mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 09:31:39 -05:00
add first results about friction
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23 changed files with 88637 additions and 5 deletions
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\chapter{Additional Plots\label{chap:plus_plots}}
\chapter{Additional Plots and Parameters\label{chap:plus_plots_params}}
\section{Interaction Consisency Plots}
\subsection{Interaction Consisency Plots}
@ -16,3 +19,39 @@
consistency plot for \cref{sec:one_bathcoup_strength}, similar to
\subsection{Modulation with a single Bath}
$ω_c$ & $2$ & $2$ \\
$α(0)$ & $0.7$ & $0.7$ \\
$T$ & $5$ & $5$ \\
$N$ & $10000$ & $2000$ \\
$k_{\mathrm{max}}$ & $5$ & $5$ \\
\caption{\label{tab:plus_friction}Additional parameters for
$ω_c$ & $2$ & $2$ \\
$α(0)$ & $0.7$ & $0.7$ \\
$T$ & $5$ & $5$ \\
$N$ & $1000$ & $1000$ \\
$k_{\mathrm{max}}$ & $5$ & $5$ \\
\caption{\label{tab:plus_system}Additional parameters for
@ -1002,11 +1002,13 @@ interest.
A classical dictum of thermodynamics is, that it is impossible to
extract energy from a single bath in a cyclical manner. Indeed, we
found in \cref{sec:ergoonebath} that this also holds for a finite
quantum system coupled to a thermal bath. In \cref{sec:explicit ergo}
quantum system coupled to a thermal bath. In \cref{sec:explicitergo}
we found, that the bound given on the ergotropy in such a situation
can be saturated for infinite baths, such as the ones used with
NMQSD/HOPS. However, it is unclear if such a unitary transformation
can be implemented without explicit construction of a model.
can be implemented without explicit construction of a model. Our goal
in this section is to extract as much energy from a one-bath system
as is possible without extensive tuning.
In this section we will focus on the minimal dimensionless model
@ -1021,8 +1023,24 @@ Floquet theory was used, and it was shown that the relevant quantities
are scaling with \(λ\). For \(λ=0\) the system Hamiltonian is positive
semi-definite with the energies zero and one. The modulation of the
interaction has been chosen heuristically to always act in the same
``direction'' and vanish periodically.
``direction'' and vanish periodically. We choose the ``down state''
with \(H(0)\ket{0}=0\) as initial state, as we want to extract energy
from the bath and not the system. To maximize energy flow, we will use
resonant baths whose spectral densities have been shifted such that
their maxima coincide with \(1 + Δ\).
For this model the ergotropy bound \cref{eq:ergo_bath_change}
evaluates to
\mathcal{W} \leq β^{-1} \ln(1+\eu^{-ωβ})=\mathcal{W}_{\mathrm{max}}.
For \(ω\to ∞\) we find \(\mathcal{W} = 0\) as the temperature \(T\)
must be of the order of the system energy gap \(ω\) for any
energy lowering process to take place.
\subsection{Quantum Friction}
Before focusing on the \(λ = 0\) case, we will briefly visit a
phenomenon coined ``Quantum Friction'', whereby the creation of
coherences in the system energy basis hinders the performances of
@ -1030,7 +1048,57 @@ thermal quantum machines. These coherences raise the ergotropy of the
system without necessarily raising its energy and can thus not
contribute to the operation of a machine.
A simple demonstration of this can be observed in
\cref{fig:quant_frict}. Here the simulation with frictionless
modulation \(σ_{f}=σ_{x}\) does extract less energy from the total
system as \(σ_{f}=σ_{z}\) case. One reason for this is the not
insignificant buildup of ergotropy in the system state which is being
reduced to zero periodically, but does retard the energy extraction so
that less energy is extracted before the periodic steady state is
being reached which does only increase energy (see
\caption{\label{fig:quant_frict} Total energy change normalized by
the maximal ergotropy in the left panel and the ergotropy of the system
state \(ρ_{\sys}\) normalized by the maximal extracted energy
(dashed lines in left panel) in the right panel over time. Here
\(λ=0.1, Δ=5, T=5\) was chosen. In the ``With Friction'' case
\(σ_{f}=σ_{x,y}\) and in the ``Frictionless'' case
\(σ_{f}=σ_{z}\). The horizontal dashed lines mark the minimal
total energy differences achieved. For more parameters see
When choosing \(σ_{f}=σ_{y}\) the situation is even worse, because now
the system modulation does not even commute with the interaction. The
extracted energy is smallest and the relative system ergotropy buildup
is maximal.
\subsection{System Modulation}
As it turns out, the modulation generically leads to a deterioration
of energy extraction performance for the model
\cref{eq:one_qubit_model_driven} as is demonstrated in
\cref{fig:quant_frict_sys_no_sys}. Again, the ``friction'' (system
ergotropy) generated by the system modulation is much greater than
without system modulation. However, it is questionable whether this is
the only reason for the performance advantage of the case without
system modulation.
\caption{\label{fig:quant_frict_sys_no_sys} Similar to
\cref{fig:quant_frict}, but for (frictionless) system modulation
and no system modulation. The parameters were \(λ=0.1, Δ=5, T=5\)
and further details can be found in \cref{tab:plus_system}.}
In light of this result, we will continue with \(λ=0\), which
simplifies the situation.
\item quantum friction
\item non-markovianity in the energy shovel
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