import { postList, postListCached } from './bootstrap/server.js'; import { createQuery } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:grapher'; describe('Named Query', function () { it('Should return the proper values', function () { const createdQuery = createQuery({ postList: { title: 'User Post - 3' } }); const directQuery = postList.clone({ title: 'User Post - 3' }); _.each([createdQuery, directQuery], (query) => { const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 1); _.each(data, post => { assert.equal(post.title, 'User Post - 3'); assert.isObject(; assert.isObject(; }) }) }); it('Exposure embodyment should work properly', function () { const query = createQuery({ postListExposure: { title: 'User Post - 3' } }); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 1); _.each(data, post => { assert.equal(post.title, 'User Post - 3'); assert.isObject(; assert.isObject(; }) }); it('Should properly cache the values', function (done) { const posts = postListCached.fetch(); const postsCount = postListCached.getCount(); const Posts = Mongo.Collection.get('posts'); const postId = Posts.insert({title: 'Hello Cacher!'}); assert.equal(posts.length, postListCached.fetch().length); assert.equal(postsCount, postListCached.getCount()); Meteor.setTimeout(function () { const newPosts = postListCached.fetch(); const newCount = postListCached.getCount(); Posts.remove(postId); assert.isArray(newPosts); assert.isNumber(newCount); assert.equal(posts.length + 1, newPosts.length); assert.equal(postsCount + 1, newCount); done(); }, 400) }); it('Should allow to securely fetch a subbody of a namedQuery', function () { const query = createQuery({ postListExposure: { limit: 5, $body: { title: 1, createdAt: 1, // should fail group: { name: 1, createdAt: 1, // should fail } } } }); const data = query.fetch(); assert.isTrue(data.length > 1); _.each(data, post => { assert.isUndefined(post.createdAt); assert.isUndefined(; assert.isObject(; assert.isUndefined(; }) }) });