a working otto cycle

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2022-08-15 21:47:00 +02:00
parent 097586299b
commit 3d4085d95b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: E034E12B7AF56ACE
6 changed files with 293 additions and 111 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -506,3 +506,4 @@ results/**.npy

View file

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
use_flake --impure
eval "$shellHook"

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ with the markovian result.
import qutip as qt
import utilities as ut
import stocproc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Init ray and silence stocproc.
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ Init ray and silence stocproc.
: RayContext(dashboard_url='', python_version='3.9.13', ray_version='1.13.0', ray_commit='e4ce38d001dbbe09cd21c497fedd03d692b2be3e', address_info={'node_ip_address': '', 'raylet_ip_address': '', 'redis_address': None, 'object_store_address': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-08-15_13-45-28_971048_59572/sockets/plasma_store', 'raylet_socket_name': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-08-15_13-45-28_971048_59572/sockets/raylet', 'webui_url': '', 'session_dir': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-08-15_13-45-28_971048_59572', 'metrics_export_port': 53281, 'gcs_address': '', 'address': '', 'node_id': '19344eac29e15d6404c14920662bd8259981954f0a9fde73ef5f8b4b'})
: RayContext(dashboard_url='', python_version='3.9.13', ray_version='1.13.0', ray_commit='e4ce38d001dbbe09cd21c497fedd03d692b2be3e', address_info={'node_ip_address': '', 'raylet_ip_address': '', 'redis_address': None, 'object_store_address': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-08-15_16-33-19_035369_76479/sockets/plasma_store', 'raylet_socket_name': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-08-15_16-33-19_035369_76479/sockets/raylet', 'webui_url': '', 'session_dir': '/tmp/ray/session_2022-08-15_16-33-19_035369_76479', 'metrics_export_port': 56879, 'gcs_address': '', 'address': '', 'node_id': 'cd3c35a56063d205e53b29934473b89b3baea526868d0ff8e806b08e'})
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
from hops.util.logging_setup import logging_setup
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ Let's lay down some basic functionality.
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
t_compression = .1
t_expansion = .1
comp_ratio = .25
comp_ratio = .5
hot_switch_ratio = .8
cold_switch_ratio = .8
@ -75,8 +76,8 @@ Let's lay down some basic functionality.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7fbff84a3340> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f7678510df0> |
** Hot Thermalization
@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ Let's lay down some basic functionality.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7fbff840e1c0> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f7669dd3b50> |
** Compression
@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ Let's lay down some basic functionality.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7fbff83eeb20> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f7669d4e100> |
** Cold Thermalization
@ -115,8 +116,8 @@ Let's lay down some basic functionality.
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7fbfddd4deb0> |
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7f7669d33610> |
** Full Cycle
@ -125,29 +126,73 @@ Now we turn the system around after each fill-cycle.
