import { createQuery } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:grapher'; import waitForHandleToBeReady from './lib/waitForHandleToBeReady'; describe('Client-side reducers', function () { it('Should work with field only reducers', async function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { fullName: 1 } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); data.forEach(author => { assert.isString(author.fullName); assert.isUndefined(; assert.isTrue(author.fullName.substr(0, 7) === 'full - ') }); handle.stop(); }); it('Should work with nested fields reducers', async function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { fullNameNested: 1 } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); data.forEach(author => { assert.isString(author.fullNameNested); assert.isString(author.fullNameNested); assert.isFalse(author.fullNameNested === 'undefined undefined'); assert.isUndefined(author.profile); }); handle.stop(); }); it('Should work with nested fields reducers', async function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { profile: { firstName: 1 }, fullNameNested: 1, } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); data.forEach(author => { assert.isString(author.fullNameNested); assert.isFalse(author.fullNameNested === 'undefined undefined'); assert.isObject(author.profile); assert.isString(author.profile.firstName); assert.isUndefined(author.profile.lastName); }); handle.stop(); }); it('Should work with links reducers', async function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { groupNames: 1 } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); data.forEach(author => { assert.isArray(author.groupNames); assert.isUndefined(author.groups); }); handle.stop(); }); it('Should work with links and nested reducers', async function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { referenceReducer: 1 } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); data.forEach(author => { assert.isString(author.referenceReducer); assert.isUndefined(author.fullName); assert.isTrue(author.referenceReducer.substr(0, 9) === 'nested - ') }); handle.stop(); }); it('Should not clean nested reducers if not specified', async function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { referenceReducer: 1, fullName: 1, } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); data.forEach(author => { assert.isString(author.referenceReducer); assert.isString(author.fullName); }); handle.stop(); }); it('Should keep previously used items - Part 1', async function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { fullName: 1, name: 1, groupNames: 1, groups: { name: 1 } } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); data.forEach(author => { assert.isDefined(; assert.isDefined(author.groups); assert.isArray(author.groupNames); assert.isString(author.fullName); assert.isTrue(author.fullName.substr(0, 7) === 'full - ') }); handle.stop(); }); it('Should keep previously used items - Part 2', async function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { groupNames: 1, groups: { _id: 1 } } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); data.forEach(author => { assert.isDefined(author.groups); assert.isArray(author.groupNames); author.groupNames.forEach(groupName => { assert.isTrue(groupName.length > 2); assert.isTrue(groupName.substr(0, 2) == 'G#'); assert.isFalse(groupName.slice(2) === 'undefined'); }); author.groups.forEach(group => { assert.isDefined(group._id); assert.isDefined(; }) }); handle.stop(); }); });