new recursive algorithm works a little better

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2024-06-12 16:12:58 -04:00
parent 03c125582d
commit 79bd6b90fd
3 changed files with 138 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -61,18 +61,20 @@ def generate_phase_one_data():
fluct_size = 0.05
params, t, solution = make_params_and_solve(
total_lifetimes, eom_off_lifetime, N=10, g_0=10
total_lifetimes, eom_off_lifetime, N=3, g_0=10
signal = output_signal(t, solution.y, params)
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
signal += np.mean(abs(signal)) * rng.standard_normal(len(signal)) * fluct_size * 100
signal += np.mean(abs(signal)) * rng.standard_normal(len(signal)) * fluct_size * 50
fig = make_figure()
ax_realtime, ax_spectrum = fig.subplots(2, 1)
ax_realtime.plot(t[::500], signal[::500])
ax_realtime.axvline(params.laser_off_time, color="black", linestyle="--")
# now we plot the power spectrum
window = (float(params.laser_off_time or 0), float(t[-1]))
@ -90,15 +92,18 @@ def generate_phase_one_data():
peak_info = refine_peaks(peak_info, ringdown_params)
plot_spectrum_and_peak_info(ax_spectrum, peak_info, ringdown_params)
Ω, ΔΩ, ladder = extract_Ω_δ(peak_info, ringdown_params, threshold=0.2)
Ω, ΔΩ, δ, Δδ, ladder = extract_Ω_δ(
peak_info, ringdown_params, Ω_threshold=0.1, ladder_threshold=0.1
for index, type, _ in ladder:
for index, type in ladder:
freq_index = peak_info.peaks[index]
print(type, type is StepType.BATH)
"o" if type == 0 else "*",
color="C4" if type == 0 else "C5",
"o" if type.value == StepType.BATH.value else "*",
color="C4" if type.value == StepType.BATH.value else "C5",
return Ω, ΔΩ, ladder
return Ω, ΔΩ, δ, Δδ, ladder

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass
from scipy.optimize import Bounds
from enum import Enum
def fourier_transform(
@ -257,8 +258,20 @@ def refine_peaks(
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class StepType(Enum):
BATH = 0
A_TO_A = 2
def extract_Ω_δ(
peaks: RingdownPeakData, params: RingdownParams, threshold: float = 0.1
peaks: RingdownPeakData,
params: RingdownParams,
Ω_threshold: float = 0.1,
ladder_threshold: float = 0.1,
bifurcations: int = 3,
start_peaks: int = 2,
min_length: int = 4,
Extract the FSR and mode splitting from the peaks. The threshold
@ -266,6 +279,14 @@ def extract_Ω_δ(
:param peaks: The peak data.
:param params: The ringdown parameters.
:param Ω_threshold: The maximum allowed relative deviation from
the expected FSR for the rough search.
:param ladder_threshold: The maximum allowed relative deviation
from the expected step sizes for the ladder search.
:param bifurcations: The number of bifurcations to consider in the
ladder search, i.e. how many possible new steps are accepted at each step.
:param start_peaks: The number of peaks to start the ladder search (from the left).
:param min_length: The minimum length of a ladder to be considered valid.
