import postListExposure from './bootstrap/queries/postListExposure.js'; import { createQuery } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:grapher'; describe('Named Query', function () { it('Should return proper values', function (done) { const query = createQuery({ postListExposure: { title: 'User Post - 3' } }); query.fetch((err, res) => { assert.isUndefined(err); assert.isTrue(res.length > 0); _.each(res, post => { assert.equal(post.title, 'User Post - 3'); assert.isObject(; assert.isObject(; }); done(); }) }); it('Should return proper values using query directly via import', function (done) { const query = postListExposure.clone({title: 'User Post - 3'}); query.fetch((err, res) => { assert.isUndefined(err); assert.isTrue(res.length > 0); _.each(res, post => { assert.equal(post.title, 'User Post - 3'); assert.isObject(; assert.isObject(; }); done(); }) }); it('Should work with count', function (done) { const query = postListExposure.clone({title: 'User Post - 3'}); query.getCount((err, res) => { assert.equal(6, res); done(); }) }); it('Should work with reactive counts', function (done) { const query = postListExposure.clone({title: 'User Post - 3'}); const handle = query.subscribeCount(); Tracker.autorun(c => { if (handle.ready()) { c.stop(); const count = query.getCount(); handle.stop(); assert.equal(count, 6); done(); } }); }); it('Should work with reactive queries', function (done) { const query = createQuery({ postListExposure: { title: 'User Post - 3' } }); const handle = query.subscribe(); Tracker.autorun(c => { if (handle.ready()) { c.stop(); const res = query.fetch(); handle.stop(); assert.isTrue(res.length > 0); _.each(res, post => { assert.equal(post.title, 'User Post - 3'); assert.isObject(; assert.isObject(; }); done(); } }) }); it('Should work with reactive queries via import', function (done) { const query = postListExposure.clone({ title: 'User Post - 3' }); const handle = query.subscribe(); Tracker.autorun(c => { if (handle.ready()) { c.stop(); const res = query.fetch(); handle.stop(); assert.isTrue(res.length > 0); _.each(res, post => { assert.equal(post.title, 'User Post - 3'); assert.isObject(; assert.isObject(; }); done(); } }) }) });