mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 17:31:39 -05:00
STUCK: look at first ringdown data
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 314 additions and 12 deletions
@ -701,6 +701,24 @@ files = [
{file = "nest_asyncio-1.6.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6f172d5449aca15afd6c646851f4e31e02c598d553a667e38cafa997cfec55fe"},
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name = "networkx"
version = "3.3"
description = "Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.10"
files = [
{file = "networkx-3.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:28575580c6ebdaf4505b22c6256a2b9de86b316dc63ba9e93abde3d78dfdbcf2"},
{file = "networkx-3.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:0c127d8b2f4865f59ae9cb8aafcd60b5c70f3241ebd66f7defad7c4ab90126c9"},
default = ["matplotlib (>=3.6)", "numpy (>=1.23)", "pandas (>=1.4)", "scipy (>=1.9,!=1.11.0,!=1.11.1)"]
developer = ["changelist (==0.5)", "mypy (>=1.1)", "pre-commit (>=3.2)", "rtoml"]
doc = ["myst-nb (>=1.0)", "numpydoc (>=1.7)", "pillow (>=9.4)", "pydata-sphinx-theme (>=0.14)", "sphinx (>=7)", "sphinx-gallery (>=0.14)", "texext (>=0.6.7)"]
extra = ["lxml (>=4.6)", "pydot (>=2.0)", "pygraphviz (>=1.12)", "sympy (>=1.10)"]
test = ["pytest (>=7.2)", "pytest-cov (>=4.0)"]
name = "numpy"
name = "numpy"
version = "1.26.4"
version = "1.26.4"
@ -1284,4 +1302,4 @@ files = [
lock-version = "2.0"
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python-versions = "^3.11"
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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ python = "^3.11"
scipy = "^1.13.0"
scipy = "^1.13.0"
click = "^8.1.7"
click = "^8.1.7"
matplotlib = "^3.8.4"
matplotlib = "^3.8.4"
networkx = "^3.3"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
Python 3.11.9 (main, Apr 2 2024, 08:25:04) [GCC 13.2.0]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.24.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
Python 3.11.9 (main, Apr 2 2024, 08:25:04) [GCC 13.2.0]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.24.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]:
In [2]: %run -i /home/hiro/Documents/org/roam/code/fitting_ringdown/scripts/experiments/003_experimental_ringdown_fft.py # load script buffer
In [3]:
In [3]: %run -i /tmp/python-vterm1EdyiK.py # Fourier
In [4]: %run -i /tmp/python-vtermHclYEt.py # Fourier
In [5]: %run -i /tmp/python-vtermUXKyDJ.py # CSV
In [6]: %run -i /tmp/python-vtermIjaHIZ.py # Fourier
In [7]: %run -i /tmp/python-vtermHYpcEb.py # Fourier
In [8]: ax3 = ax.twinx()
In [9]: ax3.plot(freq, np.gradient(np.angle(fft)), linewidth=0.1, color="red", zorder=-10)
Out[9]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f83e3008dd0>]
In [10]: %run -i /tmp/python-vtermIhW5K3.py # peaks
In [11]: %run -i /tmp/python-vterm3zwD7E.py # peaks
In [12]: %run -i /tmp/python-vtermJ1uevg.py # peaks
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
File /tmp/python-vtermJ1uevg.py:4
1 # %% peaks
2 freq_step = freq[1] - freq[0]
----> 4 peaks, peak_info = scipy.signal.find_peaks(np.abs(fft) ** 2, distance=1e4 / freq_step)
5 ax.plot(freq[peaks], np.abs(fft[peaks]) ** 2, "x")
File /nix/store/dbxrivq1l53hnfjsp491yrjnzy651sqg-python3.11-scipy-1.13.0/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scipy/signal/_peak_finding.py:941, in find_peaks(x, height, threshol
d, distance, prominence, width, wlen, rel_height, plateau_size)
939 x = _arg_x_as_expected(x)
940 if distance is not None and distance < 1:
--> 941 raise ValueError('`distance` must be greater or equal to 1')
