Tidy: Docstring

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Adam Porter 2022-09-15 16:52:37 -05:00
parent 910e8f3168
commit ddd31da32e

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@ -2824,7 +2824,8 @@ Return absorbing node if coalesced."
(truncate-string-to-width (alist-get 'body (ement-event-content event)) 20)))))
(ewoc pred &key (move #'ewoc-prev) (start (ewoc-nth ewoc -1)))
"Return node in EWOC whose data matches PRED starting from node START and moving by NEXT."
"Return node in EWOC whose data matches PRED.
Search starts from node START and moves by NEXT."
(cl-loop for node = start then (funcall move ewoc node)
while node
when (funcall pred (ewoc-data node))