## 1.1.1 - Extend the way exposure works. Added "maxLimit", "maxDepth", "restrictedFields" as configuration options for it. ## 1.1.0 - Added hypernova module which reduces queries to the database dramatically. - Added a way to link collections via string when using addLinks - Added "unique" parameter available to "One" and "One Meta" relationships, that adds a unique index into the database, and when you fetch them from their inversed side, it will return a single value instead of an array. ## 1.0.10 - Fixed a bug with cleaning the field. - Fixed the bug where you had one virtual collection, and all the other fields were applied ## 1.0.9 - restrictFields in the exposure module is now filtering-out "filters" and "sort" to avoid information exposure. ## 1.0.8 - Fixed reactive fetching when using inversed links ## 1.0.7 - Optimized creating link for _id only, by fetching the object with the storage field only - Added restrictFields in the exposure module to easily restrictFields ## 1.0.6 - Fixed exposure bug for static fetching - Exporting useful components that allow you to customly build your data graph ## 1.0.4 - Index for meta will now only index _id - You can now perform actions from the inversed links ## 1.0.3 - Added autoremove support to cascade delete links. - When adding/setting objects that have no _id defined, it automatically inserts them into the database and makes the link. - Added ability to chain link methods that affect the data - Added ability to index the added links. - Added $all special field, which will retrieve all the possible fields unless it's secured in exposure. ## 1.0.2 Simplified subscription and decided to keep "linkStorageFields" in the response. ## 1.0.1 Bug fixes + Updated documentation ## 1.0.0 First release.