mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 08:51:41 -05:00
Test without HTTP requests.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 275 additions and 234 deletions
@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ install:
- curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/luismbo/cl-travis/master/install.sh | bash
- git clone https://github.com/fukamachi/fast-http ~/lisp/fast-http
- git clone https://github.com/fukamachi/quri ~/lisp/quri
- git clone https://github.com/fukamachi/cl-cookie ~/lisp/cl-cookie
- git clone https://github.com/fukamachi/dexador ~/lisp/dexador
- git clone https://github.com/fukamachi/http-body ~/lisp/http-body
- git clone https://github.com/fukamachi/cl-coveralls ~/lisp/cl-coveralls
@ -8,6 +8,6 @@
:license "LLGPL"
:depends-on (:lack
:components ((:file "src/test")))
@ -1,60 +1,64 @@
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage lack.test
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :lack
(:import-from :prove
(:import-from :bordeaux-threads
(:import-from :usocket
(:export :subtest-app
(:import-from :quri
(:import-from :flexi-streams
(:export :generate-env
(in-package :lack.test)
(defvar *lack-test-handler* :hunchentoot)
(defvar *lack-test-port* 4242)
(defun generate-env (uri &key (method :get) content headers cookies)
(when content
(let ((content-type (or (cdr (assoc "content-type" headers :test #'string-equal))
(if (find-if #'pathnamep content :key #'cdr)
(if (assoc "content-type" headers :test #'string-equal)
(setf (cdr (assoc "content-type" headers :test #'string-equal))
(setf headers (append headers `(("content-type" . ,content-type)))))))
(when cookies
(setf headers
(append headers
`(("cookie" . ,(with-output-to-string (s)
(format s "~A=~A" (caar cookies) (cdar cookies))
(loop for (k . v) in (cdr cookies)
do (format s "; ~A=~A" k v))))))))
(when content
(setf content (flex:string-to-octets
(quri:url-encode-params content))))
(let ((uri (quri:uri uri)))
(list :request-method method
:request-uri (quri:render-uri uri)
:script-name ""
:path-info (quri:uri-path uri)
:query-string (or (quri:uri-query uri) "")
:server-name "localhost"
:server-port 80
:server-protocol :http/1.1
:remote-addr ""
:remote-port 12345
:content-type (cdr (assoc "content-type" headers :test #'string-equal))
:content-length (and content
(length content))
:headers (loop with hash = (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
for (k . v) in headers
do (setf (gethash k hash) v)
finally (return hash))
:raw-body (and content
(flex:make-in-memory-input-stream content)))))
(defvar *enable-debug-p* t)
(defun port-available-p (port)
(let (socket)
(handler-case (setq socket (usocket:socket-listen "" port :reuse-address t))
(usocket:address-in-use-error () nil))
(when socket
(usocket:socket-close socket)
(defun localhost (&optional (path "/"))
(format nil "http://localhost:~D~A"
*lack-test-port* path))
(defun %subtest-app (desc app client)
(loop repeat 5
until (port-available-p *lack-test-port*)
do (sleep 0.1)
(unless (port-available-p *lack-test-port*)
(error "Port ~D is already in use." *lack-test-port*)))
(let ((acceptor (lackup app
:server *lack-test-handler*
:use-thread t
:silent t
:port *lack-test-port*
:debug *enable-debug-p*)))
(subtest desc
(sleep 0.5)
(funcall client)
(stop acceptor)))))
(defmacro subtest-app (desc app &body client)
`(%subtest-app ,desc ,app (lambda () ,@client)))
(defun parse-lack-session (headers)
(let ((set-cookie (getf headers :set-cookie)))
(when set-cookie
(when (string= set-cookie "lack.session=" :end1 #.(length "lack.session="))
(subseq set-cookie
#.(length "lack.session=")
(position #\; set-cookie))))))
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
((:test-file "t/middleware/auth/basic"))
@ -7,13 +7,11 @@
:author "Eitaro Fukamachi"
:license "LLGPL"
:depends-on (:lack
((:test-file "t/middleware/csrf"))
@ -8,9 +8,7 @@
:license "LLGPL"
:depends-on (:lack
:components ((:test-file "t/middleware/session"))
:defsystem-depends-on (:prove-asdf)
@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
:license "LLGPL"
