
\vb{L}\cdot\tilde{\vb{η}}^\ast_tψ_t(\tilde{\vb{η}}^\ast_t) \\-
= \vb{η}(\underline{\vb{z}}^\ast(t), s)}.
The notation
\({\vb{η}^\ast(s) = \vb{η}(\underline{\vb{z}}^\ast(t), s)}\) means
that we replace the microscopic \(z_λ^{(n),\ast}\) in
\cref{eq:processes} with the shifted ones obeying
\cref{eq:characteristics} and evaluate the resulting function at \(s\).
This awkward construction can be remedied by the convolutionless
formulation. It plays no great role in the HOPS formalism.
\subsection{Multi Bath HOPS in Fock-Space Formulation}
Following the usual derivation~\cite{RichardDiss} (but with a
different normalization) and using an exponential expansion of the
BCFs \(α_n(τ)=∑_{\mu}^{M_n}=G_μ\nth\eu^{-W_μ\nth τ}\), we define
D_μ\nth(t) \equiv ∫_0^t\dd{s}\eu^{-W_μ\nth (t-s)}\fdv{η^\ast_n(s)}
D^{\underline{\vb{k}}} \equiv
as well as
ψ^{\underline{\vb{k}}} \equiv D^{\underline{\vb{k}}}ψ.
[D^\kmat(t),η_n^\ast(t)] = \iu∑_{μ=1}^{M_n}
\sqrt{\kmat_{n,μ}G\nth_μ} D^{\kmat -
where \({\qty(\mat{e}_{n,μ})}_{ij}=δ_{ni}δ_{μj}\) we find after some algebra
\dot{ψ}^\kmat = \qty[-i H_\sys + \vb{L}\cdot\vb{η}^\ast -
∑_{n=1}^N∑_{μ=1}^{M_n}\kmat_{n,μ}W\nth_μ]ψ^\kmat \\+
i∑_{n=1}^N∑_{μ=1}^{M_n}\sqrt{G\nth_μ}\qty[\sqrt{\kmat_{n,μ}} L_nψ^{\kmat -
\mat{e}_{n,μ}} + \sqrt{\qty(\kmat_{n,μ} + 1)} L^†_nψ^{\kmat +
\mat{e}_{n,μ}} ].
The HOPS equations \cref{eq:multihops} can also be rewritten in an
especially appealing form \cite{Gao2021Sep} if we embed the hierarchy
states into a larger Hilbert space using
\ket{Ψ} = \sum_\kmat\ket{\psi^\kmat}\otimes \ket{\kmat}
are bosonic Fock-states.
Now \cref{eq:multihops} becomes
∂_t\ket{Ψ} = \qty[-i H_\sys + \vb{L}\cdot\vb{η}^\ast -
∑_{n=1}^N∑_{μ=1}^{M_n}b_{n,μ}^\dag b_{n,μ} W\nth_μ +
i∑_{n=1}^N∑_{μ=1}^{M_n} \sqrt{G_{n,μ}} \qty(b^†_{n,μ}L_n + b_{n,μ}L^†_n)] \ket{Ψ}.
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