init ergo stuff

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2022-05-02 13:50:57 +02:00
parent 449c6a4214
commit 0f6287e854
4 changed files with 325 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
eval "$shellHook"

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@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
#+PROPERTY: header-args :session 09_ergo :kernel python :pandoc no :async yes :tangle no
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
import figsaver as fs
import numpy as np
* Ergotropy with Two HO
Let's generate our initial states.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
import itertools, pprint, functools
N = 100
ω_1 = 1
ω_2 = 3
def energy(state, ω_1, ω_2):
n1, n2, _ = state
return ω_1 * n1 + ω_2 * n2
def weight(state, ω_1, ω_2):
return np.exp(-energy(state, ω_1, ω_2)) * state[-1]
def gen_states(N):
return [(n1, n2, 0) for n1, n2 in itertools.product(range(N), range(N))] + [
(n1, n2, 1) for n1, n2 in itertools.product(range(N), range(N))
def order_by_energy(states, ω_1, ω_2):
return sorted(states, key=lambda state: energy(state, ω_1, ω_2))
def order_by_weight(states, ω_1, ω_2):
return sorted(states, key=lambda state: -weight(state, ω_1, ω_2))
def initial_energy(states, ω_1, ω_2):
return sum(energy(state, ω_1, ω_2) * weight(state, ω_1, ω_2) for state in states) / sum(weight(state, ω_1, ω_2) for state in states)
def reorder_states(states, ω_1, ω_2):
weight_ordered_states = order_by_weight(states, ω_1, ω_2)
energy_ordered_states = order_by_energy(states, ω_1, ω_2)
return (
weight(weight_ordered_state, ω_1, ω_2),
energy(energy_ordered_state, ω_1, ω_2),
for energy_ordered_state, weight_ordered_state in zip(energy_ordered_states, weight_ordered_states)
def calculate_ergotropy(N, ω_1, ω_2):
states = list(gen_states(N))
reordered_states = list(reorder_states(states, ω_1, ω_2))
ergo = initial_energy(states, ω_1, ω_2) - sum(
state[1][0] * state[1][1] for state in reordered_states
) / sum(
state[1][0] for state in reordered_states
return ergo
def reduced_state(N, ω_1, ω_2):
states = list(gen_states(N))
reordered_states = reorder_states(states, ω_1, ω_2)
weights = [0, 0]
for state in reordered_states:
weights[state[0][-1]] += state[1][0]
total = sum(weights)
return [w / total for w in weights]
def ergo_one_ho(ω):
return (np.exp(-ω) - np.exp(-2 * ω)) / (1 - np.exp(-ω) - np.exp(-2 * ω) + np.exp(-3 * ω)) * ω
Now we fill up our degeneracies.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
ω_2s = np.linspace(1/2, 10, 100)
ergos = [calculate_ergotropy(100, 1, two) for two in ω_2s]
plt.plot(ω_2s, ergos)
label="one HO",
(ergo_one_ho(ω_2s) + ergo_one_ho(1))/2,
label="mean two single-HO",
plt.axhline(ergo_one_ho(1), label="Ergo of one HO with ω=1")
# [goto error]
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
: Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
: ----> 1 ω_2s = np.linspace(1/2, 10, 100)
:  2 ergos = [calculate_ergotropy(100, 1, two) for two in ω_2s]
:  3 plt.plot(ω_2s, ergos)
: NameError: name 'np' is not defined
For ω_2->∞ we get the ergotropy of the lowest HO. Interestingly -> not ergo of TWO ho when same Freq
* Ergotropy with N HO
Let's generate our initial states.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
import itertools, pprint, functools
def energy(state, ω):
n, _ = state
return sum(ω * n)
def weight(state, ω):
return np.exp(-energy(state, ω)) * (1-state[-1])
def gen_states(ω, max_dim, min_contrib):
N = len(ω)
return list((
(n, i)
for n in itertools.product(*((range(max_dim),) * N))
if (energy((n, 0), ω) * weight((n, 0), ω)) >= min_contrib
for i in range(2)
def order_by_energy(states, ω):
return sorted(states, key=lambda state: energy(state, ω))
def order_by_weight(states, ω):
