mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 09:21:37 -05:00

...since ts is not (yet?) in ELPA, which would prevent Ement from going into it. Also, this should be slightly more efficient, since we won't allocate ts structs for these calculations.
597 lines
26 KiB
597 lines
26 KiB
;;; ement-taxy.el --- List Ement rooms with Taxy -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Adam Porter
;; Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'button)
(require 'rx)
(require 'svg-lib)
(require 'taxy)
(require 'taxy-magit-section)
(require 'ement-room-list)
(defgroup ement-taxy nil
"Group Ement rooms with Taxy."
:group 'ement)
;;;; Variables
(defvar ement-taxy-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") #'ement-taxy-RET)
(define-key map (kbd "SPC") #'ement-taxy-next-unread)
(define-key map [mouse-1] #'ement-taxy-mouse-1)
;;;; Customization
(defcustom ement-taxy-auto-update t
"Automatically update the taxy-based room list buffer."
:type 'boolean)
;;;;; Faces
(defface ement-room-list-space '((t (:inherit (font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ement-room-list-name))))
"Space rooms."
:group 'ement-room-list)
;;;; Keys
;; Since some of these keys need access to the session, and room
;; structs don't include the session, we use a two-element vector in
;; which the session is the second element.
(taxy-define-key-definer ement-taxy-define-key
ement-taxy-keys "ement-taxy-key" "FIXME: Docstring."))
(ement-taxy-define-key membership (&key name status)
;; FIXME: Docstring: status should be a symbol of either `invite', `join', `leave'.
(cl-labels ((format-membership (membership)
(pcase membership
('join "Joined")
('invite "Invited")
('leave "[Left]"))))
(pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room (status membership)) ,_session] item))
(if status
(when (equal status membership)
(or name (format-membership membership)))
(format-membership membership)))))
(ement-taxy-define-key alias (&key name regexp)
(pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room canonical-alias) ,_session] item))
(when canonical-alias
(when (string-match-p regexp canonical-alias)
(ement-taxy-define-key buffer ()
(pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room (local (map buffer))) ,_session] item))
(when buffer
(ement-taxy-define-key direct ()
(pcase-let ((`[,room ,session] item))
(when (ement--room-direct-p room session)
(ement-taxy-define-key people ()
(pcase-let ((`[,room ,session] item))
(when (ement--room-direct-p room session)
(propertize "People" 'face 'ement-room-list-direct))))
(ement-taxy-define-key space (&key name id)
(pcase-let* ((`[,room ,session] item)
((cl-struct ement-session rooms) session)
((cl-struct ement-room type (local (map parents))) room))
(cl-labels ((format-space
(id) (let* ((parent-room (cl-find id rooms :key #'ement-room-id :test #'equal))
(space-name (if parent-room
(ement-room-display-name parent-room)
(concat "Space: " space-name))))
(when-let ((key (if id
;; ID specified.
(cond ((or (member id parents)
(equal id (ement-room-id room)))
;; Room is in specified space.
(or name (format-space id)))
((and (equal type "m.space")
(equal id (ement-room-id room)))
;; Room is a specified space.
(or name (concat "Space: " (ement-room-display-name room)))
;; ID not specified.
(pcase (length parents)
(0 nil)
;; TODO: Make the rooms list a hash table to avoid this lookup.
(format-space (car parents)))
;; TODO: How to handle this better? (though it should be very rare)
(string-join (mapcar #'format-space parents) ", "))))))
(propertize key 'face 'ement-room-list-space)))))
(ement-taxy-define-key space-p ()
"Groups rooms that are themselves spaces."
(pcase-let* ((`[,room ,_session] item)
((cl-struct ement-room type) room))
(when (equal "m.space" type)
(ement-taxy-define-key name (&key name regexp)
(pcase-let* ((`[,room ,_session] item)
(display-name (ement--room-display-name room)))
(when display-name
(when (string-match-p regexp display-name)
(or name regexp)))))
(ement-taxy-define-key latest (&key name newer-than older-than)
(pcase-let* ((`[,room ,_session] item)
((cl-struct ement-room latest-ts) room)
(when latest-ts
(setf age (- (time-convert nil 'integer) (/ latest-ts 1000)))
(cond (newer-than
(when (<= age newer-than)
(or name (format "Newer than %s seconds" newer-than))))
(when (>= age older-than)
(or name (format "Older than %s seconds" newer-than))))
;; Default to rooms with traffic in the last day.
