2016-02-11 21:44:04 +09:00

132 lines
5 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package :cl-user)
(:use :cl
(plan 4)
(defvar *namespace* "session_test")
(defvar *connection* (redis-store-connection (make-redis-store)))
(let ((redis::*connection* *connection*))
(let ((keys (red:keys (format nil "~A:*" *namespace*))))
(when keys
(apply #'red:del keys))))
(subtest "session middleware"
(let ((app
:store (make-redis-store :namespace *namespace* :connection *connection*))
(lambda (env)
(unless (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)) 0))
(:content-type "text/plain")
(,(format nil "Hello, you've been here for ~Ath times!"
(incf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)))))))))
(diag "1st request")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(is status 200)
(setf session (parse-lack-session headers))
(ok session)
(is body '("Hello, you've been here for 1th times!")))
(diag "2nd request")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(declare (ignore headers))
(is status 200)
(is body '("Hello, you've been here for 2th times!")))))
(subtest "utf-8 session data"
(let ((app
:store (make-redis-store :namespace *namespace* :connection *connection*))
(lambda (env)
(unless (gethash :user (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :user (getf env :lack.session)) "深町英太郎"))
(unless (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)) 0))
(:content-type "text/plain")
(,(format nil "Hello, ~A! You've been here for ~Ath times!"
(gethash :user (getf env :lack.session))
(incf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)))))))))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(is status 200)
(setf session (parse-lack-session headers))
(ok session)
(is body '("Hello, 深町英太郎! You've been here for 1th times!")))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(declare (ignore headers))
(is status 200)
(is body '("Hello, 深町英太郎! You've been here for 2th times!")))))
(subtest "expires"
(let ((app
:store (make-redis-store :namespace *namespace* :connection *connection*
:expires 3))
(lambda (env)
(unless (gethash :user (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :user (getf env :lack.session)) "深町英太郎"))
(unless (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)) 0))
(:content-type "text/plain")
(,(format nil "Hello, ~A! You've been here for ~Ath times!"
(gethash :user (getf env :lack.session))
(incf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)))))))))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(is status 200)
(setf session (parse-lack-session headers))
(ok session)
(is body '("Hello, 深町英太郎! You've been here for 1th times!")))
(let ((body (nth 2 (funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session)))))))
(is body '("Hello, 深町英太郎! You've been here for 2th times!")))
(sleep 2)
(let ((body (nth 2 (funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session)))))))
(is body '("Hello, 深町英太郎! You've been here for 3th times!")
"Still the session is alive"))
(sleep 2)
(let ((body (nth 2 (funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session)))))))
(is body '("Hello, 深町英太郎! You've been here for 4th times!")
"Reset the expiration when accessed"))
(sleep 3.5)
(let ((body (nth 2 (funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session)))))))
(is body '("Hello, 深町英太郎! You've been here for 1th times!")
"Session has expired after 3 seconds since the last access"))))
(let ((redis::*connection* *connection*))
(is (length (red:keys (format nil "~A:*" *namespace*)))
"'session' has three records"))
(redis:close-connection *connection*)