:depends-on (:lack
:components ((:test-file "t/middleware/static"))
:defsystem-depends-on (:prove-asdf)
@ -9,40 +9,61 @@
(plan 2)
(subtest-app "lack-middleware-auth-basic"
(:auth-basic :authenticator (lambda (user pass)
(and (string= user "hoge")
(string= pass "fuga"))))
(lambda (env)
`(200 () (,(format nil "Hello, ~A" (getf env :remote-user))))))
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers)
(dex:get (localhost))
(is status 401)
(is body "Authorization required")
(is (gethash "www-authenticate" headers)
"Basic realm=restricted area"))
(is (dex:get (localhost)
:headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format nil "Basic ~A"
(string-to-base64-string "wrong:auth")))))
"Authorization required")
(is (dex:get (localhost)
:headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format nil "Basic ~A"
(string-to-base64-string "hoge:fuga")))))
"Hello, hoge"))
(subtest "lack-middleware-auth-basic"
(let ((app
(:auth-basic :authenticator (lambda (user pass)
(and (string= user "hoge")
(string= pass "fuga"))))
(lambda (env)
`(200 () (,(format nil "Hello, ~A" (getf env :remote-user))))))))
(generate-env "/")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(is status 401)
(is body '("Authorization required"))
(is (getf headers :www-authenticate) "Basic realm=restricted area"))
(subtest-app "Use :remote-user"
(:auth-basic :authenticator (lambda (user pass)
(when (and (string= user "nitro_idiot")
(string= pass "password"))
(values t "Eitaro Fukamachi"))))
(lambda (env)
`(200 () (,(format nil "Hello, ~A" (getf env :remote-user))))))
(is (dex:get (localhost)) "Authorization required")
(is (dex:get (localhost)
:headers `(("Authorization" . ,(format nil "Basic ~A"
(string-to-base64-string "nitro_idiot:password")))))
"Hello, Eitaro Fukamachi"))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
`(("authorization" . ,(format nil "Basic ~A"
(string-to-base64-string "wrong:auth"))))) )
(is status 401)
(is body '("Authorization required"))
(is (getf headers :www-authenticate) "Basic realm=restricted area"))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
`(("authorization" . ,(format nil "Basic ~A"
(string-to-base64-string "hoge:fuga"))))))
(declare (ignore headers))
(is status 200)
(is body '("Hello, hoge")))))
(subtest "Use :remote-user"
(let ((app
(:auth-basic :authenticator (lambda (user pass)
(when (and (string= user "nitro_idiot")
(string= pass "password"))
(values t "Eitaro Fukamachi"))))
(lambda (env)
`(200 () (,(format nil "Hello, ~A" (getf env :remote-user))))))))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(is status 401)
(is body '("Authorization required"))
(is (getf headers :www-authenticate) "Basic realm=restricted area"))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
`(("authorization" . ,(format nil "Basic ~A"
(string-to-base64-string "nitro_idiot:password"))))))
(declare (ignore headers))
(is status 200)
(is body '("Hello, Eitaro Fukamachi")))))
@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
(:use :cl
(in-package :t.lack.middleware.csrf)
(plan 2)
@ -35,89 +34,114 @@
"name=\"_csrf_token\" value=\"(.+?)\"" body))))
(and match (elt match 0))))
(subtest-app "CSRF middleware"
#'(lambda (env)
(let ((req (make-request env)))
(:content-type "text/html")
(,(if (and (eq :post (request-method req))
(assoc "name" (request-body-parameters req) :test #'string=))
(cdr (assoc "name" (request-body-parameters req) :test #'string=))
(html-form env)))))))
(let (csrf-token
(cookie-jar (make-instance 'cookie-jar)))
(subtest "CSRF middleware"
(let ((app
#'(lambda (env)
(let ((req (make-request env)))
(:content-type "text/html")
(,(if (and (eq :post (request-method req))
(assoc "name" (request-body-parameters req) :test #'string=))
(cdr (assoc "name" (request-body-parameters req) :test #'string=))
(html-form env))))))))
(diag "first POST request")
(is (nth-value 1 (dex:post "http://localhost:4242/"
:cookie-jar cookie-jar))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :method :post))
(is status 400)
(is body '("Bad Request: invalid CSRF token"))
(like (getf headers :set-cookie)
