import restrictFields from '../../lib/restrictFields.js'; import enforceMaxLimit from '../../lib/enforceMaxLimit.js'; import cleanBody from '../../lib/cleanBody.js'; import { cleanOptions, cleanFilters } from '../../lib/cleanSelectors.js'; import enforceMaxDepth, {getDepth} from '../../lib/enforceMaxDepth.js'; import CollectionNode from '../../../query/nodes/collectionNode.js'; describe('Unit Tests', function () { it('Should be able to restrict fields', function () { let filters = { test: 1, shouldRestrict: 1, 'shouldRestrict.this': 1, shouldRestrict2: 1, $and: [{ shouldRestrict: 1, 'shouldRestrict.this': 1, test: 1, }, { test: 1, shouldRestrict: 1, 'shouldRestrict.this': 1 }], $or: [{ $and: [{ test: 1, shouldRestrict: 1, 'shouldRestrict.this': 1 }] }], $nor: [{ test: 1, shouldRestrict: 1, 'shouldRestrict.this': 1 }], $not: { test: 1, shouldRestrict: 1, 'shouldRestrict.this': 1 } }; let options = { sort: { test: 1, shouldRestrict: 1, shouldRestrict2: 1, 'shouldRestrict.this': 1 }, fields: { test: 1, shouldRestrict: 1, shouldRestrict2: 1, 'shouldRestrict.this': 1 } }; restrictFields(filters, options, ['shouldRestrict', 'shouldRestrict2']); assert.lengthOf(_.keys(filters), 5); assert.equal(filters.test, 1); assert.isUndefined(filters.shouldRestrict); assert.isUndefined(filters['shouldRestrict.this']); assert.lengthOf(_.keys(options.sort), 1); assert.equal(options.sort.test, 1); assert.isUndefined(options.sort.shouldRestrict, 1); assert.isUndefined(options.sort['shouldRestrict.this']); assert.lengthOf(_.keys(options.fields), 1); assert.equal(options.fields.test, 1); assert.isUndefined(options.fields['shouldRestrict.this']); assert.isUndefined(options.fields['shouldRestrict']); assert.isDefined(filters.$not.test); assert.isUndefined(filters.$not.shouldRestrict); assert.isUndefined(filters.$not['shouldRestrict.this']); assert.isDefined(filters.$nor[0].test); assert.isUndefined(filters.$nor[0].shouldRestrict); assert.isUndefined(filters.$nor[0]['shouldRestrict.this']); assert.isDefined(filters.$and[0].test); assert.isUndefined(filters.$and[0].shouldRestrict); assert.isUndefined(filters.$and[0]['shouldRestrict.this']); assert.isDefined(filters.$and[1].test); assert.isUndefined(filters.$and[1].shouldRestrict); assert.isUndefined(filters.$and[1]['shouldRestrict.this']); assert.isDefined(filters.$or[0].$and[0].test); assert.isUndefined(filters.$or[0].$and[0].shouldRestrict); assert.isUndefined(filters.$or[0].$and[0]['shouldRestrict.this']); let options2 = {fields: {test: 1}}; restrictFields({}, options2, ['test']); assert.isUndefined(options2.fields.test); assert.isDefined(options2.fields._id); }); it('Should restrict links # getLinks', function () { import { getLinks } from '../../lib/restrictLinks.js'; let data = getLinks({ collection: { __exposure: { config: { restrictLinks: ['1', '2'] } } } }); assert.lengthOf(data, 2); data = getLinks({ collection: { __exposure: { config: { restrictLinks: function() { return ['1', '2'] } } } } }); assert.lengthOf(data, 2); }); it('Should be able to enforce a maxLimit', function () { let options = {}; enforceMaxLimit(options, 100); assert.equal(options.limit, 100); options = {limit: 101}; enforceMaxLimit(options, 100); assert.equal(options.limit, 100); options = {limit: 99}; enforceMaxLimit(options, 100); assert.equal(options.limit, 99); }); it('Should be able to get the propper depth of a node', function () { let root = new CollectionNode(); let subroot1 = new CollectionNode(); let subroot2 = new CollectionNode(); root.add(subroot1); root.add(subroot2); let subsubroot1 = new CollectionNode(); subroot1.add(subsubroot1); subsubroot1.add(new CollectionNode()); subroot2.add(new CollectionNode()); assert.equal(4, getDepth(root)); }); it('Should be able to enforce depth of a node', function () { let root = new CollectionNode(); let subroot1 = new CollectionNode(); let subroot2 = new CollectionNode(); root.add(subroot1); root.add(subroot2); let subsubroot1 = new CollectionNode(); subroot1.add(subsubroot1); subsubroot1.add(new CollectionNode()); subroot2.add(new CollectionNode()); assert.equal(4, getDepth(root)); const fn = () => { enforceMaxDepth(root, 3); }; assert.throws(fn, /graph request is too deep/); }); it('Should work intersect with computation and with infinite recursion avoidance', function () { const link2 = (item) => { return { item, link1 } }; const link1 = (item) => { return { item, link2 } }; const obj1 = { a: 1, link1 }; const obj2 = { $filters: { a: {$gt: 2}, b: {$gt: 2}, $and: [ { a: {$gt: 2}, b: {$gt: 2} }, { b: {$gt: 2} } ], $not: { a: {$gt: 2}, b: {$gt: 2} } }, a: { a1: 1 }, link1: { item: 1, link2: { item: 1, link1: { item: 1 } } } }; const result = cleanBody(obj1, obj2, 'test'); assert.isObject(result.a); assert.isDefined(result.a.a1); assert.isObject(result.link1); assert.equal(result.link1.item, 'test'); assert.isObject(result.link1.link2); assert.equal(result.link1.link2.item, 'test'); assert.isObject(result.link1.link2.link1); assert.equal(result.link1.link2.link1.item, 'test'); assert.isObject(result.$filters); assert.isObject(result.$filters.a); assert.isUndefined(result.$filters.b); assert.equal(result.$filters.a.$gt, 2); assert.isArray(result.$filters.$and); assert.equal(result.$filters.$and[0].a.$gt, 2); assert.isUndefined(result.$filters.$and[0].b); assert.isUndefined(result.$filters.$and[1].b); assert.equal(result.$filters.$and[0].a.$gt, 2); assert.isObject(result.$filters.$not); assert.isUndefined(result.$filters.$not.b); assert.equal(result.$filters.$not.a.$gt, 2); }); it('Should properly clean selectors', function () { let filters = { 'profile.firstName': 'Theodor' }; cleanFilters(filters, ['profile']) assert.equal(filters['profile.firstName'], 'Theodor'); }) });