import CountSubscription from '../query/counts/countSubscription'; import createGraph from '../query/lib/createGraph.js'; import recursiveFetch from '../query/lib/recursiveFetch.js'; import prepareForProcess from '../query/lib/prepareForProcess.js'; import { _ } from 'meteor/underscore'; import callWithPromise from '../query/lib/callWithPromise'; import Base from './namedQuery.base'; export default class extends Base { /** * Subscribe * * @param callback * @returns {null|any|*} */ subscribe(callback) { this.subscriptionHandle = Meteor.subscribe(, this.params, callback ); return this.subscriptionHandle; } /** * Subscribe to the counts for this query * * @param callback * @returns {Object} */ subscribeCount(callback) { if (!this._counter) { this._counter = new CountSubscription(this); } return this._counter.subscribe(this.params, callback); } /** * Unsubscribe if an existing subscription exists */ unsubscribe() { if (this.subscriptionHandle) { this.subscriptionHandle.stop(); } this.subscriptionHandle = null; } /** * Unsubscribe to the counts if a subscription exists. */ unsubscribeCount() { if (this._counter) { this._counter.unsubscribe(); this._counter = null; } } /** * Fetches elements in sync using promises * @return {*} */ async fetchSync() { if (this.subscriptionHandle) { throw new Meteor.Error('This query is reactive, meaning you cannot use promises to fetch the data.'); } return await callWithPromise(, prepareForProcess(this.body, this.params)); } /** * Fetches one element in sync * @return {*} */ async fetchOneSync() { return _.first(await this.fetchSync()) } /** * Retrieves the data. * @param callbackOrOptions * @returns {*} */ fetch(callbackOrOptions) { if (!this.subscriptionHandle) { return this._fetchStatic(callbackOrOptions) } else { return this._fetchReactive(callbackOrOptions); } } /** * @param args * @returns {*} */ fetchOne(...args) { if (!this.subscriptionHandle) { const callback = args[0]; if (!_.isFunction(callback)) { throw new Meteor.Error('You did not provide a valid callback'); } this.fetch((err, res) => { callback(err, res ? _.first(res) : null); }) } else { return _.first(this.fetch(...args)); } } /** * Gets the count of matching elements in sync. * @returns {any} */ async getCountSync() { if (this._counter) { throw new Meteor.Error('This query is reactive, meaning you cannot use promises to fetch the data.'); } return await callWithPromise( + '.count', prepareForProcess(this.body, this.params)); } /** * Gets the count of matching elements. * @param callback * @returns {any} */ getCount(callback) { if (this._counter) { return this._counter.getCount(); } else { if (!callback) { throw new Meteor.Error('not-allowed', 'You are on client so you must either provide a callback to get the count or subscribe first.'); } else { return + '.count', this.params, callback); } } } /** * Fetching non-reactive queries * @param callback * @private */ _fetchStatic(callback) { if (!callback) { throw new Meteor.Error('not-allowed', 'You are on client so you must either provide a callback to get the data or subscribe first.'); }, this.params, callback); } /** * Fetching when we've got an active publication * * @param options * @returns {*} * @private */ _fetchReactive(options = {}) { let body = prepareForProcess(this.body, this.params); if (!options.allowSkip && body.$options && body.$options.skip) { delete body.$options.skip; } return recursiveFetch( createGraph(this.collection, body) ); } }