"^lack.session=.+; path=/; expires=")
(setf session (parse-lack-session headers)))
(diag "first GET request")
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers)
(dex:get "http://localhost:4242/"
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
`(("cookie" . ,(format nil "lack.session=~A" session)))))
(is status 200 "Status is 200")
(is (gethash "content-type" headers) "text/html; charset=utf-8" "Content-Type is text/html")
(setf csrf-token (parse-csrf-token body))
(like (getf headers :content-type) "^text/html" "Content-Type is text/html")
(setf csrf-token (parse-csrf-token (car body)))
(ok csrf-token "can get CSRF token")
(is-type csrf-token 'string "CSRF token is string")
(is (length csrf-token) 40 "CSRF token is 40 chars"))
(diag "bad POST request (no token)")
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers)
(dex:post "http://localhost:4242/"
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(is status 400 "Status is 400")
(is (gethash "content-type" headers) "text/plain; charset=utf-8" "Content-Type is text/plain")
(is body "Bad Request: invalid CSRF token" "Body is 'forbidden'"))
(diag "bad POST request (wrong token)")
(is (nth-value
(dex:post "http://localhost:4242/"
:content '(("name" . "Eitaro Fukamachi")
("_csrf_token" . "wrongtokeniknow"))
:cookie-jar cookie-jar))
(diag "valid POST request")
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers)
(dex:post "http://localhost:4242/"
:content `(("name" . "Eitaro Fukamachi")
("_csrf_token" . ,csrf-token))
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(is status 200 "Status is 200")
(is (gethash "content-type" headers) "text/html; charset=utf-8" "Content-Type is text/html")
(is body "Eitaro Fukamachi" "can read body-parameter"))))
(subtest-app "enable one-time token"
(:csrf :one-time t)
#'(lambda (env)
(let ((req (make-request env)))
(:content-type "text/html")
(,(if (and (eq :post (request-method req))
(assoc "name" (request-body-parameters req) :test #'string=))
(cdr (assoc "name" (request-body-parameters req) :test #'string=))
(html-form env)))))))
(let (csrf-token
(cookie-jar (make-instance 'cookie-jar)))
(setf csrf-token
(dex:get "http://localhost:4242/"
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)))
(dex:post "http://localhost:4242/"
:content `(("name" . "Eitaro Fukamachi")
("_csrf_token" . ,csrf-token))
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(diag "bad POST request with before token")
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers)
(dex:post "http://localhost:4242/"
:content `(("name" . "Eitaro Fukamachi")
("_csrf_token" . ,csrf-token))
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(declare (ignore body))
(diag "bad POST request (no token)")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
:method :post
`(("cookie" . ,(format nil "lack.session=~A" session)))))
(is status 400 "Status is 400")
(is (gethash "content-type" headers) "text/plain; charset=utf-8" "Content-Type is text/plain"))))
(like (getf headers :content-type) "^text/plain" "Content-Type is text/plain")
(is body '("Bad Request: invalid CSRF token") "Body is 'forbidden'"))
(diag "bad POST request (wrong token)")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
:method :post
`(("cookie" . ,(format nil "lack.session=~A" session)))))
(is status 400 "Status is 400")
(like (getf headers :content-type) "^text/plain" "Content-Type is text/plain")
(is body '("Bad Request: invalid CSRF token") "Body is 'forbidden'"))
(diag "valid POST request")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
:method :post
:cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))
`(("name" . "Eitaro Fukamachi")
("_csrf_token" . ,csrf-token))))
(is status 200 "Status is 200")
(like (getf headers :content-type) "^text/html" "Content-Type is text/html")
(is body '("Eitaro Fukamachi") "can read body-parameter"))))
(subtest "enable one-time token"
(let (csrf-token
(:csrf :one-time t)
#'(lambda (env)
(let ((req (make-request env)))
(:content-type "text/html")
(,(if (and (eq :post (request-method req))
