mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 01:51:38 -05:00
344 lines
11 KiB
344 lines
11 KiB
* Time: nanosec
* Channels have a zero based index: i.e. Channel 1 = Channel 0 here
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar, root_scalar
from SecondaryValue import SecondaryValue
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Sequence
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
import os
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import pylandau
import matplotlib
from scipy import constants
# Auxiliary #
def load_counts(path):
"""Parses the TDC data from the text format.
:param path: path to the log
:returns: counts
skip = 0
with open(path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if 'Summenspektrum' in line:
skip += 1
data = np.loadtxt(path, skiprows=skip+1, encoding='latin1',
usecols=[1], dtype=np.integer)
return data
def chan_to_time(channel, tick=1000/24, center=False, offset=0):
"""Convert channel number to time.
:param channel: channel Number
:param tick: width of the channels
:param center: wether to take the time at the channel center
:param offset: start channel
:returns: mean time of channel (center)
:rtype: float
return (channel + offset) * tick + (tick/2 if center else 0)
def calculate_peak_uncertainty(peak):
"""Gives the uncertainty of the peak measurements with the osciloscope.
:param peak: peak value
:returns: uncertainty
uncertainties = np.ones_like(peak) * 0.01
uncertainties[peak > 1] = 0.1
return uncertainties
m_mu, _, d_m_mu = constants.physical_constants['muon mass energy equivalent in MeV']
h, _, d_h = constants.physical_constants['Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s']
weak_constant = SecondaryValue('sqrt(192*pi^3/((1e-9*tau/(h*1e-9))*(1e-3*m)^5))',
defaults=dict(pi=np.pi, h=(h, d_h),
m=(m_mu, d_m_mu)))
# Binning #
def calculate_bins(peaks):
return int(np.log2(peaks.size) + 1) + 1
def plot_hist(peaks, bins, scale=1, save=None):
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
peaks = peaks*scale
ax.hist(peaks, bins, density=True, label='Peakhoehenhistogram')
hist, edges = np.histogram(peaks, bins, density=True)
mids = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:])/2
popt, _ = curve_fit(boltzmann, mids, hist, bounds=([1, .2], np.inf))
points = np.linspace(0, edges[-1], 100)
ax.plot(points, boltzmann(points, *popt),
label=fr'Landauverteilung $\mu={popt[1]:.1f},\; \eta={popt[0]:.1f}$')
ax.set_xlabel(fr'Peakhoehe [Volt$\cdot {scale}$]')
if save:
save_fig(fig, *save)
return fig, ax
def boltzmann(x, c, mu):
return pylandau.landau_pdf(x, mu=mu, eta=c)
# Plot Porn #
'font.family': 'serif',
'text.usetex': False,
'pgf.rcfonts': False,
def pinmp_ticks(axis, ticks):
return axis
def set_up_plot(ticks=10):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
pinmp_ticks(ax.xaxis, ticks)
pinmp_ticks(ax.yaxis, ticks)
ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=.3)
ax.grid(which='major', alpha=.8)
ax.tick_params(right=True, top=True, which='both')
return fig, ax
def save_fig(fig, title, folder='unsorted', size=(5, 4)):
except OSError as exc:
with open('./out/figlist.txt', 'a') as f:
+ f'{folder}/{title}.pgf' +
\label{fig:''' + folder + '-' + title + '''}
def plot_spectrum(counts, offset=1, errorevery=False, save=None, **pyplot_args):
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
channels = np.arange(0, counts.size) + offset
ax.step(channels, counts, **pyplot_args)
if errorevery:
ax.errorbar(channels, counts, yerr=np.sqrt(counts), linestyle='None',
ax.set_xlim([channels[0], channels[-1]])
if save:
save_fig(fig, *save)
return fig, ax
# Maximum Likelihood #
def continous(counts: np.ndarray, interval: Tuple[float, float], epsilon: float=1e-3) \
-> (float, float, int, float):
"""Maximizes the likelihood for the continous propability model.
(Method 1)
:param array counts: the time-spectrum
:param tuple interval: the interval of the time spectrum used
(inclusive, exclusive)
:param float epsilon: the desired precision
:returns: the lifetime, the deviation of the same, total counts,
total time
cts = counts[interval[0]:interval[1]] # constrained counts
channels = np.arange(0, interval[1] - interval[0]) # channel indices
times = chan_to_time(channels, center=True) # mean time of channels
T = (times[1] - times[0])*len(cts) # time interval
N = cts.sum() # total count
tau_0 = np.sum(cts*times)/N # initial guess
def model(tau):
return tau_0 + T/(np.exp(T/tau) - 1)
taus = [tau_0]
def optimize(tau):
next_tau = model(tau)
if np.abs(tau - next_tau) < epsilon:
return next_tau
return optimize(next_tau)
tau = optimize(tau_0)
correction_factor = 1/(1-(T/((np.exp(T/tau)-1)*tau))**2*np.exp(T/tau))
delta_tau = np.sqrt(np.sum(cts*times**2))/N*correction_factor
return tau, delta_tau, N, T, taus, correction_factor
def binned_likelihood(counts, interval):
"""Generates the -2*ln(likelihood) functions as closures under the
assumption of poisson and gaussian statistics.
