# -*- mode: org; org-confirm-babel-evaluate: nil; org-babel-noweb-wrap-start: "«"; org-babel-noweb-wrap-end: "»"; -*- #+TITLE: Title Goes Here #+SUBTITLE: Subtitle Goes Here * Authors #+NAME: authors-table | Author | Email | Institution-ID | |-----------------+----------------------+----------------| | Mai Deah | mai.deah@example.edu | 1 | | Arthur Secondus | | 1 | | E. Tal | | 2 | * Institutions * Abstract * PACS #+NAME: pacs-codes-table | PACS-KEY | PACS-KEY-Description-Text | |------------+----------------------------| | PACS-key01 | Text Describing PACS-key01 | | PACS-key02 | Text Describing PACS-key02 | * Introduction * Latex Template :noexport: #+NAME: european-physical-journal-latex-template #+BEGIN_SRC latex :eval never :noweb yes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% file template.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This is a template file for The European Physical Journal % % Copy it to a new file with a new name and use it as the basis % for your article % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Springer-Verlag %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \begin{filecontents}{leer.eps} %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%CreationDate: Mon Jul 13 16:51:17 1992 %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%Pages: 0 1 %%BoundingBox: 72 31 601 342 %%EndComments gsave 72 31 moveto 72 342 lineto 601 342 lineto 601 31 lineto 72 31 lineto showpage grestore %%Trailer %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica \end{filecontents} % \documentclass[epj]{svjour} % Remove option referee for final version % % Remove any % below to load the required packages %\usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage{graphics} % etc % \begin{document} % \title{«get-title-text()»} \subtitle{«get-subtitle-text()»} \author{«epj-authors-latex()»% etc % \thanks is optional - remove next line if not needed \thanks{\emph{Present address:} Insert the address here if needed}% } % Do not remove % \offprints{} % Insert a name or remove this line % \institute{Insert the first address here \and the second here} % \date{Received: date / Revised version: date} % The correct dates will be entered by Springer % \abstract{ «get-abstract-text()» % \PACS{ «epj-pacs-codes-latex()» } % end of PACS codes } %end of abstract % \maketitle % \section{Introduction} \label{intro} Your text comes here. Separate text sections with \section{Section title} \label{sec:1} and \cite{RefJ} \subsection{Subsection title} \label{sec:2} as required. Don't forget to give each section and subsection a unique label (see Sect.~\ref{sec:1}). % % For one-column wide figures use \begin{figure} % Use the relevant command for your figure-insertion program % to insert the figure file. % For example, with the option graphics use \resizebox{0.75\textwidth}{!}{% \includegraphics{leer.eps} } % If not, use %\vspace{5cm} % Give the correct figure height in cm \caption{Please write your figure caption here} \label{fig:1} % Give a unique label \end{figure} % % For two-column wide figures use \begin{figure*} % Use the relevant command for your figure-insertion program % to insert the figure file. See example above. % If not, use \vspace*{5cm} % Give the correct figure height in cm \caption{Please write your figure caption here} \label{fig:2} % Give a unique label \end{figure*} % % For tables use \begin{table} \caption{Please write your table caption here} \label{tab:1} % Give a unique label % For LaTeX tables use \begin{tabular}{lll} \hline\noalign{\smallskip} first & second & third \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline\noalign{\smallskip} number & number & number \\ number & number & number \\ \noalign{\smallskip}\hline \end{tabular} % Or use \vspace*{5cm} % with the correct table height \end{table} % % BibTeX users please use % \bibliographystyle{} % \bibliography{} % % Non-BibTeX users please use \begin{thebibliography}{} % % and use \bibitem to create references. % \bibitem{RefJ} % Format for Journal Reference Author, Journal \textbf{Volume}, (year) page numbers. % Format for books \bibitem{RefB} Author, \textit{Book title} (Publisher, place year) page numbers % etc \end{thebibliography} \end{document} % end of file template.tex #+END_SRC ** Latex Output #+BEGIN_SRC latex :noweb yes :eval never :tangle yes «european-physical-journal-latex-template» #+END_SRC ** Template Utility Code *** get-title-text #+NAME: get-title-text #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (format "%s" (car (plist-get (org-export-get-environment) ':title))) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: get-title-text : Title Goes Here *** get-subtitle-text #+NAME: get-subtitle-text #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results replace :var keyword="subtitle" :var delimiter=" " (mapconcat 'car (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) '(keyword) (lambda (x) (if (string= (upcase keyword) (org-element-property :key x)) (list (org-element-property :value x)) ) ) ) delimiter) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: get-subtitle-text : Subtitle Goes Here *** get-abstract-text #+NAME: get-abstract-text #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results replace :var keyword="abstract" (org-element-map (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) '(headline) (lambda (hl) (if (string= (upcase keyword) (upcase (org-element-property :raw-value hl))) hl) ) nil t) '(paragraph) (lambda (p) (format "%s" (replace-regexp-in-string (rx (or (: bos (* (any " \t\n"))) (: (* (any " \t\n")) eos))) "" (buffer-substring-no-properties (org-element-property :contents-begin p) (org-element-property :contents-end p)))) ) nil t) #+END_SRC *** epj-pacs-codes-latex #+NAME: epj-pacs-codes-latex #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :var pacs_codes=pacs-codes-table :results latex replace :var join_delim=" \\and\n" (string-join (mapcar (lambda (x) (format " {%s}{%s}" (car x) (nth 1 x))) pacs_codes) join_delim) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: epj-pacs-codes-latex #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex {PACS-key01}{text discribing PACS-key01} \and {PACS-key02}{text discribing PACS-key02} #+END_EXPORT *** epj-authors-latex #+NAME: epj-authors-latex #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :var authors=authors-table :results latex replace :var join_delim=" \\and " (string-join (mapcar (lambda (x) (format "%s\\inst{%s}" (car x) (nth 2 x))) authors) join_delim) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: epj-authors-latex #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex Mai Deah\inst{1} \and Arthur Secondus\inst{1} \and E. 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