These are the planning and notes for the talk for "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten". There is a total time of 20 minutes to fill, which is going to be a pretty tough upper bound. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results none (defun total-time () (interactive) (let ((total 0)) (message (number-to-string (apply #'+ (org-map-entries #'(lambda () (string-to-number (or (cdr (assoc "DURATION" (org-entry-properties))) "0"))))))))) #+end_src * Introduction ** DONE General Model :WAITING: :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 2 :END: - hamiltonian multiple baths - (def. BCFs) ** DONE Motivation :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 2 :END: - weak coupling/equilibrium well settled - strong coupling: no consensus (lots of citations) - won't be settled in a masters thesis but -> - access to bath/interaction observables with exact dynamics would be helpful - this where hopsflow will come in - also: nice maintainable tooling would be good ** DONE NMQSD :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 2 :END: - nmqsd equation - not much more ** DONE HOPS :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 2 :END: - hops for multiple baths - with new normalization * Bath Energy ** DONE Formulas and Generalizations :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 2 :END: - short derivation - explain hurdles - explain nonzero ** DONE Interaction Energy :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 1 :END: - straight forward -> remove dot * Analytical Verification ** Model :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 2 :END: - for one HO - give valentin credit ** Solution :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 5 :END: - give valentin credit - general idea - formula for laplace transform of exponential - trick with mathematica ** Comparison :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 2 :END: - one bath case for zero and nonzero temperature ** Quick review of the two HO case :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 3 :END: - explain that generalization is straight forward - problems with numerics (sensitive to bcf) - show comparison * Applications ** One Bath, Zero - quick mention of use as convergence check, no details - it is hard to get "perfect" convergence, but qualitative picture is ok pretty fast - quick mention of resonance effect -> already present in weak coupling - non show that non markovianity has to be exploited pretty rigorously - point out initial slip, mention that this has to do with initial pure dephasing - dependence of the energy change on shape of bcf -> beyond weak coupling and non-markovianity ** One Bath with Modulation - take the figure from the poster - explain ergotropy bound - show relevance of non-markovianity ** Show a picture of a circular process - just as demo, not looked into this ** show plots of anti zeno engine - say wip - explain anti zeno engine - hard to reproduce -> weak coupling but very high temperatures - ideally hops allows us to go beyond the restrictive setting in the paper * HOPS Related, No Details :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 3 :END: - code and docs and tests and poetry - auto norm - new cutoff - tree hops * Outlook :PROPERTIES: :DURATION: 3 :END: - concrete models - sweep - three baths - steady state detection -> pseudo eigenstates? - higher order moments of bath energy - may bring insight into role of aux states - better cutoff for multi bath (not as many cross terms) - concrete importance sampling