add nicel plots for likelihood

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hiro98 2019-12-14 16:23:40 +01:00
parent 5eed85feb0
commit ce0454fe1c

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@ -202,9 +202,8 @@ def maximize_likelihood(likelihood, tau_range, epsilon=1e-5):
:param epsilon: the desired precision
:returns: tau, (sigma minus, sigma plus), -2*ln(likelihood) at minimum
result = minimize_scalar(likelihood, bounds=tau_range, bracket=tau_range,
tau = result.x[0]
@ -222,3 +221,47 @@ def maximize_likelihood(likelihood, tau_range, epsilon=1e-5):
sigma_minus = find_sigma()
sigma_plus = find_sigma(right=True)
return tau, (sigma_minus, sigma_plus), l
# i could just use *args **kwargs for this wrapper, but i won't for
# the sake of clarity
def maximize_and_plot_likelihood(likelihood, tau_range, epsilon=1e-5, save=None):
"""Minizizes the -2ln(likelihood) function thus maximizing the
:param likelihood: the -2*ln(likelihood) function
:param tau_range: the range in which to look for the lifetime
:param epsilon: the desired precision
:returns: (fig, ax), tau, (sigma minus, sigma plus),
-2*ln(likelihood) at minimum
tau, sigma, l = maximize_likelihood(likelihood,
tau_range, epsilon)
rng = np.max(sigma) * 3
taus = np.linspace(tau - rng, tau + rng, 1000)
fig, ax = set_up_plot()
ax.plot(taus, likelihood(taus), label='$-2\ln(L)$')
ax.plot([(tau - sigma[0]), (tau + sigma[1])], [(l + 1), (l + 1)],
linestyle='dotted', color='gray', label='Deviation from +1 Unit')
ax.plot([(tau - sigma[0]), (tau - sigma[0])], [(l + 1), l],
linestyle='dotted', color='gray')
ax.plot([(tau + sigma[1]), (tau + sigma[1])], [(l + 1), l],
linestyle='dotted', color='gray')
ax.set_xlim((taus[0], taus[-1]))
ax.axvline(tau, linestyle='--', color='black', label=r'$\tau$')
ax.errorbar(tau, l, marker='x', markersize=10, xerr=np.array([sigma]).T,
label='Minimum', capsize=10)
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau$ [ns]')
if save:
return (fig, ax), tau, sigma, l