WIP: Adding rooms to spaces

A lot of code has to be written to determine rooms' "routing"
according to the spec.
This commit is contained in:
Adam Porter 2022-04-07 11:35:45 -05:00
parent 2e36b51a2c
commit a4cfe9225e

View file

@ -572,6 +572,8 @@ suggested room."
(cl-loop for session in sessions
append (cl-loop for room in (ement-session-rooms session)
when (or (not predicate)
(funcall predicate room))
collect (cons (ement--format-room room)
(list room session)))))
(names (mapcar #'car name-to-room-session))
@ -1384,6 +1386,83 @@ To be called after initial sync."
(when-let ((child-room (cl-find child-id rooms :key #'ement-room-id :test #'equal)))
(cl-pushnew parent-id (alist-get 'parents (ement-room-local child-room)) :test #'equal))))))))
(cl-defun ement-put-state (room type key data session
&key (then (lambda (response-data)
(ement-debug "State data put on room" response-data data room session))))
"Put state event of TYPE with KEY and DATA on ROOM on SESSION.
DATA should be an alist, which will become the JSON request
(declare (indent defun))
(pcase-let* ((endpoint (format "rooms/%s/state/%s/%s"
(url-hexify-string (ement-room-id room))
type key)))
(ement-api session endpoint :method 'put :data (json-encode data)
;; TODO: Handle error codes.
:then then)))
(defun ement-space-room (room space session &optional remove)
;; Naming things is hard, but this seems the best balance between concision, ambiguity,
;; and consistency. The docstring is always there. (Or there's the sci-fi angle:
;; "spacing" a room...)
If REMOVE (interactively, with prefix), remove the room from the
(pcase-let* ((`(,room ,session) (ement-complete-room))
(`(,space ,_session) (ement-complete-room :session session :prompt "Add to space: " :suggest nil
:predicate (lambda (room)
(equal "m.space" (ement-room-type room))))))
(list room space session current-prefix-arg)))
(pcase-let* (((cl-struct ement-room) space)
((cl-struct ement-room (id child-id)) room)
(routing-server (progn
(string-match (rx (1+ (not (any ":"))) ":" (group (1+ anything))) child-id)
(match-string 1 child-id)))
(data (unless remove
(ement-alist "via" (vector
;; FIXME: Finish and use the routing function.
;; (ement--room-routing room)
(ement-put-state space "m.space.child" child-id data session
:then (lambda (response-data)
;; It appears that the server doesn't send the new event in the next sync
;; (at least, not to the client that put the state), so we must simulate
;; receiving it.
(pcase-let* (((map event_id) response-data)
((cl-struct ement-session user) session)
((cl-struct ement-room (id child-id)) room)
(fake-event (make-ement-event :id event_id :type "m.space.child"
:sender user :state-key child-id
:content (json-read-from-string (json-encode data)))))
(push fake-event (ement-room-timeline space))
(run-hook-with-args 'ement-event-hook fake-event space session))))))
(defun ement--room-routing (room)
"Return a list of servers to route to ROOM through."
;; See <https://spec.matrix.org/v1.2/appendices/#routing>.
;; FIXME: Ensure highest power level user is at least level 50.
;; FIXME: Ignore servers blocked due to server ACLs.
;; FIXME: Ignore servers which are IP addresses.
(cl-labels ((most-powerful-user-in
(let (first-server-by-power-level)
(remq nil
;; 1.
(or (when-let ((user (most-powerful-user-in room)))
(setf first-server-by-power-level t)
(server-of user))
(car (servers-by-population-in room)))
;; 2.
(if first-server-by-power-level
(car (servers-by-population-in room))
(cl-second (servers-by-population-in room)))
;; 3.
(cl-third (servers-by-population-in room))))))))
;;;; Footer
(provide 'ement)