H_cyc = Periodic(Piecewise([H_exp, H_comp], [0, t_expansion, 1]), 1)
L = [Periodic(L_i, 1) for L_i in (L_cold, L_hot)]
period = 1
scale = .1
scale = .05
H_cyc, *L = [ScaleTime(op, scale) for op in [H_cyc, *L]]
ω_mod = 2*np.pi / (period) * scale
plt.plot(t, H_cyc.operator_norm(t))
plt.plot(t, L[0].operator_norm(t))
plt.plot(t, L[1].operator_norm(t))
t_cycle = period/scale
periods = 20
periods = 10
t_max = t_cycle * periods
dt = .01
dt = .1
t = np.linspace(0, t_cycle, 1000)
plt.plot(t, H_cyc.operator_norm(t), label=r"$||H_\mathrm{S}||$")
plt.plot(t, L[0].operator_norm(t), label=r"$||L_\mathrm{c}||$")
plt.plot(t, L[1].operator_norm(t), label=r"$||L_\mathrm{h}||$")
** Shifts
#+begin_src jupyter-python
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
ref_model = QubitModelMutliBath(
ω_c=[1] * 2,
T=[1, 20],
shifts = []
scales = []
for i, t_exp in enumerate([0, t_expansion / scale]):
ω_exp = H_cyc.operator_norm(i)
def objective(ω_s):
ref_model.ω_s[i] = ω_s
return -ref_model.full_thermal_spectral_density(i)(ω_exp)
res = minimize_scalar(
objective, 1, method="bounded", bounds=(0.01, ω_exp), options=dict(maxiter=100)
ω = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 1000)
plt.plot(ω, ref_model.full_thermal_spectral_density(i)(ω) / -res.fun)
print(shifts, scales)
: [0.010005778765750251, 0.5000003902186526] [0.3656483223378975, 3.198956858189882]
* Model
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
model = QubitModelMutliBath(
δ=[.05*4, .01*4],
ω_c=[1] * 2,
ω_s=[H_cyc.operator_norm(0) - 1, H_cyc.operator_norm(t_expansion/scale) - 1],
δ=list(1/np.array(scales) * .1/2),#[.05*4, .01*4],
ω_s=shifts,#[H_cyc.operator_norm(0) - 1, H_cyc.operator_norm(t_expansion/scale) - 1],
t=ut.linspace_with_strobe(0, t_max, int(t_max // dt), ω_mod),
ψ_0=(qt.basis([2], [0])*0 + qt.basis([2], [1])*1),
description=f"A simple otto cycle.",
@ -156,95 +201,60 @@ Now we turn the system around after each fill-cycle.
driving_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
thermal_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
T = [1, 20],
T = ref_model.T, #= [1, 20],
L = L,
H = H_cyc,
therm_methods=["tanhsinh", "fft"],
therm_methods=["fft", "fft"],
#+begin_src jupyter-python
aux.integrate(model, 1000)
aux.integrate(model, 10000)
: [INFO hops.core.integration 59572] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
: [INFO hops.core.integration 59572] Using 8 integrators.
: [INFO hops.core.integration 59572] Some 0 trajectories have to be integrated.
: [INFO hops.core.integration 59572] Using 1820 hierarchy states.
: 0it [00:00, ?it/s]
: [INFO hops.core.integration 76479] Choosing the nonlinear integrator.
: [INFO hops.core.integration 76479] Using 8 integrators.
: [INFO hops.core.integration 76479] Some 30 trajectories have to be integrated.
: [INFO hops.core.integration 76479] Using 1820 hierarchy states.
: 100% 30/30 [00:22<00:00, 1.32it/s]
#+begin_src jupyter-python
f, a = pu.plot_energy_overview(model)
a.plot(model.t, model.H.operator_norm(model.t))
a.plot(model.t, model.L[0].operator_norm(model.t))
a.plot(model.t, model.L[1].operator_norm(model.t))
f, a = pu.plot_energy_overview(model, strobe_frequency=ω_mod)
# a.plot(model.t, model.H.operator_norm(model.t))
# a.plot(model.t, model.L[0].operator_norm(model.t))
# a.plot(model.t, model.L[1].operator_norm(model.t))
#fs.export_fig("energy_strobe", y_scaling=.6)
Loading: 100% 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 192.76it/s]
[INFO root 59572] Writing cache to: results/5e8c8c2b39bd3b8ad75fb0da753ca3989cec2ca758e5b60d542cfb0c39e6009d_12db9adeba3a9d05eee93dba02bb24bbd2bd553fa5e391b4607f3101447ce076_op_exp_task_33_None_7b4b9e9cfa38e0c95465b4087684ba9103d527ed24c440718c98f01d3693d041.npy
Loading: 100% 16/16 [00:00<00:00, 50.04it/s]