:param array counts: the time-spectrum
:param tuple interval: the interval of the time spectrum used
(inclusive, exclusive)
:returns: poisson, gauss likelihood funcions, total N
cts = counts[interval[0]:interval[1]][:, None] # constrained counts
channels = np.arange(interval[0], interval[1]) # channel indices
times = chan_to_time(channels)[:, None]
tick = times[1][0] - times[0][0]
N = cts.sum()
def N_0(tau):
return N/(np.exp(-1*times[0][0]/tau) - np.exp(-1*(times[-1][0] + tick)/tau))
def f(tau):
return N_0(tau)/tau*np.exp(-(times + tick/2)/tau)*tick
def convert_tau(tau):
"""Move tau to the second first dimension."""
return tau[None,:] if isinstance(tau, np.ndarray) else np.array([[tau]])
def ln_poisson_likelihood(tau):
tau = convert_tau(tau)
return -2*np.sum(cts*np.log(f(tau)), axis=0)
def ln_gauss_likelihood(tau):
tau = convert_tau(tau)
fi = f(tau)
return np.sum((cts-fi)**2/fi, axis=0)
# for cross checking
def ln_exp_likelihood(tau):
tau = convert_tau(tau)
mod_times = times - times[0][0] + tick/2
T = tick * len(cts)
return 2*np.sum(cts*(mod_times/tau+np.log(tau)+np.log(1-np.exp(-T/tau))), axis=0)
return ln_poisson_likelihood, ln_gauss_likelihood, ln_exp_likelihood, N, N_0
def maximize_likelihood(likelihood, tau_range, epsilon=1e-3):
"""Minizizes the -2ln(likelihood) function thus maximizing the
:param likelihood: the -2*ln(likelihood) function
:param tau_range: the range in which to look for the lifetime
:param epsilon: the desired precision
:returns: tau, (sigma minus, sigma plus), -2*ln(likelihood) at minimum,
(gf, delta_gf)
result = minimize_scalar(likelihood, bounds=tau_range, bracket=tau_range,
tau = result.x[0]
l = likelihood(tau)[0]
# one should check for errors here, but this is a one-off, so i
# dont bother
def find_sigma(right=False):
return np.abs(tau - root_scalar(lambda t: likelihood(t) - (l + 1),
bracket=[tau, tau_range[1]] \
if right else [tau_range[0], tau],
x1=tau + 100 if right else tau - 100).root)
sigma_minus = find_sigma()
sigma_plus = find_sigma(right=True)
max_sigma = np.max([sigma_plus, sigma_minus])
return tau, (sigma_minus, sigma_plus), l, weak_constant(tau=(tau, max_sigma))
# i could just use *args **kwargs for this wrapper, but i won't for
# the sake of clarity
def maximize_and_plot_likelihood(likelihood, tau_range, epsilon=1e-5, save=None):
"""Minizizes the -2ln(likelihood) function thus maximizing the
:param likelihood: the -2*ln(likelihood) function
:param tau_range: the range in which to look for the lifetime
:param epsilon: the desired precision
:returns: (fig, ax), tau, (sigma minus, sigma plus),
-2*ln(likelihood) at minimum, (gf, delta_gf)
tau, sigma, l, gf = maximize_likelihood(likelihood,
tau_range, epsilon)
rng = np.max(sigma) * 3
taus = np.linspace(tau - rng, tau + rng, 1000)
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.plot(taus, likelihood(taus), label='$-2\ln(L)$')
ax.plot([(tau - sigma[0]), (tau + sigma[1])], [(l + 1), (l + 1)],
linestyle='dotted', color='gray', label='Deviation from +1 Unit')
ax.plot([(tau - sigma[0]), (tau - sigma[0])], [(l + 1), l],
linestyle='dotted', color='gray')
ax.plot([(tau + sigma[1]), (tau + sigma[1])], [(l + 1), l],
linestyle='dotted', color='gray')
ax.set_xlim((taus[0], taus[-1]))
ax.axvline(tau, linestyle='--', color='black', label=r'$\tau$')
ax.errorbar(tau, l, marker='x', markersize=10, xerr=np.array([sigma]).T,
label='Minimum', capsize=10)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau$ [ns]')
if save:
save_fig(fig, *save)
return (fig, ax), tau, sigma, l, gf