import FieldNode from './fieldNode.js'; import ReducerNode from './reducerNode.js'; import deepClone from '../lib/deepClone'; export default class CollectionNode { constructor(collection, body = {}, linkName = null) { if (collection && !_.isObject(body)) { throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-body', 'Every collection link should have its body defined as an object.'); } this.body = deepClone(body); this.linkName = linkName; this.collection = collection; this.nodes = []; this.props = {}; this.parent = null; this.linker = null; this.linkStorageField = null; this.scheduledForDeletion = false; this.reducers = []; this.results = []; } get collectionNodes() { return _.filter(this.nodes, n => n instanceof CollectionNode) } get fieldNodes() { return _.filter(this.nodes, n => n instanceof FieldNode); } get reducerNodes() { return _.filter(this.nodes, n => n instanceof ReducerNode); } /** * @param node * @param linker */ add(node, linker) { node.parent = this; if (linker) { node.linker = linker; node.linkStorageField = linker.linkStorageField; node.isMeta = linker.isMeta(); node.isVirtual = linker.isVirtual(); node.isOneResult = linker.isOneResult(); // we clean the storage in 2 scenarios, if it is virtual then we need t o node.shouldCleanStorage = (node.isVirtual) ? !node.hasField(node.linkStorageField) : !this.hasField(node.linkStorageField) ; } this.nodes.push(node); } /** * @param _node */ remove(_node) { this.nodes = _.filter(this.nodes, node => _node !== node); } /** * @param filters * @param options */ applyFields(filters, options) { let hasAddedAnyField = false; _.each(this.fieldNodes, n => { hasAddedAnyField = true; n.applyFields(options.fields) }); // it will only get here if it has collectionNodes children _.each(this.collectionNodes, (collectionNode) => { let linker = collectionNode.linker; if (linker && !linker.isVirtual()) { options.fields[linker.linkStorageField] = 1; hasAddedAnyField = true; } }); // if he selected filters, we should automatically add those fields _.each(filters, (value, field) => { // special handling for the $meta filter and conditional operators if (!_.contains(['$or', '$nor', '$not', '$and', '$meta'], field)) { hasAddedAnyField = true; options.fields[field] = 1; } }); if (!hasAddedAnyField) { options.fields = {_id: 1}; } } /** * @param fieldName * @returns {boolean} */ hasField(fieldName) { return !!_.find(this.fieldNodes, fieldNode => { return == fieldName }) } /** * @param fieldName * @returns {FieldNode} */ getField(fieldName) { return _.find(this.fieldNodes, fieldNode => { return == fieldName }) } /** * @param name * @returns {boolean} */ hasCollectionNode(name) { return !!_.find(this.collectionNodes, node => { return node.linkName == name }) } /** * @param name * @returns {boolean} */ hasReducerNode(name) { return !!_.find(this.reducerNodes, node => { return == name }) } /** * @param name * @returns {ReducerNode} */ getReducerNode(name) { return _.find(this.reducerNodes, node => { return == name }) } /** * @param name * @returns {CollectionNode} */ getCollectionNode(name) { return _.find(this.collectionNodes, node => { return node.linkName == name }) } /** * @returns {*} */ getName() { return this.linkName ? this.linkName : (this.collection ? this.collection._name : 'N/A'); } }