[INFO root 59572] Writing cache to: results/flow_12db9adeba3a9d05eee93dba02bb24bbd2bd553fa5e391b4607f3101447ce076_flow_worker_33_None_c15d067b912279587be3d3939223173fe5368154834a5a60648fc0a46950f8cf.npy
Loading: 100% 16/16 [00:00<00:00, 86.42it/s]
[INFO root 59572] Writing cache to: results/interaction_12db9adeba3a9d05eee93dba02bb24bbd2bd553fa5e391b4607f3101447ce076_interaction_energy_task_33_None_58455bf5ce6e35b96d04516e2a659a907e0c44b588167e00faa3fdf3e226bb11.npy
Loading: 100% 16/16 [00:00<00:00, 79.44it/s]
[INFO root 59572] Writing cache to: results/interaction_power_12db9adeba3a9d05eee93dba02bb24bbd2bd553fa5e391b4607f3101447ce076_interaction_energy_task_33_None_58455bf5ce6e35b96d04516e2a659a907e0c44b588167e00faa3fdf3e226bb11.npy
Loading: 100% 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 245.72it/s]
[INFO root 59572] Writing cache to: results/143e514d782a0bf3369be86475c494b0df4baa9952cf06bbf576d262f2dd27a4_12db9adeba3a9d05eee93dba02bb24bbd2bd553fa5e391b4607f3101447ce076_op_exp_task_33_None_7b4b9e9cfa38e0c95465b4087684ba9103d527ed24c440718c98f01d3693d041.npy
: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fbfc42bd580>
#+begin_src jupyter-python
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
with aux.get_data(model) as data:
power = model.interaction_power(data).for_bath(0)
power = model.interaction_power(data).sum_baths()
power_sys = model.system_power(data).sum_baths()
energy = model.total_energy_from_power(data)
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power, ax=ax)
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power_sys, ax=ax, label="sys")
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, energy, ax=ax)
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power, ax=ax, label="Interaction")
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power_sys, ax=ax, label="System")
fs.export_fig("power", y_scaling=.4)
# [goto error]
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [97], in <cell line: 2>()
 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
----> 2 with aux.get_data(model) as data:
 3 power = model.interaction_power(data).for_bath(0)
 4 power_sys = model.system_power(data).sum_baths()
File ~/src/two_qubit_model/hiro_models/model_auxiliary.py:146, in get_data(model, data_path, read_only, **kwargs)
 135 return HIData(
 136 path,
 137 hi_key=model.hops_config,
 142 **kwargs,
 143 )
 145 else:
--> 146 raise RuntimeError(f"No data found for model with hash '{hexhash}'.")
RuntimeError: No data found for model with hash '2676c736eb2bf1d2a1f37e21cda1823a3dc6b3f2cedb82509cfa6231a5232b2f'.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
steady_index = 6
steady_index = 3
cycle_times, cycle_indices = ut.strobe_times(model.t, ω_mod)
@ -257,7 +267,7 @@ Now we turn the system around after each fill-cycle.
e_diff = total_energies.slice(0) - total_energies.slice(-1)
mean_power = e_diff * (1 / (model.t[-1] - model.t[steady_index]))
mean_power = e_diff * (1 / (model.t[-1] - cycle_times[steady_index]))
efficiency = e_diff * (
1 / (hot_bath_energies.slice(0) - hot_bath_energies.slice(-1)).value
@ -265,13 +275,13 @@ Now we turn the system around after each fill-cycle.
| -0.011704395396932077 | 8.941753951852788e-05 | -0.6487259446355118 |
| 0.0019806021074448648 | 2.3085106663538818e-05 | 0.1975630167587971 |
#+begin_src jupyter-python
with aux.get_data(model) as data:
ρ = data.rho_t_accum.mean[:]
σ_ρ = data.rho_t_accum.ensemble_std[:]
plt.plot(model.t, ρ[:, 1, 1])
plt.plot(model.t, ρ[:, 0, 0])
xs = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmax().full())
ys = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmay().full())
zs = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmaz().full())
@ -279,9 +289,9 @@ Now we turn the system around after each fill-cycle.
