Change: Hide more sync-related messages

This commit is contained in:
Adam Porter 2021-07-21 12:34:14 -05:00
parent 10b4716cd4
commit d76d3d713a

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@ -221,6 +221,12 @@ call `pop-to-buffer'."
;;;; Functions
(defun ement--sync-messages-p (session)
"Return non-nil if sync-related messages should be shown for SESSION."
;; For now, this seems like the best way.
(or (not (ement-session-has-synced-p session))
(not ement-auto-sync)))
(defun ement--hostname-uri (hostname)
"Return the \".well-known\" URI for server HOSTNAME.
If no URI is found, prompt the user for the hostname."
@ -310,17 +316,18 @@ a filter ID). When unspecified, the value of
(_ (ement-api-error plz-error))))
:json-read-fn (lambda ()
"Print a message, then call `json-read'."
(message "Ement: Response arrived after %.2f seconds. Reading %s JSON response..."
(- (time-to-seconds) sync-start-time)
(file-size-human-readable (buffer-size)))
(when (ement--sync-messages-p session)
(message "Ement: Response arrived after %.2f seconds. Reading %s JSON response..."
(- (time-to-seconds) sync-start-time)
(file-size-human-readable (buffer-size))))
(let ((start-time (time-to-seconds)))
(prog1 (json-read)
(message "Ement: Reading JSON took %.2f seconds"
(- (time-to-seconds) start-time))))))))
(when (ement--sync-messages-p session)
(message "Ement: Reading JSON took %.2f seconds"
(- (time-to-seconds) start-time)))))))))
(when process
(setf (map-elt ement-syncs session) process)
(when (or (not (ement-session-has-synced-p session))
(not ement-auto-sync)) ;; If auto sync is enabled, don't spam these messages.
(when (ement--sync-messages-p session)
(message "Ement: Sync request sent, waiting for response...")))))
(defun ement--sync-callback (session data)
@ -340,8 +347,7 @@ Runs `ement-sync-callback-hook' with SESSION."
(mapc (apply-partially #'ement--push-joined-room-events session) joined-rooms)
(setf (ement-session-next-batch session) next-batch)
(run-hook-with-args 'ement-sync-callback-hook session)
(when (or (not (ement-session-has-synced-p session))
(not ement-auto-sync)) ;; If auto sync is enabled, don't spam these messages.
(when (ement--sync-messages-p session)
(message (concat "Ement: Sync done."
(unless (ement-session-has-synced-p session)
(run-hook-with-args 'ement-after-initial-sync-hook session)