import { createQuery } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:grapher'; import Comments from './bootstrap/comments/collection.js'; import './units/deepClone'; import './metaFilters.server.test'; import './reducers.server.test'; describe('Hypernova', function () { it('Should fetch One links correctly', function () { const data = createQuery({ comments: { text: 1, author: { name: 1 } } }).fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, Comments.find().count()); assert.isTrue(data.length > 0); _.each(data, comment => { assert.isObject(; assert.isString(; assert.isString(; assert.isTrue(_.keys( == 2); }) }); it('Should fetch One links with limit and options', function () { const data = createQuery({ comments: { $options: {limit: 5}, text: 1 } }).fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 5); }); it('Should fetch One-Inversed links with limit and options', function () { const query = createQuery({ authors: { $options: {limit: 5}, comments: { $filters: {text: 'Good'}, $options: {limit: 2}, text: 1 } } }, {}, {debug: true}); const data = query.fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 5); _.each(data, author => { assert.lengthOf(author.comments, 2); _.each(author.comments, comment => { assert.equal('Good', comment.text); }) }) }); it('Should fetch Many links correctly', function () { const data = createQuery({ posts: { $options: {limit: 5}, title: 1, tags: { text: 1 } } }).fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 5); _.each(data, post => { assert.isString(post.title); assert.isArray(post.tags); assert.isTrue(post.tags.length > 0); }) }); it('Should fetch Many - inversed links correctly', function () { const data = createQuery({ tags: { name: 1, posts: { $options: {limit: 5}, title: 1 } } }).fetch(); _.each(data, tag => { assert.isString(; assert.isArray(tag.posts); assert.isTrue(tag.posts.length <= 5); _.each(tag.posts, post => { assert.isString(post.title); }) }) }); it('Should fetch One-Meta links correctly', function () { const data = createQuery({ posts: { $options: {limit: 5}, title: 1, group: { name: 1 } } }).fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 5); _.each(data, post => { assert.isString(post.title); assert.isString(post._id); assert.isObject(; assert.isString(; assert.isString(; }) }); it('Should fetch One-Meta inversed links correctly', function () { const data = createQuery({ groups: { name: 1, posts: { title: 1 } } }).fetch(); _.each(data, group => { assert.isString(; assert.isString(group._id); assert.lengthOf(_.keys(group), 3); assert.isArray(group.posts); _.each(group.posts, post => { assert.isString(post.title); assert.isString(post._id); }) }) }); it('Should fetch Many-Meta links correctly', function () { const data = createQuery({ authors: { name: 1, groups: { $options: {limit: 1}, name: 1 } } }).fetch(); _.each(data, author => { assert.isArray(author.groups); assert.lengthOf(author.groups, 1); _.each(author.groups, group => { assert.isObject(group); assert.isString(group._id); assert.isString(; }) }) }); it('Should fetch Many-Meta inversed links correctly', function () { const data = createQuery({ groups: { name: 1, authors: { $options: {limit: 2}, name: 1 } } }).fetch(); _.each(data, group => { assert.isArray(group.authors); assert.isTrue(group.authors.length <= 2); _.each(group.authors, author => { assert.isObject(author); assert.isString(author._id); assert.isString(; }) }) }); it('Should fetch direct One & Many Meta links with $metadata', function () { let data = createQuery({ posts: { group: { name: 1 } } }).fetch(); _.each(data, post => { assert.isObject($metadata); assert.isDefined($metadata.random); }); data = createQuery({ authors: { groups: { $options: {limit: 1}, name: 1 } } }).fetch(); _.each(data, author => { assert.isArray(author.groups); _.each(author.groups, group => { assert.isObject(group.$metadata); }) }) }); it('Should fetch direct One Meta links with $metadata that are under a nesting level', function () { let authors = createQuery({ authors: { $options: { limit: 1 }, posts: { $options: { limit: 1 }, group: { name: 1 } } } }).fetch(); let data = authors[0]; _.each(data.posts, post => { assert.isObject($metadata); assert.isDefined($metadata.random); }); }); it('Should fetch Inversed One & Many Meta links with $metadata', function () { let data = createQuery({ groups: { posts: { group_groups_meta: 1, title: 1 } } }).fetch(); _.each(data, group => { _.each(group.posts, post => { assert.isObject(post.$metadata); assert.isDefined(post.$metadata.random); }) }); data = createQuery({ groups: { authors: { $options: {limit: 1}, name: 1 } } }).fetch(); _.each(data, group => { _.each(group.authors, author => { assert.isObject(author.$metadata); }); }) }); it('Should fetch Resolver links properly', function () { const data = createQuery({ posts: { $options: {limit: 5}, commentsCount: 1 } }).fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 5); _.each(data, post => { assert.equal(6, post.commentsCount); }) }); it('Should fetch in depth properly at any given level.', function () { const data = createQuery({ authors: { $options: {limit: 5}, posts: { $options: {limit: 5}, comments: { $options: {limit: 5}, author: { groups: { posts: { $options: {limit: 5}, author: { name: 1 } } } } } } } }).fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 5); let arrivedInDepth = false; _.each(data, author => { _.each(author.posts, post => { _.each(post.comments, comment => { _.each(, group => { _.each(group.posts, post => { assert.isObject(; assert.isString(; arrivedInDepth = true; }) }) }) }) }); assert.isTrue(arrivedInDepth); }); it('Should work with filters of $and and $or on subcollections', function () { let data = createQuery({ posts: { comments: { $filters: { $and: [ { text: 'Good' } ] }, text: 1 } } }).fetch(); data.forEach(post => { if (post.comments) { post.comments.forEach(comment => { assert.equal(comment.text, 'Good'); }) } }) }); it('Should work sorting with options that contain a dot', function () { let data = createQuery({ posts: { author: { $filter({options}) { options.sort = { 'profile.firstName': 1 } }, profile: 1, } } }).fetch(); assert.isArray(data); }); it('Should properly clone and work with setParams', function () { let query = createQuery({ posts: { $options: {limit: 5} } }); let clone = query.clone({}); assert.isFunction(clone.fetch); assert.isFunction(clone.fetchOne); assert.isFunction(clone.setParams); assert.isFunction(clone.setParams({}).fetchOne); }); it('Should work with $postFilters', function () { let query = createQuery({ posts: { $postFilters: { 'comments.text': 'Non existing comment', }, title: 1, comments: { text: 1 } } }); const data = query.fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 0); query = createQuery({ posts: { $postFilters: { 'comments.text': 'Good', }, title: 1, comments: { text: 1 } } }); assert.isTrue(query.fetch().length > 0); }) it('Should work with $postOptions', function () { let query = createQuery({ posts: { $postOptions: { limit:5, skip:5, sort:{title:1} }, title: 1, comments: { text: 1 } } }); const data = query.fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 5); }); it('Should work with a nested field from reversedSide using aggregation framework', function () { let query = createQuery({ groups: { $options: {limit: 1}, authors: { profile: { firstName: 1, } } } }); const data = query.fetch(); assert.lengthOf(data, 1); const group = data[0]; assert.isArray(group.authors); assert.isTrue(group.authors.length > 0); const author = group.authors[0]; assert.isObject(author); assert.isObject(author.profile); assert.isString(author.profile.firstName); assert.isUndefined(author.profile.lastName); }) });