: /nix/store/dbz51ji4p5pcppra5h7yqhwcrbqgq40v-python3-3.9.13-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/__init__.py:1298: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
: /nix/store/yf7vf1pic6xfwr035xywcczjm08psvpa-python3-3.9.13-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/__init__.py:1298: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
: return np.asarray(x, float)
@ -299,9 +309,9 @@ Now we turn the system around after each fill-cycle.
: /nix/store/dbz51ji4p5pcppra5h7yqhwcrbqgq40v-python3-3.9.13-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutip/bloch.py:639: UserWarning: There are no gridspecs with layoutgrids. Possibly did not call parent GridSpec with the "figure" keyword
: /nix/store/yf7vf1pic6xfwr035xywcczjm08psvpa-python3-3.9.13-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutip/bloch.py:639: UserWarning: There are no gridspecs with layoutgrids. Possibly did not call parent GridSpec with the "figure" keyword
: self.fig.canvas.draw()
: /nix/store/dbz51ji4p5pcppra5h7yqhwcrbqgq40v-python3-3.9.13-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.py:151: UserWarning: There are no gridspecs with layoutgrids. Possibly did not call parent GridSpec with the "figure" keyword
: /nix/store/yf7vf1pic6xfwr035xywcczjm08psvpa-python3-3.9.13-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.py:151: UserWarning: There are no gridspecs with layoutgrids. Possibly did not call parent GridSpec with the "figure" keyword
: fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, **kw)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sshfs -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_ed25519_taurus s8896854@taurusexport.hrsk.tu-dresden.de:/lustre/ssd/ws/s8896854-m_11/project/python/energy_flow_proper/09_dynamic_two_bath_one_qubit/.data .data
sshfs -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_ed25519_taurus s8896854@taurusexport.hrsk.tu-dresden.de:/lustre/ssd/ws/s8896854-m_11/project/python/energy_flow_proper/09_dynamic_two_bath_one_qubit/results results
sshfs -oIdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_ed25519_taurus s8896854@taurusexport.hrsk.tu-dresden.de:/lustre/ssd/ws/s8896854-m_11/project/python/energy_flow_proper/09_dynamic_two_bath_one_qubit/ taurus

View file

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import figsaver as fs
import plot_utils as pu
from hiro_models.one_qubit_model import QubitModelMutliBath, StocProcTolerances
import hiro_models.model_auxiliary as aux
import numpy as np
import qutip as qt
import utilities as ut
import stocproc
import ray
from hops.util.logging_setup import logging_setup
import logging
from hops.util.dynamic_matrix import SmoothStep, Periodic, ConstantMatrix, ScaleTime, Shift, Piecewise
H_op = 2*(1/2 * (qt.sigmaz() + qt.identity(2))).full()
L_op = (1/2 * qt.sigmax()).full()
L_op_2 = (1/2 * qt.sigmax()).full()
print(H_op, L_op, sep="\n")
t_compression = .1
t_expansion = .1
comp_ratio = .5
hot_switch_ratio = .8
cold_switch_ratio = .8
t_hot = (1 - t_expansion - t_compression) / 2
t_hot_switch = t_hot * hot_switch_ratio / 2
t_cold = (1 - t_expansion - t_compression) / 2
t_cold_switch = t_cold * cold_switch_ratio / 2
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
%matplotlib inline
H_exp = SmoothStep(comp_ratio * H_op, 0, t_expansion, 2) + H_op * (1 - comp_ratio)
tt = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
plt.plot(tt, H_exp.operator_norm(tt))
L_hot = SmoothStep(L_op, t_expansion, t_expansion + t_hot_switch, 2) - SmoothStep(