if not peaks.is_refined:
@ -285,7 +306,7 @@ def extract_Ω_δ(
all_diff = np.triu(all_diff)
all_ΔΩ = np.abs(Δpeak_freqs[:, None] ** 2 + Δpeak_freqs[None, :] ** 2)
bath_mask = (np.abs((all_diff - Ω_guess)) / Ω_guess < threshold) & (all_diff > 0)
bath_mask = (np.abs((all_diff - Ω_guess)) / Ω_guess < Ω_threshold) & (all_diff > 0)
candidates = all_diff[bath_mask]
Δcandidates = all_ΔΩ[bath_mask]
@ -306,66 +327,128 @@ def extract_Ω_δ(
possible_diffs = np.array([Ω, Ω - δ_guess, 2 * δ_guess])
while len(peak_pool) > 1:
if current_peak == len(peak_pool):
if current_ladder:
current_ladder = []
current_peak = peak_pool[0]
# entry in a ladder: (peak_index, step_type)
filtered_freqs = peak_freqs[peak_pool]
def walk_ladder(
if current_peak == total_peaks - 1:
return [], []
diffs = filtered_freqs - filtered_freqs[current_peak]
match last_type:
case StepType.BATH:
allowed_steps = [StepType.BATH, StepType.BATH_TO_A]
case StepType.BATH_TO_A:
match second_last_type:
case StepType.BATH:
allowed_steps = [StepType.A_TO_A]
case StepType.A_TO_A:
allowed_steps = [StepType.BATH]
case StepType.A_TO_A:
allowed_steps = [StepType.BATH_TO_A]
allowed_step_indices = [x.value for x in allowed_steps]
allowed_possible_diffs = possible_diffs[allowed_step_indices]
diffs = peak_freqs - peak_freqs[current_peak]
diffs[diffs <= 0] = np.inf
diffs = (
np.abs(diffs[:, None] - possible_diffs[None, :]) / possible_diffs[None, :]
np.abs(diffs[:, None] - allowed_possible_diffs[None, :])
/ allowed_possible_diffs[None, :]
min_coords = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(diffs), diffs.shape)
min_diff = diffs[min_coords]
ladders = []
costs = []
min_candidates = np.argpartition(diffs.flatten(), bifurcations)[:bifurcations]
mode_index, step_type = min_coords
for min_coords in min_candidates:
min_coords = np.unravel_index(min_coords, diffs.shape)
min_diff = diffs[min_coords]
peak_index, step_type = min_coords
if min_diff > threshold:
if current_ladder:
current_ladder = []
del peak_pool[current_peak]
step_type = StepType(allowed_step_indices[step_type])
current_ladder.append((peak_pool[current_peak], step_type, min_diff))
del peak_pool[current_peak]
current_peak = mode_index - 1 # we have deleted one peak
this_rung = [(current_peak, step_type)]
if min_diff < ladder_threshold + (ΔΩ / Ω):
new_ladders, new_costs = walk_ladder(
if current_ladder:
if len(new_ladders) == 0:
for new_ladder, new_cost in zip(new_ladders, new_costs):
if new_ladder:
ladders.append(this_rung + new_ladder)
costs.append(new_cost + min_diff)
# we want at least one bath mode before the A site
ladders = list(
lambda ladder: sum([1 if x[1] == 1 else 0 for x in ladder]) > 0,
return ladders, costs
ladders = []
costs = []
for start_index in range(min(total_peaks, start_peaks)):
new_ladders, new_costs = walk_ladder(
start_index, StepType.BATH, StepType.BATH, bifurcations
ladders += new_ladders
costs += new_costs
invalid = []
for lad_index, ladder in enumerate(ladders):
length = len(ladder)
for i, elem in enumerate(ladder):
if elem[1] == 1:
if (i + 2) >= length or not (
ladder[i + 1][1] == 2 and ladder[i + 2][1] == 1
if len(ladder) < min_length:
is_invalid = True
for elem in ladder:
if elem[1] == StepType.A_TO_A:
is_invalid = False
if is_invalid:
ladders = [ladder for i, ladder in enumerate(ladders) if i not in invalid]
costs = [sum([x[2] for x in ladder]) / len(ladder) for ladder in ladders]
costs = [cost for i, cost in enumerate(costs) if i not in invalid]
if len(costs) == 0:
raise ValueError("No matching modes found.")
costs = [cost / len(ladder) for cost, ladder in zip(costs, ladders)]
best = ladders[np.argmin(costs)]
best = np.argmin(costs)
best_ladder = ladders[best]
return Ω, ΔΩ, best
Ωs = []
δs = []
Ω_m_δs = []
for (i, (begin_index, begin_type)), (end_index, _) in zip(
enumerate(best_ladder[:-1]), best_ladder[1:]
match begin_type:
case StepType.BATH:
Ωs.append(peak_freqs[end_index] - peak_freqs[begin_index])
case StepType.BATH_TO_A:
Ω_m_δs.append(peak_freqs[end_index] - peak_freqs[begin_index])
if i < len(best_ladder) - 2:
(peak_freqs[best_ladder[i + 2][0]] - peak_freqs[begin_index])
/ 2
case StepType.A_TO_A:
δs.append((peak_freqs[end_index] - peak_freqs[begin_index]) / 2)
Ω = np.mean(Ωs)
ΔΩ = np.std(Ωs)
δ = np.mean(δs)
Δδ = np.std(δs)
return Ω, ΔΩ, δ, Δδ, best_ladder