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synced 2025-03-05 09:21:39 -05:00
187 lines
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Common Lisp
187 lines
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Common Lisp
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage t.lack.middleware.session
(:use :cl
(in-package :t.lack.middleware.session)
(plan 7)
(ok (lack.session.state:make-state)
"Base class of session state")
(subtest "session middleware"
(let ((app
(lambda (env)
(unless (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)) 0))
(:content-type "text/plain")
(,(format nil "Hello, you've been here for ~Ath times!"
(incf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)))))))))
(diag "1st request")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(is status 200)
(setf session (parse-lack-session headers))
(ok session)
(is body '("Hello, you've been here for 1th times!")))
(diag "2nd request")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(declare (ignore headers))
(is status 200)
(is body '("Hello, you've been here for 2th times!")))))
(subtest "session with delayed response"
(let ((app
(lambda (env)
(unless (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)) 0))
(lambda (responder)
(funcall responder
(:content-type "text/plain")
(,(format nil "Hello, you've been here for ~Ath times!"
(incf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)))))))))))
(diag "1st request")
(funcall (funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(lambda (response)
(destructuring-bind (status headers body) response
(is status 200)
(setf session (parse-lack-session headers))
(ok session)
(is body '("Hello, you've been here for 1th times!")))))
(diag "2nd request")
(funcall (funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(lambda (response)
(destructuring-bind (status headers body) response
(declare (ignore headers))
(is status 200)
(is body '("Hello, you've been here for 2th times!")))))))
(subtest "Set-Cookie header"
(let ((app (builder
(lambda (env)
(when (string= (getf env :path-info) "/expire")
(setf (getf (getf env :lack.session.options) :expire) t))
'(200 () ("hi")))))
;; 1st
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies '(("lack.session" . nil))))
(is status 200 "status")
(ok (getf headers :set-cookie)
"Set-Cookie header exists")
(setf session
(ppcre:scan-to-strings "(?<=lack.session=)[^;]+" (getf headers :set-cookie "")))
(is-type session 'string
"Set-Cookie header value is valid")
(is body '("hi") "body"))
;; 2nd
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(is status 200 "status")
(is (getf headers :set-cookie) nil
"Set-Cookie header doesn't exist")
(is body '("hi") "body"))
;; invalid lack.session
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies '(("lack.session" . "<invalid session here>"))))
(is status 200 "status")
(ok (getf headers :set-cookie)
"Set-Cookie header exists")
(is body '("hi") "body"))
;; expires
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/expire" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(is status 200 "status")
(ok (getf headers :set-cookie)
"Set-Cookie header exists")
(let ((cookie (cookie:parse-set-cookie-header (getf headers :set-cookie) "" "")))
(ok (<= (cookie:cookie-expires cookie) (get-universal-time)) "session expired"))
(is body '("hi") "body"))
;; with expired session
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(is status 200 "status")
(ok (getf headers :set-cookie)
"Set-Cookie header exists")
(let ((cookie (cookie:parse-set-cookie-header (getf headers :set-cookie) "" "")))
(is (cookie:cookie-expires cookie)
:test #'>
"new session is not expired"))
(is body '("hi") "body"))))
(subtest "session expiration with delayed response"
(let ((app (builder
(lambda (env)
(if (equal (getf env :path-info) "/delayed-expire")
(lambda (responder)
(setf (getf (getf env :lack.session.options) :expire) t)
(funcall responder '(200 () ("hi"))))
(lambda (responder)
(funcall responder '(200 () "hi")))))))
;; Get a session.
(funcall (funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(lambda (result)
(destructuring-bind (status headers body) result
(declare (ignore status body))
(setf session
(ppcre:scan-to-strings "(?<=lack.session=)[^;]+"
(getf headers :set-cookie ""))))))
;; Make sure it expires when expiration is set in a delayed response.
(funcall (funcall app (generate-env "/delayed-expire" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(lambda (result)
(destructuring-bind (status headers body) result
(declare (ignore status body))
(let ((cookie (cookie:parse-set-cookie-header (getf headers :set-cookie) "" "")))
(is (cookie:cookie-value cookie) session
"Set-Cookie header is for existing session")
(ok (<= (cookie:cookie-expires cookie) (get-universal-time))
"Session expired")))))))
(subtest ":keep-empty nil"
(let ((app (builder
(:session :keep-empty nil)
(lambda (env)
(when (string= (getf env :path-info) "/session")
(setf (gethash "user" (getf env :lack.session)) "Eitaro"))
'(200 () ("hi"))))))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(declare (ignore status body))
(is headers nil))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/session"))
(declare (ignore status body))
(is-type (getf headers :set-cookie) 'string))))
(subtest "cookie-key other than lack.session="
(let ((app (builder
(:session :state (lack.session.state.cookie:make-cookie-state
:cookie-key "_myapp_cookie"))
(lambda (env)
(declare (ignore env))
'(200 () ("hi"))))))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(declare (ignore status body))
(like (getf headers :set-cookie) "^_myapp_cookie="))))