!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags // !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://ctags.sourceforge.net /official site/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.9~svn20110310 // _log_ examples/browser/basic.js /^function _log_ (){$/;" c _log_ examples/browser/multipleScopes.js /^function _log_ (){$/;" c _log_ examples/browser/objectScope.js /^function _log_ (){$/;" c author package.json /^ "author": "Brandon Nozaki Miller",$/;" f authors bower.json /^ "authors": [$/;" f bugs package.json /^ "bugs": {$/;" f checkScope event-pubsub.js /^function checkScope(){$/;" f description bower.json /^ "description": "Pubsub events for Node and the browser allowing event scoping and multiple scopes. Easy for any developer level. No frills, just high speed pubsub events!",$/;" f description package.json /^ "description": "Pubsub events for Node and the browser allowing event scoping and multiple scopes. Easy for any developer level. No frills, just high speed pubsub events!",$/;" f directories package.json /^ "directories": {$/;" f eventLog examples/browser/basic.js /^var eventLog=document.getElementById('events');$/;" v eventLog examples/browser/multipleScopes.js /^var eventLog=document.getElementById('events');$/;" v eventLog examples/browser/objectScope.js /^var eventLog=document.getElementById('events');$/;" v example package.json /^ "example": "examples"$/;" f homepage bower.json /^ "homepage": "https:\/\/github.com\/RIAEvangelist\/event-pubsub",$/;" f homepage package.json /^ "homepage": "https:\/\/github.com\/RIAEvangelist\/event-pubsub"$/;" f ignore bower.json /^ "ignore": [$/;" f init event-pubsub.js /^function init(scope){$/;" f keywords bower.json /^ "keywords": [$/;" f keywords package.json /^ "keywords": [$/;" f license bower.json /^ "license": "DBAD",$/;" f license package.json /^ "license": "Unlicense",$/;" f main bower.json /^ "main": "event-pubsub.js",$/;" f main package.json /^ "main": "event-pubsub.js",$/;" f moduleType bower.json /^ "moduleType": [$/;" f name bower.json /^ "name": "event-pubsub",$/;" f name package.json /^ "name": "event-pubsub",$/;" f pub event-pubsub.js /^function pub(type){$/;" f pubsub examples/node/multipleScopes.js /^var pubsub = require('..\/..\/event-pubsub.js');$/;" v pubsub examples/node/objectScope.js /^var pubsub = require('..\/..\/event-pubsub.js');$/;" v repository package.json /^ "repository": {$/;" f scripts package.json /^ "scripts": {$/;" f sub event-pubsub.js /^function sub(type,handler){$/;" f test package.json /^ "test": "echo \\"Error: no test specified\\" && exit 1"$/;" f thing.id examples/browser/objectScope.js /^var thing={$/;" p thing.id examples/node/objectScope.js /^var thing={$/;" p type package.json /^ "type": "git",$/;" f unsub event-pubsub.js /^function unsub(type,handler){$/;" f url package.json /^ "url": "https:\/\/github.com\/RIAEvangelist\/event-pubsub.git"$/;" f url package.json /^ "url": "https:\/\/github.com\/RIAEvangelist\/event-pubsub\/issues"$/;" f version package.json /^ "version": "2.0.0",$/;" f