import NamedQuery from '../namedQuery.js'; import {ExposeSchema, ExposeDefaults} from './schema.js'; import mergeDeep from './lib/mergeDeep.js'; import createGraph from '../../query/lib/createGraph.js'; import recursiveCompose from '../../query/lib/recursiveCompose.js'; import prepareForProcess from '../../query/lib/prepareForProcess.js'; import deepClone from 'lodash.clonedeep'; import genCountEndpoint from '../../query/counts/genEndpoint.server'; import {check} from 'meteor/check'; const specialParameters = ['$body']; _.extend(NamedQuery.prototype, { expose(config = {}) { if (!Meteor.isServer) { throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-environment', `You must run this in server-side code`); } if (this.isExposed) { throw new Meteor.Error('query-already-exposed', `You have already exposed: "${}" named query`); } this.exposeConfig = Object.assign({}, ExposeDefaults, config); check(this.exposeConfig, ExposeSchema); if (this.exposeConfig.method) { this._initMethod(); } if (this.exposeConfig.publication) { this._initPublication(); } if (!this.exposeConfig.method && !this.exposeConfig.publication) { throw new Meteor.Error('weird', 'If you want to expose your named query you need to specify at least one of ["method", "publication"] options to true') } this._initCountMethod(); this._initCountPublication(); if (this.exposeConfig.embody) { this.body = mergeDeep( deepClone(this.body), this.exposeConfig.embody ); } this.isExposed = true; }, _initMethod() { const self = this; Meteor.methods({ [](newParams) { this.unblock(); self._validateParams(newParams); if (self.exposeConfig.firewall) {, this.userId, newParams); } return self.clone(newParams).fetch(); } }) }, _initCountMethod() { const self = this; Meteor.methods({ [ + '.count'](newParams) { this.unblock(); self._validateParams(newParams); if (self.exposeConfig.firewall) {, this.userId, newParams); } return self.clone(newParams).getCount(); } }); }, _initCountPublication() { const self = this; genCountEndpoint(, { getCursor(session) { const query = self.clone(session.params); return query.getCursorForCounting(); }, getSession(newParams) { self._validateParams(newParams); if (self.exposeConfig.firewall) {, this.userId, newParams); } return { params: newParams }; }, }); }, _initPublication() { const self = this; Meteor.publishComposite(, function (newParams) { self._validateParams(newParams); if (self.exposeConfig.firewall) {, this.userId, newParams); } let params = _.extend({}, self.params, newParams); const body = prepareForProcess(self.body, params); const rootNode = createGraph(self.collection, body); return recursiveCompose(rootNode); }); }, _validateParams(params) { if (this.exposeConfig.schema) { const paramsToValidate = _.omit(params, ...specialParameters); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { try { check(paramsToValidate, this._paramSchema); } catch (validationError) { console.error(`Invalid parameters supplied to query ${this.queryName}`, validationError); throw validationError; // rethrow } } else { check(paramsToValidate, this._paramSchema); } } } });