943 peaks, left_edges, right_edges = _local_maxima_1d(x)
944 properties = {}
ValueError: `distance` must be greater or equal to 1
In [13]: %run -i /tmp/python-vtermZ1ZHBs.py # peaks
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
File /tmp/python-vtermZ1ZHBs.py:4
1 # %% peaks
2 freq_step = freq[1] - freq[0]
----> 4 peaks, peak_info = scipy.signal.find_peaks(np.abs(fft) ** 2, distance=1e4 / freq_step)
5 ax.plot(freq[peaks], np.abs(fft[peaks]) ** 2, "x")
File /nix/store/dbxrivq1l53hnfjsp491yrjnzy651sqg-python3.11-scipy-1.13.0/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scipy/signal/_peak_finding.py:941, in find_peaks(x, height, threshol
d, distance, prominence, width, wlen, rel_height, plateau_size)
939 x = _arg_x_as_expected(x)
940 if distance is not None and distance < 1:
--> 941 raise ValueError('`distance` must be greater or equal to 1')
943 peaks, left_edges, right_edges = _local_maxima_1d(x)
944 properties = {}
ValueError: `distance` must be greater or equal to 1
In [14]: %run -i /tmp/python-vterm220t3Y.py # peaks
In [15]: %run -i /tmp/python-vtermoezkoM.py # Fourier
In [16]: %run -i /tmp/python-vterm3uhE2k.py # plot
@ -5,22 +5,147 @@ from ringfit.plotting import *
from ringfit.fit import *
from ringfit.fit import *
from rabifun.analysis import *
from rabifun.analysis import *
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import scipy
from collections import OrderedDict
import networkx as nx
from functools import reduce
# %% load data
# %% load data
path = "../../data/08_05_24/characterization_first"
path = "../../data/22_05_24/ringdown_with_hybridized_modes"
scan = ScanData.from_dir(path)
scan = ScanData.from_dir(path)
# %% Fourier
# %% Fourier
# window = (0.027751370026589985, 0.027751370026589985 + 0.00001 / 2)
window = tuple(
np.array([0.03075207891902308, 0.03075207891902308 + 0.00001]) - 1e-3 - 0.82e-6
freq, fft = fourier_transform(
freq, fft = fourier_transform(
scan.time, scan.output, low_cutoff=1000, high_cutoff=10**8
scan.time, scan.output, window=window, low_cutoff=20e5, high_cutoff=100e6
# %% plot
fig = plt.figure("interactive")
fig = plt.figure("interactive")
ax, ax2 = fig.subplots(1, 2)
ax, ax2 = fig.subplots(1, 2)
# ax.set_yscale("log")
ax.plot(freq * 10 ** (-6), np.abs(fft) ** 2)
ax.plot(freq, np.abs(fft))
plot_scan(scan, ax=ax2, linewidth=0.1)
ax3 = ax.twinx()
ax2.set_xlim(0.02, 0.020001)
ax.plot(freq, np.abs(fft.real), linewidth=1, color="red")
# ax.plot(freq, fft.imag, linewidth=1, color="green")
# ax3.plot(
# freq,
# np.gradient(np.unwrap(np.angle(fft) + np.pi, period=2 * np.pi)),
# linestyle="--",
# )
# plot_scan(scan, ax=ax2, linewidth=0.5, smoothe_output=1e-8)
freq_step = freq[1] - freq[0]
peaks, peak_info = scipy.signal.find_peaks(
np.abs(fft) ** 2, distance=2e6 / freq_step, prominence=3000
anglegrad = np.gradient(np.unwrap(np.angle(fft) + np.pi, period=2 * np.pi))
neg_peaks = peaks[anglegrad[peaks] < 0]
pos_peaks = peaks[anglegrad[peaks] > 0]
ax.plot(freq[neg_peaks], np.abs(fft[neg_peaks]), "x")
ax.plot(freq[pos_peaks], np.abs(fft[pos_peaks]), "o")
# phase_detuning = np.angle(fft[peaks])
def extract_peak(index, width, sign=1):
return sign * freq[index - width : index + width], np.abs(
fft[index - width : index + width]
# for peak in neg_peaks:
# ax2.plot(*extract_peak(peak, 10, -1))
# for peak in pos_peaks:
# ax2.plot(*extract_peak(peak, 10, 1))
Ω_guess = 13e6
δ_guess = 2.69e6
N = np.arange(1, 3)
possibilieties = np.concatenate([[2 * δ_guess], N * Ω_guess, N * Ω_guess - δ_guess])
[Ω_guess, 2 * δ_guess, Ω_guess - δ_guess, 2 * Ω_guess, 2 * Ω_guess - δ_guess]
