Add 'testing-app' & 'request' for writing easily and support cookie-jar & redirection.

This commit is contained in:
Eitaro Fukamachi 2018-09-20 05:59:13 +09:00
parent a6962b1fb6
commit 3365430862
3 changed files with 82 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
:author "Eitaro Fukamachi"
:license "LLGPL"
:depends-on (:lack
:components ((:file "src/test")))

View file

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
(list* status headers
((and no-body (not body)) nil)
((stringp body) (list (list body)))
(t (list body))))))
((consp body) (list body))
(t (list (list body)))))))
(defun finalize-cookies (res)
(setf (response-headers res)

View file

@ -7,14 +7,25 @@
(:import-from :cl-cookie
(:import-from :flexi-streams
(:export :generate-env
(in-package :lack.test)
(defun generate-env (uri &key (method :get) content headers cookies)
(defun generate-env (uri &key (method :get) content headers cookie-jar)
"Creates an ENV plist much like this do all Clack backends.
Argument `uri' can be just a path or a full url with scheme and optional port."
@ -41,13 +52,10 @@
(setf (cdr (assoc "content-type" headers :test #'string-equal))
(setf headers (append headers `(("content-type" . ,content-type)))))))
(when cookies
(when cookie-jar
(setf headers
(append headers
`(("cookie" . ,(with-output-to-string (s)
(format s "~A=~A" (caar cookies) (cdar cookies))
(loop for (k . v) in (cdr cookies)
do (format s "; ~A=~A" k v))))))))
`(("cookie" . ,(write-cookie-header (cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar)))))))
(setf content
(etypecase content
(cons (flex:string-to-octets
@ -89,3 +97,67 @@
(subseq set-cookie
#.(length "lack.session=")
(position #\; set-cookie))))))
(defstruct (response (:constructor make-response (status headers body)))
(defvar *current-app*)
(defun request (uri &rest args &key (method :get) content headers cookie-jar
(max-redirects 5))
(declare (ignore method content headers))
(let ((env (generate-env uri
:method method :content content :headers headers
:cookie-jar cookie-jar))
(uri (quri:uri uri)))
(unless (quri:uri-host uri)
(setf (quri:uri-host uri) "localhost"))
(unless (quri:uri-port uri)
(setf (quri:uri-port uri) 80))
(unless (quri:uri-scheme uri)
(setf (quri:uri-scheme uri) "http"))
(destructuring-bind (status headers body)
(funcall *current-app* env)
(when cookie-jar
(merge-cookies cookie-jar
(loop for (k v) on headers by #'cddr
when (eq k :set-cookie)
(parse-set-cookie-header v
(quri:uri-host uri)
(quri:uri-path uri)))))
(when (and (member status '(301 302 303 307) :test #'=)
(getf headers :location)
(not (eq method :head))
(/= max-redirects 0))
(return-from request
(apply #'request (quri:merge-uris (quri:uri (getf headers :location)) uri)
:method (if (or (= status 307)
(member method '(:head :get)))
:max-redirects (1- max-redirects)
;; XXX: Framework sometimes return '(NIL) as body
(when (consp body)
(setf body (remove nil body)))
(make-response status
(loop with hash = (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
for (k v) on headers by #'cddr
for down-k = (string-downcase k)
do (setf (gethash down-k hash)
(format nil "~@[~A, ~]~A"
(gethash down-k hash) v))
finally (return hash))
;; TODO: support pathname
;; TODO: check if the response content-type is text/binary
(typecase body
(cons (apply #'concatenate (type-of (first body)) body))
(null "")
(otherwise body))))))
(defmacro testing-app (app &body body)
`(let ((*current-app* ,app))