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This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2022-07-01 18:14:55 +02:00
parent 5ff11f2363
commit bc57397c62
16 changed files with 685 additions and 5 deletions

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\title{Calculating Energy Flows in Strongly Coupled Open Quantum
\author{\underline{Valentin Boettcher}\inst{1}, Richard Hartmann\inst{1},
Konstantin Beyer\inst{1}, Walter Strunz\inst{1}}
\institute[shortinst]{\inst{1} Institute for Theoretical Physics, Dresden, Germany}
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Group for Theoretical Quantum Optics, TU-Dresden \hfill
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lacinia dignissim. Proin scelerisque, risus eget tempor fermentum, ex
turpis condimentum urna, quis malesuada sapien arcu eu purus.
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\item \textbf{Libero tincidunt} a duis congue vitae
\item \textbf{Dui ac pretium} morbi justo neque, ullamcorper
Eget augue porta, bibendum venenatis tortor.
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This block catches your eye, so \textbf{important stuff} should probably go
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tristique odio convallis ultrices a ac odio.
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consequat, nibh sed mattis luctus, augue diam fermentum lectus.
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mi condimentum, at sollicitudin lorem viverra.
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Mauris semper, purus ac hendrerit molestie, elit mi dignissim odio, in
suscipit felis sapien vel ex.
Aenean tincidunt risus eros, at gravida lorem sagittis vel. Vestibulum ante
ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
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interdum. In quis suscipit erat. \textbf{Phasellus mauris felis, molestie
ac pharetra quis}, tempus nec ante. Donec finibus ante vel purus mollis
fermentum. Sed felis mi, pharetra eget nibh a, feugiat eleifend dolor. Nam
mollis condimentum purus quis sodales. Nullam eu felis eu nulla eleifend
bibendum nec eu lorem. Vivamus felis velit, volutpat ut facilisis ac,
commodo in metus.
\item \textbf{Morbi mauris purus}, egestas at vehicula et, convallis
accumsan orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient
montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
\item \textbf{Cras vehicula blandit urna ut maximus}. Aliquam blandit nec
massa ac sollicitudin. Curabitur cursus, metus nec imperdiet bibendum,
velit lectus faucibus dolor, quis gravida metus mauris gravida turpis.
\item \textbf{Vestibulum et massa diam}. Phasellus fermentum augue non
nulla accumsan, non rhoncus lectus condimentum.
\begin{block}{Fusce aliquam magna velit}
Et rutrum ex euismod vel. Pellentesque ultricies, velit in fermentum
vestibulum, lectus nisi pretium nibh, sit amet aliquam lectus augue vel
velit. Suspendisse rhoncus massa porttitor augue feugiat molestie. Sed
molestie ut orci nec malesuada. Sed ultricies feugiat est fringilla
scale only axis,
no markers,
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\caption{Another figure caption.}
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Nulla eget sem quam. Ut aliquam volutpat nisi vestibulum convallis. Nunc a
lectus et eros facilisis hendrerit eu non urna. Interdum et malesuada fames
ac ante \textit{ipsum primis} in faucibus. Etiam sit amet velit eget sem
euismod tristique. Praesent enim erat, porta vel mattis sed, pharetra sed
ipsum. Morbi commodo condimentum massa, \textit{tempus venenatis} massa
hendrerit quis. Maecenas sed porta est. Praesent mollis interdum lectus,
sit amet sollicitudin risus tincidunt non.
Etiam sit amet tempus lorem, aliquet condimentum velit. Donec et nibh
consequat, sagittis ex eget, dictum orci. Etiam quis semper ante. Ut eu
mauris purus. Proin nec consectetur ligula. Mauris pretium molestie
ullamcorper. Integer nisi neque, aliquet et odio non, sagittis porta justo.
\item \textbf{Sed consequat} id ante vel efficitur. Praesent congue massa
sed est scelerisque, elementum mollis augue iaculis.
\item In sed est finibus, vulputate
nunc gravida, pulvinar lorem. In maximus nunc dolor, sed auctor eros
porttitor quis.
\item Fusce ornare dignissim nisi. Nam sit amet risus vel lacus
tempor tincidunt eu a arcu.
\item Donec rhoncus vestibulum erat, quis aliquam leo
gravida egestas.
\item \textbf{Sed luctus, elit sit amet} dictum maximus, diam dolor
faucibus purus, sed lobortis justo erat id turpis.
\item \textbf{Pellentesque facilisis dolor in leo} bibendum congue.
Maecenas congue finibus justo, vitae eleifend urna facilisis at.

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@ -446,7 +446,14 @@ norm of the zeroth hierarchy state.
The generalization to multiple baths may be performed in the same
manner as will be discussed in \cref{sec:multibath}. This allows to
calculate the expectation value involving multiple bath operators
\(B^{(n)}\). Interestingly, the generalization of \cref{eq:bmel} to
multiple baths immediately links hierarchy states of the form
\(ψ^{\underline{e}_{i,k_i} + \underline{e}_{j,k_j}}\) (see
\cref{sec:multihops} for notation) with correlations between the baths
\(\ev{B_i(t)B_j(t)}\). Under the assumption that these correlations
remain small, one could argue to neglect them when performing
numerical calculations. Verifying this behavior would be an
interesting task for future work.
By anti-normal ordering the \(B, B^\dag\) in~\cref{eq:collective_obs}
and inserting the coherent state resolution of unity we find terms of