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synced 2025-03-05 17:41:39 -05:00
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib import rc
import matplotlib
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy import optimize
import pandas as pd
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def parse_ccurve(path, compliance=.98):
"""Parses the characteristic curve data from the data logs.
:param path: path to the log
:returns: voltage, current
data = np.loadtxt(path, skiprows=11, encoding='latin1')[:, :2]
data = data[data[:,1] < compliance]
return data
def plot_ccurve(ccurve, log=False, area=None, compliance=.99, median=False,
save=False, **pyplot_args):
"""Plots the characteristic curve.
:param ccurve: a numpy array with the ccurve data
:returns: a figure with the plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.axhline(y=0, color='gray')
ax.axvline(x=0, color='gray')
if median:
compliance = np.median(ccurve[:, 0])
plot_ccurve_line(ax, ccurve, area=area, compliance=compliance,
mlp=mlp, **pyplot_args)
if log:
if save:
save_fig(fig, save)
return fig, ax
def plot_ccurve_line(ax, ccurve, area=None, marker='.', compliance=.99,
mlp=None, label=None, **pyplot_args):
v, c = ccurve[ccurve[:,1] < compliance].T
if area:
c /= area
if mlp:
mlp[1] = mlp[1]/area
ax.errorbar(v, c, linestyle='None', marker=marker, markersize=2, alpha=1,
ax.set_xlabel("Spannung U [V]")
ax.set_ylabel("Stromstaerke I [A]" \
if not area else r"Stromdichte j [$\frac{A}{cm^2}$]")
ax.grid(True, which='both')
ax.set_xlim(v[0], v[-1])
if mlp:
plt.plot(*mlp, marker='x', markersize=10, label='MPP ' + label if label else 'MPP')
def save_fig(fig, name):
fig.set_size_inches(5, 4)
fig.savefig('./figs/' + name, tranparent=True, dpi=300)
def parse_and_plot_ccurve(path, *args, **kwargs):
return plot_ccurve(parse_ccurve(path), *args, **kwargs)
def analyze_ccurve(ccurve, area, int_ein):
"""Calculates characteristic values from the char. curve by
linear interpolation.
:param ccurve: char. curve
:param area: area of the solar cell
:param int_ein: lighting intesity
:returns: j_c, u_cc, u_mlp, p_mlp, ff, eta
interpolated = interpolate.interp1d(*ccurve.T)
i_c = interpolated(0)
j_c = i_c / area
u_cc = optimize.root_scalar(interpolated, bracket=[0, ccurve[:,0][-1]], method='brentq').root
u_mlp = optimize.minimize_scalar(lambda u: u * interpolated(u),
bracket=(0, u_cc), bounds=(0, u_cc),
i_mlp = interpolated(u_mlp)
p_mlp = -i_mlp*u_mlp
ff = -p_mlp / (i_c * u_cc)
p_ein = int_ein * area
eta = p_mlp / p_ein
return {'j_c': -j_c, 'u_cc': u_cc, 'u_mlp': u_mlp, 'p_mlp': p_mlp,
'ff': ff, 'eta': eta, 'i_mlp': i_mlp, 'p_ein': p_ein}
def load_and_analyze(files, intensity, formatter="{}".format, area=1,
columns=['desc', 'curve', 'area', 'j_c', 'u_cc',
'ff', 'eta', 'p_mlp', 'u_mlp', 'i_mlp']):
ccurves = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
for point, desc, *rest in files:
a = area*rest[0] if rest else area
row = pd.Series({'desc': desc, 'area': a,
'curve': parse_ccurve(formatter(point))})
ccurves.loc[desc] = pd.concat((row,
return ccurves