return sorted(states, key=lambda state: -weight(state, ω))
def initial_energy(states, ω):
return sum(
energy(state, ω) * weight(state, ω) for state in states
) / sum(weight(state, ω) for state in states)
def reorder_states(states, ω):
weight_ordered_states = order_by_weight(states, ω)
energy_ordered_states = order_by_energy(states, ω)
return (
weight(weight_ordered_state, ω),
energy(energy_ordered_state, ω),
for energy_ordered_state, weight_ordered_state in zip(
energy_ordered_states, weight_ordered_states
def calculate_ergotropy(states, ω):
reordered_states = list(reorder_states(states, ω))
ergo = initial_energy(states, ω) - sum(
state[1][0] * state[1][1] for state in reordered_states
) / sum(state[1][0] for state in reordered_states)
return ergo
def reduced_state(states, ω):
reordered_states = reorder_states(states, ω)
weights = [0, 0]
for state in reordered_states:
weights[state[0][-1]] += state[1][0]
total = sum(weights)
return [w / total for w in weights]
#+begin_src jupyter-python
def ergo_spread(ω_min, Δ_max, N=2, dim=3, min_weight=1e-5, n=100):
Δs = np.linspace(0.0, Δ_max, n)
ω_s = [ω_min + np.linspace(0, 1, N) * Δ for Δ in Δs]
ergos = [calculate_ergotropy(gen_states(ω, dim, 1e-5), ω) for ω in ω_s]
return Δs, ω_s, ergos
def plot_ergo_spread(*args, ax=None, **kwargs):
Δs, ω_s, ergos = ergo_spread(*args, **kwargs)
ax.plot(Δs, ergos, label=fr"exact, $ω_m={ω_c}, N={len(ω_s[0])}$")
# ax.plot(
# Δs,
# [np.sum([ergo_one_ho(ω_i) for ω_i in ω]) for ω in ω_s],
# label="sum of single-HOs",
# )
# ax.axhline(ergo_one_ho(np.min(ω_s)), label=f"Ergo of one HO with ω={np.min(ω_s)}")
return Δs, ω_s, ergos
#+begin_src jupyter-python
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for N in range(10, 16):
plot_ergo_spread(1, 3, N, 2, n=5, ax=ax)
Limit works still. But depends on the absolute difference of the first two i believe.
Interesingly, the ergotropy drops when we reduce the spacing. There is a nontrivial maximum.
The effect of big spacing is explained by the suppression of excitations in the high freq. oscis.
There appears to be an upper bound.
** TODO Verify That N-Times the same osci does not increase Ergo asymptotically (for low T)
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
Ns = np.array(range(1,20))
ω_f = 2
ergos = [calculate_ergotropy(gen_states(np.repeat(ω_f, N), 2, 1e-8), np.repeat(ω_f, N)) for N in Ns]
#+begin_src jupyter-python
plt.plot(Ns, ergos)
| <matplotlib.lines.Line2D | at | 0x7ff95eee8760> |
Hmm. for Qubit Bath it works. That should actually also work analytically.
*** TODO Verify that Entropy of requced Qubit State approaches Maximum

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
description = "Expoloring the ergotropy of (finite) HO baths.";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
utils.url = "github:vale981/hiro-flake-utils";
outputs = { self, utils, nixpkgs, ... }:
(utils.lib.poetry2nixWrapper nixpkgs {
name = "ergo_stuff";
shellPackages = pkgs: with pkgs; [ pyright python39Packages.jupyter sshfs ];
python = pkgs: pkgs.python39Full;
shellOverride = (oldAttrs: {
shellHook = ''
# export PYTHONPATH=/home/hiro/src/two_qubit_model/:$PYTHONPATH
# export PYTHONPATH=/home/hiro/src/hops/:$PYTHONPATH
# export PYTHONPATH=/home/hiro/src/hopsflow/:$PYTHONPATH
# export PYTHONPATH=/home/hiro/src/stocproc/:$PYTHONPATH
noPackage = true;
poetryArgs = {
projectDir = ./.;

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
name = "ergo_stuff"
version = "1.0.0"
description = "Expoloring the ergotropy of (finite) HO baths."
authors = ["Valentin Boettcher <>"]
license = "GPLv3"
python = ">=3.9,<3.11"
matplotlib = "^3.5.0"
jupyter = "^1.0.0"
black = "^21.12b0"
click = "==8.0.4"
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"