(if (<= age 86400)
"Last 24 hours"
"Older than 24 hours"))))))
(ement-taxy-define-key freshness
(&key (intervals '((86400 . "Past 24h")
(604800 . "Past week")
(2419200 . "Past month")
(31536000 . "Past year"))))
(pcase-let* ((`[,room ,_session] item)
((cl-struct ement-room latest-ts) room)
(when latest-ts
(setf age (- (time-convert nil 'integer) (/ latest-ts 1000)))
(or (alist-get age intervals nil nil #'>)
"Older than a year"))))
(ement-taxy-define-key session (&optional user-id)
(pcase-let ((`[,_room ,(cl-struct ement-session
(user (cl-struct ement-user id)))]
(pcase user-id
(`nil id)
(_ (when (equal user-id id)
(ement-taxy-define-key topic (&key name regexp)
(pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room topic) ,_session] item))
(when topic
(when (string-match-p regexp topic)
(ement-taxy-define-key unread ()
(pcase-let ((`[,room ,session] item))
(when (ement--room-unread-p room session)
(ement-taxy-define-key favourite ()
:then #'identity
(pcase-let ((`[,room ,_session] item))
(when (ement--room-favourite-p room)
(propertize "Favourite" 'face 'ement-room-list-favourite))))
(ement-taxy-define-key low-priority ()
:then #'identity
(pcase-let ((`[,room ,_session] item))
(when (ement--room-low-priority-p room)
(defcustom ement-taxy-default-keys
'((space-p space)
((membership :status 'invite))
((membership :status 'leave))
((latest :name "Last 24h" :newer-than 86400))
(latest :name "Old" :older-than (* 86400 90))
"Default keys."
:type 'sexp)
;;;; Columns
(defvar ement-taxy-room-avatar-cache (make-hash-table)
"Hash table caching room avatars for the `ement-taxy' room list.")
(taxy-magit-section-define-column-definer "ement-taxy"))
(ement-taxy-define-column #("🐱" 0 1 (help-echo "Avatar")) (:align 'right)
(pcase-let* ((`[,room ,_session] item)
((cl-struct ement-room avatar display-name) room))
(if ement-room-list-avatars
(or (gethash room ement-taxy-room-avatar-cache)
(let ((new-avatar
(if avatar
;; NOTE: We resize every avatar to be suitable for this buffer, rather than using
;; the one cached in the room's struct. If the buffer's faces change height, this
;; will need refreshing, but it should be worth it to avoid resizing the images on
;; every update.
(propertize " " 'display
(ement--resize-image (get-text-property 0 'display avatar)
nil (frame-char-height)))
;; Room has no avatar: make one.
(let* ((string (or display-name (ement--room-display-name room)))
(ement-room-prism-minimum-contrast 1)
(color (ement--prism-color string :contrast-with "white")))
(when (string-match (rx bos (or "#" "!" "@")) string)
(setf string (substring string 1)))
(propertize " " 'display (svg-lib-tag (substring string 0 1) nil
:background color :foreground "white"
:stroke 0))))))
(puthash room new-avatar ement-taxy-room-avatar-cache)))
;; Avatars disabled: use a two-space string.
" ")))
(ement-taxy-define-column "Name" (:max-width 25)
(pcase-let* ((`[,room ,session] item)
((cl-struct ement-room type) room)
(display-name (ement--room-display-name room))
(or (when display-name
;; TODO: Use code from ement-room-list and put in a dedicated function.
(setf face (cl-copy-list '(:inherit (ement-room-list-name))))
;; In concert with the "Unread" column, this is roughly equivalent to the
;; "red/gray/bold/idle" states listed in <https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-react-sdk/blob/b0af163002e8252d99b6d7075c83aadd91866735/docs/room-list-store.md#list-ordering-algorithm-importance>.