mode_freqs = freq[peaks]
final_freqs = [mode_freqs[0]]
all_diffs = np.abs(
np.abs(mode_freqs[:, None] - mode_freqs[None, :])[:, :, None]
- possibilieties[None, None, :]
all_diffs[all_diffs == 0] = np.inf
all_diffs[all_diffs > δ_guess / 2] = np.inf
matches = np.asarray(all_diffs < np.inf).nonzero()
pairs = np.array(list(zip(*matches, all_diffs[matches])), dtype=int)
relationships = nx.DiGraph()
for node, peak in enumerate(peaks):
relationships.add_node(node, freq=freq[peak])
for left, right, relationship, diff in pairs:
if freq[left] > freq[right]:
left, right = right, left
if (
not relationships.has_edge(left, right)
or relationships[left][right]["weight"] > diff * 1e-6
left, right, weight=diff * 1e-6, type=relationship, freqdis=right - left
pos = {}
for node, peak in enumerate(peaks):
pos[node] = [freq[peak], abs(fft[peak])]
# nx.draw(relationships, pos, with_labels=True)
# nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(relationships, pos)
# %%
cycle = nx.find_cycle(relationships, orientation="ignore")
total = 0
for s, t, direction in cycle:
difference = possibilieties[relationships[s][t]["type"]]
if direction == "reverse":
difference *= -1
total += difference
# %%
spectrum = list(
sorted(nx.all_simple_paths(relationships, 1, 9), key=lambda x: -len(x))
for s, t in zip(spectrum[:-1], spectrum[1:]):
print(s, relationships[s][t])
for node in spectrum:
plt.plot(freq[node], abs(fft[node]), "*")
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import scipy
def fourier_transform(
def fourier_transform(
@ -20,9 +21,9 @@ def fourier_transform(
if window:
if window:
mask = (window[1] > t) & (t > window[0])
mask = (window[1] > t) & (t > window[0])
t = t[mask]
t = t[mask]
signal = signal[mask]
signal = signal[mask] # * scipy.signal.windows.hamming(len(t))
freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(t), t[1] - t[0])
freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(t), t[2] - t[1])
fft = np.fft.rfft(signal)
fft = np.fft.rfft(signal)
mask = (freq > low_cutoff) & (freq < high_cutoff)
mask = (freq > low_cutoff) & (freq < high_cutoff)
@ -66,9 +66,11 @@ class ScanData:
directory = Path(directory)
directory = Path(directory)
laser = np.load(directory / "signal_laser.npy")
laserpath = directory / "signal_laser.npy"
output = np.load(directory / "signal_outp.npy")
output = np.load(directory / "signal_outp.npy")
time = np.load(directory / "time.npy")
time = np.load(directory / "time.npy")
laser = np.load(laserpath) if laserpath.exists() else np.zeros_like(time)
return cls(laser, output, time, **kwargs)
return cls(laser, output, time, **kwargs)
@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ class ScanData:
return ScanData(
return ScanData(
self._laser, self._output, self._time, max_frequency=max_frequency
self._laser, self._output.copy(), self._time, max_frequency=max_frequency
@ -32,12 +32,16 @@ def plot_scan(
steps: bool | int = False,
steps: bool | int = False,
smoothe_output: bool | float = False,
smoothe_output: bool | float = False,
max_frequency: float | bool = 0,
if not (laser or output):
if not (laser or output):
raise ValueError("At least one of 'laser' or 'output' must be True.")
raise ValueError("At least one of 'laser' or 'output' must be True.")
if max_frequency:
data = data.sparsified(max_frequency)
if smoothe_output:
if smoothe_output:
if not isinstance(smoothe_output, float):
if not isinstance(smoothe_output, float):
smoothe_output = 10 ** (-7)
smoothe_output = 10 ** (-7)
Add table
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