feature: support shutting of laser and modulation

This commit is contained in:
Valentin Boettcher 2024-05-17 15:00:44 -04:00
parent 166b11a876
commit 16b2db8be8

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@ -24,7 +24,11 @@ class Params:
laser_detuning: float = 0.0
"""Detuning of the laser."""
laser_amplitude: float = 0.001
laser_off_time: float | None = None
"""Time at which the laser is turned off."""
drive_off_time: float | None = None
"""Time at which the drive is turned off."""
def periods(self, n: float):
return n * 2 * np.pi / self.Ω
@ -51,9 +55,15 @@ def drive(t, x, d, Δ, Ω):
def make_righthand_side(Ωs, params: Params):
def rhs(t, x):
return -1j * (
Ωs * x + drive(t, x, params.d, params.Δ, params.Ω)
) + params.laser_amplitude * np.exp(-1j * params.laser_detuning * t)
differential = Ωs * x
if (params.drive_off_time is None) or (t < params.drive_off_time):
differential += drive(t, x, params.d, params.Δ, params.Ω)
if (params.laser_off_time is None) or (t < params.laser_off_time):
differential += np.exp(-1j * params.laser_detuning * t)
return -1j * differential
return rhs
@ -96,16 +106,19 @@ f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1)
def transient_analysis():
params = Params(η=0.001, d=0.1, laser_detuning=0.2, Δ=0.1, laser_amplitude=0.01)
t = np.arange(0, params.lifetimes(10), 2 / (params.Ω * params.N))
params = Params(η=0.001, d=0.1, laser_detuning=0, Δ=0.05)
params.laser_off_time = params.lifetimes(2)
params.drive_off_time = params.lifetimes(2)
t = np.arange(0, params.lifetimes(5), 0.5 / (params.Ω * params.N))
solution = solve(t, params)
signal = output_signal(t, solution.y, params.laser_detuning)
# signal += np.random.normal(0, .1 * np.max(abs(signal)), len(signal))
late = t > params.lifetimes(0)
t = t[late]
signal = signal[late]
window = (params.lifetimes(2) > t) & (t > params.lifetimes(0))
# window = t > params.lifetimes(2)
t = t[window]
signal = signal[window]
# ax1.plot(