Change: Save room members in table and add in events

Also, tidy some struct definitions, etc.
This commit is contained in:
Adam Porter 2022-05-12 17:45:40 -05:00
parent 245d741e25
commit cfb7a47237
2 changed files with 32 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -43,10 +43,15 @@
;;;; Structs
(cl-defstruct ement-user
id displayname account-data room-display-names
color message-color
username ;; NOTE: Not exactly according to spec, I guess, but useful for now.
id displayname account-data
(color nil :documentation "Color in which to display user's name.")
(message-color nil :documentation "Color in which to display user's messages.")
(username nil
;; NOTE: Not exactly according to spec, I guess, but useful for now.
:documentation "Username part of user's Matrix ID.")
(avatar-url nil :documentation "MXC URL to user's avatar.")
(avatar nil :documentation "One-space string with avatar image in display property.")
(room-display-names (make-hash-table) :documentation "Hash table mapping rooms to the user's per-room display name."))
(cl-defstruct ement-event
id sender content origin-server-ts type unsigned state-key
@ -68,6 +73,7 @@
id display-name prev-batch
summary state timeline ephemeral account-data unread-notifications
latest-ts topic canonical-alias avatar status type invite-state
(members (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :documentation "Hash table mapping joined user IDs to user structs.")
;; The local slot is an alist used by the local client only.
(receipts (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))

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@ -635,8 +635,7 @@ Adds sender to `ement-users' when necessary."
('sender sender-id) ('state_key state-key))
(sender (or (gethash sender-id ement-users)
(puthash sender-id (make-ement-user
:id sender-id :room-display-names (make-hash-table))
(puthash sender-id (make-ement-user :id sender-id)
;; MAYBE: Handle other keys in the event, such as "room_id" in "invite" events.
(make-ement-event :id id :sender sender :type type :content content :state-key state-key
@ -795,6 +794,27 @@ and `session' to the session. Adds function to
(when type
(setf (ement-room-type room) type))))
(ement-defevent ""
"Put/update member on `ement-users' and room's members table."
(ignore session)
(pcase-let* (((cl-struct ement-room members) room)
((cl-struct ement-event state-key
(content (map displayname
('avatar_url avatar-url))))
(user (or (gethash state-key ement-users)
(puthash state-key
(make-ement-user :id state-key :avatar-url avatar-url
;; NOTE: The spec doesn't seem to say whether the
;; displayname in the member event applies only to the
;; room or is for the user generally, so we'll save it
;; in the struct anyway.
:displayname displayname)
(puthash room displayname (ement-user-room-display-names user))
(unless (gethash state-key members)
(puthash state-key user members))))
(ement-defevent ""
(ignore session)
(pcase-let* (((cl-struct ement-event (content (map name))) event))