import pathlib import sys sys.path.insert(0, str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent)) import logging import multiprocessing as mp from jobmanager import signalDelay import os import signal import time ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt="%(asctime)s|%(name)s|%(levelname)s|%(msg)s")) signalDelay.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) signalDelay.log.addHandler(ch) v = mp.Value('I') sleep_time = 0.1 def no_output(): return f = open('/dev/null', 'w') sys.stdout = f sys.stderr = f def test_sd(): def _important_func(v): no_output() try: for i in range(10): v.value = i time.sleep(sleep_time) except KeyboardInterrupt: # this prevents the traceback pass @signalDelay.sig_delay([signal.SIGINT]) def _important_func_with_dec(v): _important_func(v) # call _important_func in a subprocess and send SIGINT after 1 second # the subprocess will terminate immediately # v should be smaller than 5 p = mp.Process(target=_important_func, args=(v,)) p.start() time.sleep(2*sleep_time) os.kill(, signal.SIGINT) p.join() assert v.value < 5 assert p.exitcode == 0 # since the KeyboardInterrupt Error is caught and ignored # call _important_func in a subprocess and send SIGINT after 1 second # the subprocess will terminate immediately # v should be smaller than 5 p = mp.Process(target=_important_func_with_dec, args=(v,)) p.start() time.sleep(2*sleep_time) os.kill(, signal.SIGINT) p.join() assert v.value == 9 assert p.exitcode == 1 # since the SIGINT is reemited again after the scope # of _important_func the KeyboardInterrupt Error can not be caught def test_sd_ctx(): def _important_func(v): no_output() try: for i in range(10): v.value = i time.sleep(sleep_time) except KeyboardInterrupt: # this prevents the traceback pass def _important_func_with_dec(v): with signalDelay.sig_delay([signal.SIGINT]): _important_func(v) # call _important_func in a subprocess and send SIGINT after 1 second # the subprocess will terminate immediately # v should be smaller than 5 p = mp.Process(target=_important_func, args=(v,)) p.start() time.sleep(2*sleep_time) os.kill(, signal.SIGINT) p.join() assert v.value < 5 assert p.exitcode == 0 # since the KeyboardInterrupt Error is caught and ignored # call _important_func in a subprocess and send SIGINT after 1 second # the subprocess will terminate immediately # v should be smaller than 5 p = mp.Process(target=_important_func_with_dec, args=(v,)) p.start() time.sleep(2*sleep_time) os.kill(, signal.SIGINT) p.join() assert v.value == 9 assert p.exitcode == 1 # since the SIGINT is reemited again after the scope # of _important_func the KeyboardInterrupt Error can not be caught if __name__ == "__main__": test_sd() test_sd_ctx()