(assoc "name" (request-body-parameters req) :test #'string=))
(cdr (assoc "name" (request-body-parameters req) :test #'string=))
(html-form env)))))))))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(declare (ignore status))
(setf csrf-token (parse-csrf-token (car body)))
(setf session (parse-lack-session headers)))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
:method :post
:content `(("name" . "Eitaro Fukamachi")
("_csrf_token" . ,csrf-token))
:cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(declare (ignore headers body))
(is status 200))
(diag "send a request with an expired token")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"
:method :post
:content `(("name" . "Eitaro Fukamachi")
("_csrf_token" . ,csrf-token))
:cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(is status 400)
(is (getf headers :content-type) "text/plain")
(is body '("Bad Request: invalid CSRF token")))))
@ -3,35 +3,35 @@
(:use :cl
(in-package :t.lack.middleware.session)
(plan nil)
(plan 1)
(subtest-app "session middleware"
(lambda (env)
(unless (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)) 0))
(:content-type "text/plain")
(,(format nil "Hello, you've been here for ~Ath times!"
(incf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))))))))
(let ((cookie-jar (make-cookie-jar)))
(multiple-value-bind (body status)
(dex:get (localhost) :cookie-jar cookie-jar :verbose t)
(diag "1st request")
(subtest "session middleware"
(let ((app
(lambda (env)
(unless (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))
(setf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session)) 0))
(:content-type "text/plain")
(,(format nil "Hello, you've been here for ~Ath times!"
(incf (gethash :counter (getf env :lack.session))))))))))
(diag "1st request")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(is status 200)
(is body "Hello, you've been here for 1th times!"))
(multiple-value-bind (body status)
(dex:get (localhost) :cookie-jar cookie-jar :verbose t)
(diag "2nd request")
(setf session (parse-lack-session headers))
(ok session)
(is body '("Hello, you've been here for 1th times!")))
(diag "2nd request")
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/" :cookies `(("lack.session" . ,session))))
(declare (ignore headers))
(is status 200)
(is body "Hello, you've been here for 2th times!"))))
(skip 4 "because your lisp doesn't support threads")
(is body '("Hello, you've been here for 2th times!")))))
@ -6,31 +6,32 @@
(in-package :t.lack.middleware.static)
(plan nil)
(plan 1)
(subtest-app "static middleware"
(:static :path "/public/"
:root (asdf:system-relative-pathname :lack #P"data/"))
(lambda (env)
(declare (ignore env))
`(200 (:content-type "text/plain") ("Happy Valentine!"))))
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers)
(dex:get (localhost "/public/jellyfish.jpg"))
(is status 200)
(is (gethash "content-type" headers) "image/jpeg")
(is (length body) 139616))
(multiple-value-bind (body status)
(dex:get (localhost "/public/hoge.png"))
(is status 404)
(is body "Not Found"))
(multiple-value-bind (body status headers)
(dex:get (localhost "/"))
(is status 200)
(ok (string= (gethash "content-type" headers) "text/plain" :end1 10))
(is body "Happy Valentine!")))
(skip 1 "because your lisp doesn't support threads")
(subtest "static middleware"
(let ((app
(:static :path "/public/"
:root (asdf:system-relative-pathname :lack #P"data/"))
(lambda (env)
(declare (ignore env))
`(200 (:content-type "text/plain") ("Happy Valentine!"))))))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/public/jellyfish.jpg"))
(is status 200)
(is (getf headers :content-type) "image/jpeg")
(is body (asdf:system-relative-pathname :lack #P"data/jellyfish.jpg")))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/public/hoge.png"))
(declare (ignore headers))
(is status 404)
(is body '("Not Found")))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall app (generate-env "/"))
(is status 200)
(is (getf headers :content-type) "text/plain")
(is body '("Happy Valentine!")))))
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