jobmanager ========== [![PyPI](]( [![Travis](]( [![codecov](]( Easy distributed computing based on the python class SyncManager for remote communication and python module multiprocessing for local parallelism. ### Documentation The documentation is available at ### TODO * timeout for client * single proxy for client and queue for subprocesses * user signal to server to retrieve status ### known Problems #### Python2.7 * regular shutdown takes very long -> travis tests cancel due to timeout #### Python3.4 * some tests result in `segmentation fault (core dumped)`, nonetheless they pass Therefore it is highly encouraged to use Python3.5 (and probably higher). ### Developer's note (out of date) After cloning into jobmanager, create a virtual environment virtualenv --system-site-packages ve_jm source ve_jm/bin/activate Install all dependencies python develop Running an example python examples/ Running tests python test