(when (ement--room-unread-p room session)
;; For some reason, `push' doesn't work with `map-elt'...or does it?
(push 'ement-room-list-unread (map-elt face :inherit)))
(when (equal "m.space" type)
(push 'ement-room-list-space (map-elt face :inherit)))
(when (ement--room-direct-p room session)
(push 'ement-room-list-direct (map-elt face :inherit)))
(when (ement--room-favourite-p room)
(push 'ement-room-list-favourite (map-elt face :inherit)))
(when (ement--room-low-priority-p room)
(push 'ement-room-list-low-priority (map-elt face :inherit)))
(pcase (ement-room-status room)
(push 'ement-room-list-invited (map-elt face :inherit)))
(push 'ement-room-list-left (map-elt face :inherit))))
(propertize (ement--button-buttonize display-name #'ement-taxy-mouse-1)
'face face
'mouse-face 'highlight))
(ement-taxy-define-column #("Unread" 0 6 (help-echo "Unread events (Notifications:Highlights)")) (:align 'right)
(pcase-let* ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room unread-notifications) ,_session] item)
((map notification_count highlight_count) unread-notifications))
(if (or (not unread-notifications)
(and (equal 0 notification_count)
(equal 0 highlight_count)))
(concat (propertize (number-to-string notification_count)
'face 'highlight)
(propertize (number-to-string highlight_count)
'face (if (zerop highlight_count)
(ement-taxy-define-column "Latest" ()
(pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room latest-ts) ,_session] item))
(if latest-ts
(let* ((difference-seconds (- (float-time) (/ latest-ts 1000)))
(n (cl-typecase difference-seconds
((number 0 3599) ;; <1 hour: 10-minute periods.
(truncate (/ difference-seconds 600)))
((number 3600 86400) ;; 1 hour to 1 day: 24 1-hour periods.
(+ 6 (truncate (/ difference-seconds 3600))))
(otherwise ;; Difference in weeks.
(min (/ (length ement-room-list-timestamp-colors) 2)
(+ 24 (truncate (/ difference-seconds 86400 7)))))))
(face (list :foreground (elt ement-room-list-timestamp-colors n)))
(formatted-ts (ement--human-format-duration difference-seconds 'abbreviate)))
(string-match (rx (1+ digit) (repeat 1 alpha)) formatted-ts)
(propertize (match-string 0 formatted-ts) 'face face
'help-echo formatted-ts))
(ement-taxy-define-column "Topic" (:max-width 35)
(pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room topic status) ,_session] item))
;; FIXME: Can the status and type unified, or is this inherent to the spec?
(when topic
(setf topic (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " topic 'fixedcase 'literal)))
(pcase status
('invite (concat (propertize "[invited]"
'face 'ement-room-list-invited)
" " topic))
('leave (concat (propertize "[left]"
'face 'ement-room-list-left)
" " topic))
(_ (or topic "")))))
(ement-taxy-define-column "Members" (:align 'right)
(pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room
(summary (map ('m.joined_member_count member-count))))
(if member-count
(number-to-string member-count)
(ement-taxy-define-column #("B" 0 1 (help-echo "Buffer exists for room")) ()
(pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room (local (map buffer))) ,_session] item))
(if buffer
#("B" 0 1 (help-echo "Buffer exists for room"))
" ")))
(ement-taxy-define-column "Session" ()
(pcase-let ((`[,_room ,(cl-struct ement-session (user (cl-struct ement-user id)))] item))
(unless ement-taxy-columns
;; TODO: Automate this or document it
(setq-default ement-taxy-columns
(get 'ement-taxy-columns 'standard-value)))
;;;; Bookmark support
;; Especially useful with Burly: <https://github.com/alphapapa/burly.el>
(require 'bookmark)
(defun ement-taxy-bookmark-make-record ()
"Return a bookmark record for the `ement-taxy' buffer."
(pcase-let* (((cl-struct ement-session user) ement-session)
((cl-struct ement-user (id session-id)) user))
;; MAYBE: Support bookmarking specific events in a room.
