import { assert } from 'chai'; import { createQuery } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:grapher'; import './reducers.client.test'; import './security.client.test'; import waitForHandleToBeReady from './lib/waitForHandleToBeReady'; describe('Query Client Tests', function () { it('Should work with queries via method call', function (done) { const query = createQuery({ posts: { $options: {limit: 5}, title: 1, comments: { $filters: {text: 'Good'}, text: 1 } } }); query.fetch((err, res) => { assert.isUndefined(err); assert.isArray(res); _.each(res, post => { assert.isString(post.title); assert.isString(post._id); _.each(post.comments, comment => { assert.isString(comment._id); assert.equal('Good', comment.text); }) }); done(); }); }); it('Should work with queries reactively', function (done) { const query = createQuery({ posts: { $options: {limit: 5}, title: 1, comments: { $filters: {text: 'Good'}, text: 1 } } }); const handle = query.subscribe(); Tracker.autorun(c => { if (handle.ready()) { c.stop(); const res = query.fetch(); assert.isArray(res); _.each(res, post => { assert.isString(post.title); assert.isString(post._id); _.each(post.comments, comment => { assert.isString(comment._id); assert.equal('Good', comment.text); }) }); handle.stop(); done(); } }) }); it('Should fetch direct One links with $metadata via Subscription', function (done) { let query = createQuery({ posts: { group: { name: 1 } } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); Tracker.autorun((c) => { if (handle.ready()) { c.stop(); let data = query.fetch(); handle.stop(); _.each(data, post => { assert.isObject($metadata); assert.isDefined($metadata.random); }); done(); } }) }); it('Should fetch direct Many links with $metadata via Subscription', function (done) { let query = createQuery({ authors: { groups: { $options: {limit: 1}, name: 1 } } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); Tracker.autorun((c) => { if (handle.ready()) { c.stop(); let data = query.fetch(); handle.stop(); _.each(data, author => { assert.isArray(author.groups); _.each(author.groups, group => { assert.isObject(group.$metadata); }) }) done(); } }) }); it('Should fetch Inversed One Meta links with $metadata via Subscription', function (done) { let query = createQuery({ groups: { posts: { title: 1 } } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); Tracker.autorun((c) => { if (handle.ready()) { c.stop(); let data = query.fetch(); handle.stop(); _.each(data, group => { _.each(group.posts, post => { assert.isObject(post.$metadata); assert.isDefined(post.$metadata.random); }) }); done(); } }); }); it('Should fetch Inversed Many Meta links with $metadata via Subscription', function (done) { let query = createQuery({ groups: { authors: { $options: {limit: 1}, name: 1 } } }); let handle = query.subscribe(); Tracker.autorun((c) => { if (handle.ready()) { c.stop(); let data = query.fetch(); _.each(data, group => { _.each(group.authors, author => { assert.isObject(author.$metadata); }); }); done(); handle.stop(); } }); }); it('Should work with promises', async function () { let query = createQuery({ groups: { posts: { title: 1 } } }); let result = await query.fetchSync(); assert.isArray(result); assert.isTrue(result.length > 0); result.forEach(item => { assert.isArray(item.posts); assert.isTrue(item.posts.length > 0); }); result = await query.fetchOneSync(); assert.isObject(result); assert.isString(result._id); assert.isArray(result.posts); result = await query.getCountSync(); assert.isNumber(result); }); it('Should work with fetchOne', async function (done) { let query = createQuery({ groups: { posts: { title: 1 } } }); query.fetchOne((err, group) => { assert.isNotArray(group); assert.isObject(group); assert.isArray(group.posts); done(); }) }) it('Should work sorting with options that contain a dot', function () { let query = createQuery({ posts: { author: { $filter({options}) { options.sort = { 'profile.firstName': 1 } }, profile: 1, } } }); query.fetch((err, data) => { assert.isArray(data); }) }); it('Should properly clone and work with setParams', function () { let query = createQuery({ posts: { $options: {limit: 5} } }); let clone = query.clone({}); assert.isFunction(clone.fetch); assert.isFunction(clone.fetchOne); assert.isFunction(clone.setParams); assert.isFunction(clone.setParams({}).fetchOne); }); it('Should work with denormalized fields in the many links', async () => { const query = createQuery({ users: { $filters: { name: {$regex: 'User - (2|3)'} }, friends: { name: 1, friendsCached: { name: 1 } } } }); const handle = query.subscribe(); await waitForHandleToBeReady(handle); const users = query.fetch(); assert.equal(users.length, 2); users.forEach(user => { user.friends.forEach(friend => { // each friend should have defined friendsCached assert.isArray(friend.friendsCached); // db cache field should be removed assert.isUndefined(friend.friendCache); friend.friendsCached.forEach(cache => assert.isString(; }); }); }); it('Should work securely with reactive queries and linked exposures', function () { }); });