Event PubSub ============ npm info :    GitHub info :    Pubsub events for Node and the browser allowing event scoping and multiple scopes. Easy for any developer level. No frills, just high speed pubsub events! [Pretty GitHub.io site](http://riaevangelist.github.io/event-pubsub/) [See NPM stats for event-pubsub](http://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package=event-pubsub&author=&from=&to=) **EXAMPLE FILES** 1. [Node Pubsub Event Examples](https://github.com/RIAEvangelist/event-pubsub/tree/master/examples/node) 2. [Browser Pubsub Event Examples](https://github.com/RIAEvangelist/event-pubsub/tree/master/examples/browser) **Node Install** ``npm install event-pubsub`` **Browser Install** *see browser examples above or below* --- ### Basic Example --- ***NOTE - the only diffeence between node and browser code is how the ``events`` variable is created*** * node ``var events = new require('../../event-pubsub.js')();`` * browser ``var events = new window.pubsub();`` #### Node var events = new require('../../event-pubsub.js')(); events.on( 'hello', function(data){ console.log('hello event recieved ', data); } ); events.on( '*', function(type){ console.log('Catch all detected event type of : ',type, '. List of all the sent arguments ',arguments); } ); events.on( 'removeEvents', function(){ events.off('*','*'); console.log('Removed all events'); } ); /************************************\ * trigger events for testing * **********************************/ events.trigger( 'hello', 'world' ); events.trigger( 'removeEvents' ); #### Browser ##### HTML