(list (concat "Ement room list (Taxy) (" session-id ")")
(cons 'session-id session-id)
(cons 'handler #'ement-taxy-bookmark-handler))))
(defun ement-taxy-bookmark-handler (bookmark)
"Show `ement-taxy' room list buffer for BOOKMARK."
(pcase-let* (((map session-id) bookmark))
(unless (alist-get session-id ement-sessions nil nil #'equal)
;; MAYBE: Automatically connect.
(user-error "Session %s not connected: call `ement-connect' first" session-id))
;;;; Commands
(cl-defun ement-taxy-room-list (&key (buffer-name "*Ement Taxy*")
(keys ement-taxy-default-keys)
(display-buffer-action '(display-buffer-same-window))
;; visibility-fn
"Show a buffer listing Ement rooms, grouped with Taxy KEYS.
The buffer is named BUFFER-NAME and is shown with
(let (format-table column-sizes)
(cl-labels (;; (heading-face
;; (depth) (list :inherit (list 'bufler-group (bufler-level-face depth))))
(format-item (item) (gethash item format-table))
;; NOTE: Since these functions take an "item" (which is a [room session]
;; vector), they're prefixed "item-" rather than "room-".
(item) (or (ement-room-latest-ts (elt item 0))
;; Room has no latest timestamp. FIXME: This shouldn't
;; happen, but it can, maybe due to oversights elsewhere.
(item) (pcase-let ((`[,room ,session] item))
(ement--room-unread-p room session)))
(item) (pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room status) ,_session] item))
(equal 'leave status)))
(taxy) (or (cl-some #'item-unread-p (taxy-items taxy))
(cl-some #'taxy-unread-p (taxy-taxys taxy))))
(item) (pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room type) ,_session] item))
(equal "m.space" type)))
(item) (pcase-let ((`[,room ,_session] item))
(ement--room-favourite-p room)))
(item) (pcase-let ((`[,room ,_session] item))
(ement--room-low-priority-p room)))
;; This is very confusing and doesn't currently work.
(section) (let ((value (oref section value)))
(if (cl-typecase value
(taxy-magit-section (item-unread-p value))
(ement-room nil))
(item) (pcase-let ((`[,(cl-struct ement-room status) ,_session] item))
(equal 'invite status)))
(t<nil (a b) (and a (not b)))
(t>nil (a b) (and (not a) b))
(make-fn (&rest args)
(apply #'make-taxy-magit-section
:make #'make-fn
:format-fn #'format-item
:level-indent ement-taxy-level-indent
;; :visibility-fn #'visible-p
;; :heading-indent 2
:item-indent 2
;; :heading-face-fn #'heading-face
;; (when (get-buffer buffer-name)
;; (kill-buffer buffer-name))
(unless ement-sessions
(error "Ement: Not connected. Use `ement-connect' to connect"))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
(let* ((room-session-vectors
(cl-loop for (_id . session) in ement-sessions
append (cl-loop for room in (ement-session-rooms session)
collect (vector room session))))
(taxy (cl-macrolet ((first-item
(pred) `(lambda (taxy)
(when (taxy-items taxy)
(,pred (car (taxy-items taxy)))))))
:name "Ement Rooms"
:take (taxy-make-take-function keys ement-taxy-keys))
(taxy-fill room-session-vectors)
(taxy-sort #'> #'item-latest-ts)
(taxy-sort #'t<nil #'item-invited-p)
(taxy-sort #'t<nil #'item-favourite-p)
(taxy-sort #'t>nil #'item-low-priority-p)
(taxy-sort #'t<nil #'item-unread-p)
(taxy-sort #'t<nil #'item-space-p)
;; Within each taxy, left rooms should be sorted last so that one
;; can never be the first room in the taxy (unless it's the taxy
;; of left rooms), which would cause the taxy to be incorrectly
;; sorted last.