L_op, t_expansion + t_hot - t_hot_switch, t_expansion + t_hot, 2
plt.plot(tt, L_hot.operator_norm(tt))
H_comp = ConstantMatrix(H_op) - SmoothStep(comp_ratio * H_op, t_expansion + t_hot, t_expansion + t_hot + t_compression, 2)
plt.plot(tt, H_comp.operator_norm(tt))
L_cold = SmoothStep(L_op_2, t_expansion + t_hot + t_compression, t_expansion + t_hot + t_compression + t_cold_switch, 3) - SmoothStep(
L_op_2, t_expansion + t_hot + t_compression + t_cold - t_cold_switch, 1, 2
plt.plot(tt, L_cold.operator_norm(tt))
H_cyc = Periodic(Piecewise([H_exp, H_comp], [0, t_expansion, 1]), 1)
L = [Periodic(L_i, 1) for L_i in (L_cold, L_hot)]
period = 1
scale = .1
H_cyc, *L = [ScaleTime(op, scale) for op in [H_cyc, *L]]
ω_mod = 2*np.pi / (period) * scale
plt.plot(t, H_cyc.operator_norm(t))
plt.plot(t, L[0].operator_norm(t))
plt.plot(t, L[1].operator_norm(t))
t_cycle = period/scale
periods = 20
t_max = t_cycle * periods
dt = .01
model = QubitModelMutliBath(
δ=[.5, .1],
ω_c=[1] * 2,
ω_s=[H_cyc.operator_norm(0) - 1, H_cyc.operator_norm(t_expansion/scale) - 1],
t=ut.linspace_with_strobe(0, t_max, int(t_max // dt), ω_mod),
ψ_0=(qt.basis([2], [0])*0 + qt.basis([2], [1])*1),
description=f"A simple otto cycle.",
driving_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
thermal_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
T = [0, 20],
L = L,
H = H_cyc,
therm_methods=["tanhsinh", "fft"],
aux.integrate(model, 200)
%matplotlib inline
f, a = pu.plot_energy_overview(model)
a.plot(model.t, model.H.operator_norm(model.t))
a.plot(model.t, model.L[0].operator_norm(model.t))
a.plot(model.t, model.L[1].operator_norm(model.t))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
with aux.get_data(model) as data:
power = model.interaction_power(data).sum_baths()
power_sys = model.system_power(data).sum_baths()
energy = model.total_energy_from_power(data).sum_baths()
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power, ax=ax)
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power_sys, ax=ax, label="sys")
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, energy, ax=ax)
with aux.get_data(model) as data:
ρ = data.rho_t_accum.mean[:]
σ_ρ = data.rho_t_accum.ensemble_std[:]
plt.plot(model.t, ρ[:, 1, 1])
xs = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmax().full())
ys = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmay().full())
zs = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmaz().full())
b = qt.Bloch()
b.add_points([xs, ys, zs])
b.view = [20, 20]
b.point_size = [0.1]
b.sphere_alpha = 0.1
b.size = [20, 20]

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import numpy as np
import qutip as qt
import utilities as ut
import stocproc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ray
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ print(H_op, L_op, sep="\n")
t_compression = .1
t_expansion = .1
comp_ratio = .25
comp_ratio = .5
hot_switch_ratio = .8
cold_switch_ratio = .8
@ -55,23 +56,57 @@ plt.plot(tt, L_cold.operator_norm(tt))
H_cyc = Periodic(Piecewise([H_exp, H_comp], [0, t_expansion, 1]), 1)
L = [Periodic(L_i, 1) for L_i in (L_cold, L_hot)]
period = 1
scale = .1
scale = .05
H_cyc, *L = [ScaleTime(op, scale) for op in [H_cyc, *L]]
ω_mod = 2*np.pi / (period) * scale
plt.plot(t, H_cyc.operator_norm(t))
plt.plot(t, L[0].operator_norm(t))
plt.plot(t, L[1].operator_norm(t))
t_cycle = period/scale
periods = 20
periods = 10
t_max = t_cycle * periods
dt = .01
dt = .1
t = np.linspace(0, t_cycle, 1000)
