## 1.3 - Added link caching - Added named query results caching - Added subbody to NamedQuery - Added named query first resolver - Bug fixes and other small stuff ## 1.2.5 - Support for promises via .fetchSync and .fetchOneSync for client-side queries - Support for autoremove from inverse side as well - Fixed .fetchOne from client-side Query ## 1.2.4 - Fixed #55, #60, #61, #66 - Added Reducers Concept - ## 1.2.3 - Added $paginate: true, at the first level body which puts as options limit and skip from params automatically - Exported "prepareForProcess" so Grapher Live can use it - Fixed implying packages for broader adoption ## 1.2.2_x - Bug fixes and improvements ## 1.2.2 - Metadata is now available on the client - Decoupled code better ## 1.2.0 & 1.2.1 - Added $meta filters for filtering linked items by their metadata - Extended exposure body to accept deep functions that are computed on-demand - Fixed issues with $metadata ## 1.1.14 - For security reasons, every node value should be truthy. Meaning undefined, 0, and false will be ignored. - Graph intersection for exposure, will not intersect if the body of exposure has a field that contains "false" or "undefined" ## 1.1.13 - Added deep function computing to the body to allow code-reusability ## 1.1.12 - Added body to exposure that will intersect with the actual request ## 1.1.11 - Written rigurous unit tests for deep cloning - Auto-adding $metadata field when coming from an inversed link. - Separated and decoupled client-side and server-side queries ## 1.1.10 - Fixed issue with deep cloning and arrays ## 1.1.9 - Added .clone() to Query - Added namedQuery concept. - Direct meta-children are automatically appended with $metadata - Added .fetchOne() to Query - Modified Documentor so it returns queries also. - Fixed bug with deep $filter() function - Added deepCloning ability that solved some weird bugs. ## 1.1.6 , 1.1.7 , 1.1.8 - Exposing documentation so it can be used by grapher live. - Updated readme links ## 1.1.5 - Added ability to allow publication or method or both or none via expose() api. - Exposure.restrictLinks now filters in depth with $and/$nor/$or/$not logical mongodb operators. - Added restrictLinks at expose level, and you can use it as an array, or function: restrictLinks(userId) => returns array of links ## 1.1.4 - Decoupled query fetcher better, removing automatically "skip" option when fetching as client - Ability to allow skip when you want custom behavior ## 1.1.3 - Added count method to allow pagination - restrictFields not throws propper error when invalid ## 1.1.2 - Bug fixes for oneResults ## 1.1.1 - Extend the way exposure works. Added "maxLimit", "maxDepth", "restrictedFields" as configuration options for it. ## 1.1.0 - Added hypernova module which reduces queries to the database dramatically. - Added a way to link collections via string when using addLinks - Added "unique" parameter available to "One" and "One Meta" relationships, that adds a unique index into the database, and when you fetch them from their inversed side, it will return a single value instead of an array. ## 1.0.10 - Fixed a bug with cleaning the field. - Fixed the bug where you had one virtual collection, and all the other fields were applied ## 1.0.9 - restrictFields in the exposure module is now filtering-out "filters" and "sort" to avoid information exposure. ## 1.0.8 - Fixed reactive fetching when using inversed links ## 1.0.7 - Optimized creating link for _id only, by fetching the object with the storage field only - Added restrictFields in the exposure module to easily restrictFields ## 1.0.6 - Fixed exposure bug for static fetching - Exporting useful components that allow you to customly build your data graph ## 1.0.4 - Index for meta will now only index _id - You can now perform actions from the inversed links ## 1.0.3 - Added autoremove support to cascade delete links. - When adding/setting objects that have no _id defined, it automatically inserts them into the database and makes the link. - Added ability to chain link methods that affect the data - Added ability to index the added links. - Added $all special field, which will retrieve all the possible fields unless it's secured in exposure. ## 1.0.2 Simplified subscription and decided to keep "linkStorageFields" in the response. ## 1.0.1 Bug fixes + Updated documentation ## 1.0.0 First release.