(taxy-sort #'t>nil #'item-left-p)
(taxy-sort* #'string< #'taxy-name)
(taxy-sort* #'> (lambda (taxy)
(if (taxy-items taxy)
(item-latest-ts (car (taxy-items taxy)))
(taxy-sort* #'t<nil (first-item item-unread-p))
(taxy-sort* #'t<nil (first-item item-favourite-p))
(taxy-sort* #'t<nil (first-item item-invited-p))
(taxy-sort* #'t>nil (first-item item-low-priority-p))
(taxy-sort* #'t>nil (first-item item-left-p)))))
(taxy-magit-section-insert-indent-items nil)
(inhibit-read-only t)
(format-cons (taxy-magit-section-format-items
ement-taxy-columns ement-taxy-column-formatters taxy))
(pos (point))
(window-start (if (get-buffer-window)
(window-start (get-buffer-window))
(section-ident (when (magit-current-section)
(magit-section-ident (magit-current-section)))))
(setf format-table (car format-cons)
column-sizes (cdr format-cons)
header-line-format (taxy-magit-section-format-header
column-sizes ement-taxy-column-formatters))
(taxy-magit-section-insert taxy :items 'first
;; :blank-between-depth bufler-taxy-blank-between-depth
:initial-depth 0))
(goto-char pos)
(when (and section-ident (magit-get-section section-ident))
(goto-char (oref (magit-get-section section-ident) start)))
(display-buffer buffer-name display-buffer-action)
(when (get-buffer-window)
(set-window-start (get-buffer-window) window-start)))))))
(cl-defun ement-taxy-side-window (&key (side 'left))
"Show room list in side window on SIDE.
Interactively, with prefix, show on right side; otherwise, on
(interactive (when current-prefix-arg
(list :side 'right)))
(let ((display-buffer-mark-dedicated t))
;; Not sure if binding `display-buffer-mark-dedicated' is still necessary.
:display-buffer-action `(display-buffer-in-side-window
(dedicated . t)
(side . ,side)
(no-delete-other-windows . t))))))
(defun ement-taxy-revert (_ignore-auto _noconfirm)
"Revert current Ement-Taxy buffer."
(ement-taxy-room-list :display-buffer-action '(display-buffer-no-window (allow-no-window . t))))
(defun ement-taxy-mouse-1 (event)
"Call `ement-taxy-RET' at point."
(interactive "e")
(mouse-set-point event)
(call-interactively #'ement-taxy-RET))
(defun ement-taxy-RET ()
"View room at point, or cycle section at point."
(cl-etypecase (oref (magit-current-section) value)
(vector (pcase-let ((`[,room ,session] (oref (magit-current-section) value)))
(ement-view-room room session)))
(taxy-magit-section (call-interactively #'magit-section-cycle))
(null nil)))
(defun ement-taxy-next-unread ()
"Show next unread room."
(unless (button-at (point))
(call-interactively #'forward-button))
(unless (cl-loop with starting-line = (line-number-at-pos)
for value = (oref (magit-current-section) value)
for room = (elt value 0)
for session = (elt value 1)
if (ement--room-unread-p room session)
do (progn
(goto-char (button-end (button-at (point))))
(push-button (1- (point)))
(cl-return t))
else do (call-interactively #'forward-button)
while (> (line-number-at-pos) starting-line))
;; No more unread rooms.
(message "No more unread rooms")))
(define-derived-mode ement-taxy-mode magit-section-mode "Ement-Taxy"
:global nil
(setq-local bookmark-make-record-function #'ement-taxy-bookmark-make-record
revert-buffer-function #'ement-taxy-revert))
;;;; Functions
(defun ement-taxy-auto-update (_session)
"Automatically update the Taxy room list buffer.
+Does so when variable `ement-taxy-auto-update' is non-nil.
+To be called in `ement-sync-callback-hook'."
(when (and ement-taxy-auto-update
(buffer-live-p (get-buffer "*Ement Taxy*")))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*Ement Taxy*")
;; FIXME: This seems to redisplay the buffer even when it's buried. But it
;; shouldn't, because the revert function uses `display-buffer-no-window'.
;;;; Footer
(provide 'ement-taxy)
;;; ement-taxy.el ends here