plt.plot(t, H_cyc.operator_norm(t), label=r"$||H_\mathrm{S}||$")
plt.plot(t, L[0].operator_norm(t), label=r"$||L_\mathrm{c}||$")
plt.plot(t, L[1].operator_norm(t), label=r"$||L_\mathrm{h}||$")
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
ref_model = QubitModelMutliBath(
ω_c=[1] * 2,
T=[1, 20],
shifts = []
scales = []
for i, t_exp in enumerate([0, t_expansion / scale]):
ω_exp = H_cyc.operator_norm(i)
def objective(ω_s):
ref_model.ω_s[i] = ω_s
return -ref_model.full_thermal_spectral_density(i)(ω_exp)
res = minimize_scalar(
objective, 1, method="bounded", bounds=(0.01, ω_exp), options=dict(maxiter=100)
ω = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 1000)
plt.plot(ω, ref_model.full_thermal_spectral_density(i)(ω) / -res.fun)
print(shifts, scales)
model = QubitModelMutliBath(
δ=[.05*4, .01*4],
ω_c=[1] * 2,
ω_s=[H_cyc.operator_norm(0) - 1, H_cyc.operator_norm(t_expansion/scale) - 1],
δ=list(1/np.array(scales) * .1/2),#[.05*4, .01*4],
ω_s=shifts,#[H_cyc.operator_norm(0) - 1, H_cyc.operator_norm(t_expansion/scale) - 1],
t=ut.linspace_with_strobe(0, t_max, int(t_max // dt), ω_mod),
ψ_0=(qt.basis([2], [0])*0 + qt.basis([2], [1])*1),
description=f"A simple otto cycle.",
@ -80,32 +115,36 @@ model = QubitModelMutliBath(
driving_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
thermal_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
T = [1, 20],
T = ref_model.T, #= [1, 20],
L = L,
H = H_cyc,
therm_methods=["tanhsinh", "fft"],
therm_methods=["fft", "fft"],
aux.integrate(model, 1000)
aux.integrate(model, 10000)
f, a = pu.plot_energy_overview(model)
a.plot(model.t, model.H.operator_norm(model.t))
a.plot(model.t, model.L[0].operator_norm(model.t))
a.plot(model.t, model.L[1].operator_norm(model.t))
f, a = pu.plot_energy_overview(model, strobe_frequency=ω_mod)
# a.plot(model.t, model.H.operator_norm(model.t))
# a.plot(model.t, model.L[0].operator_norm(model.t))
# a.plot(model.t, model.L[1].operator_norm(model.t))
#fs.export_fig("energy_strobe", y_scaling=.6)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
with aux.get_data(model) as data:
power = model.interaction_power(data).for_bath(0)
power = model.interaction_power(data).sum_baths()
power_sys = model.system_power(data).sum_baths()
energy = model.total_energy_from_power(data)
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power, ax=ax)
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power_sys, ax=ax, label="sys")
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, energy, ax=ax)
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power, ax=ax, label="Interaction")
pu.plot_with_σ(model.t, power_sys, ax=ax, label="System")
fs.export_fig("power", y_scaling=.4)
steady_index = 6
steady_index = 3
cycle_times, cycle_indices = ut.strobe_times(model.t, ω_mod)
@ -118,7 +157,7 @@ with aux.get_data(model) as data:
e_diff = total_energies.slice(0) - total_energies.slice(-1)
mean_power = e_diff * (1 / (model.t[-1] - model.t[steady_index]))
mean_power = e_diff * (1 / (model.t[-1] - cycle_times[steady_index]))
efficiency = e_diff * (
1 / (hot_bath_energies.slice(0) - hot_bath_energies.slice(-1)).value
@ -127,7 +166,7 @@ mean_power.value, mean_power.σ, efficiency.value
with aux.get_data(model) as data:
ρ = data.rho_t_accum.mean[:]
σ_ρ = data.rho_t_accum.ensemble_std[:]
plt.plot(model.t, ρ[:, 1, 1])
plt.plot(model.t, ρ[:, 0, 0])
xs = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmax().full())
ys = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmay().full())
zs = np.einsum("tij,ji->t", ρ, qt.sigmaz().full())